Preparing Your Business for a Crisis


Most business owners used to think threats are hypothetical until the pandemic happened. Preparing for a crisis may be the only reason your company survives during hard times. When making your disaster recovery plan, you have to identify potential risks and how you can manage them. Thankfully technology and a little planning can help you stay ahead of such threats. Here are ways you can prepare for a crisis.

Identify Potential Threats

Threat assessment is identifying potential issues that can disrupt your business operations. You have to work with your employees and clients directly. They are in a better position to identify risks associated with the workplace. When you have a more specific sense of potential risks, you will have an easier time making a crisis management plan. When you identify the risks, you have to determine the impact they may have on your business. Categorize the potential threats from more severe to less severe. The more severe threats should get more resources and effort in terms of threat management. You should also encourage feedback from workers and clients. It’s also a way to identify things that can damage your business brand.

Develop a Crisis Management Plan

Now that you know the potential risks, you need to determine actions that will be taken to prevent the crisis from happening. Think about the resources you will have to allocate and if you need a crisis management task force. You may even outsource crisis management services from experts to ensure your business is always prepared. You should also analyze your business’ state of readiness. Check if you have all the contacts for essential personnel. Such contacts should be displayed all around the office so the workers can call in case of a crisis. Ensure the emergency contacts are up to date. Have guidelines and a plan people can follow when the crisis happens. Without a solid plan, people will not know what to do in an emergency which may amplify a minor problem into something bigger. Ensure there is an accurate flow of information to all the employees. Communication is very critical in a crisis. Also, your company’s records will help you come up with a bulletproof plan. Revisit records of past crises and find how you can improve.

Create a Crisis Response Team

Every employee must understand their role during a crisis. You should identify and train a team of responders for when things go wrong. The crisis management team should have their responsibilities and roles clearly stated. The members can include security officials, human resources personnel, senior management, finance, and public relations. You may also include experts from outside the company, like lawyers. The size of your team depends on how big the business is and the magnitude of the crisis. The team will be your savior in an emergency; they give workers all the information they need and diffuse panic situations among them. Also, come up with a crisis playbook the response team can distribute to their teams. The playbook should contain all the potential threats you identify and the crisis management plan. You should also empower your team with the necessary resources.

Put Your Crisis Plan To The Test

Stage a couple of drills to see how well your plans work. Emergency simulations and drills will enhance the state of readiness. It also exposes flaws in your crisis plan and gives you a chance to rectify them. Regular rehearsals and drills will make your employees more familiar with the plan and their responsibilities. If there are response team leaders that are not acting according to their roles, that is your chance to replace them. Some crises are affected by external forces like cybersecurity. Technology keeps changing; drills give you a chance to keep up with the developing threats. It’s essential to revisit your crisis plans often to keep them up to date, especially when new technologies are introduced. You also need to make changes when new members join the team or when employees leave. Review and test your crisis plans at least once every year to ensure the content is still relevant. It’s not enough to make a plan and forget about it until when the crisis happens. You may realize the strategies are no longer applicable when it’s too late.


Some crises happen due to poor management; some are caused by workers, while others are just bad luck. But one common thing with all the threats is you can’t know when they will happen. The only thing you can do is prepare your business for the worst-case scenario.

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