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20 Ways To Find A Happy Middle Between Blind Trust And Micromanagement

Forbes Coaches Council

Finding a middle ground between blind trust and micromanagement is a challenge faced by countless executives and entrepreneurs. On one end of the spectrum, some leaders adopt a hands-off approach, placing faith in their team members to meet expectations without imposing significant oversight. This approach may cultivate a sense of autonomy, but it can also lead to complacency and missed growth opportunities.

On the other end, there are leaders who meticulously scrutinize every aspect of their employees’ work—often called micromanagers—and this can stifle creativity and erode trust. Here, 20 Forbes Coaches Council members explore strategies and insights to help leaders strike a balance between the two extremes, maximize team potential and create a harmonious work environment.

1. Step In To Offer Help Only On Complex Projects

Employees who get hands-on support perform better than those left to fend for themselves. However, too much involvement can be counterproductive. To strike the right balance, step in only when employees are working on complex projects. Make sure you clarify that your role is to offer help, not take over the project, and align the cadence of your involvement to employees’ preferences. - Mari Carmen Pizarro, Whole Leadership Systems, Inc

2. Prioritize Open Communication And Relationship Building

If leaders are concerned about their team’s commitment and productivity, then they should just ask them about it. By prioritizing open communication and relationship-building, you’re opening the door to new opportunities for engagement. Working on special projects together can also be a great tool, and it’s often the solution to the doubt you have about your team’s productivity. - Robin Pou, The Confident Leader

3. Learn To Be A ‘Macromanager’

Leaders need to be “macromanagers,” not micromanagers. Set the big picture and provide support without taking over responsibility for the “doing.” It’s about striking a balance between setting a clear direction for team members (clarifying what challenge needs to be met, expectations for a role and goals to achieve) and providing a support system to remove barriers and create a process to make the status of progress visible. - Katie Anderson, Katie Anderson Consulting

4. Use My ‘Guardrail’ Framework

I coach the leaders I work with to use my “guardrail” framework in which the leader clearly communicates the desired outcome(s) for the work and then allows the team to decide how best to get there. A key part of the framework is to create aligned milestones that the team and the leader agree to check in on with each other regularly to recalibrate, pivot, mentor and provide support as needed. - Sohee Jun, S.J. Consulting, LLC

5. Set Goals And Celebrate Excellent Execution

Effective leadership strikes a balance by fostering a culture of trust and empowerment while maintaining accountability through clear communication, goal setting and periodic progress checks. This allows for autonomy, encourages initiative and ensures alignment with expectations, promoting a productive middle ground. Celebrate their work with a reward when the execution is excellent. - Tiffaney Williams, The Wealth Concierge Inc.

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6. Clarify Expectations And Check In Regularly

As a leader, your job is to manage your team’s expectations, provide them with training, coach them where necessary and trust them to deliver agreed-upon outcomes. When trust is broken, micromanaging occurs. Many times, micromanagement can lead to the erosion of trust. Be clear on what you expect (providing examples where necessary) and agree on regular check-ins to avoid disappointment. - Kevin Kan, Break Out Consulting Asia

7. Ask Supportive Questions

The middle ground is found by building relationships that are based on honesty and cultivating the habit of checking in—not to judge, threaten or micromanage, but to ask: “How are you? How is it going? Do you need extra support?” Executives can ask themselves if they are approachable and compassionate and whether others feel safe enough to be honest and open and ask for extra support to meet expectations. - Silvia Vernaschi, The Mind Bliss Coaching

8. Work Through The ‘Delegation Dilemma’

Most leaders struggle with the “delegation dilemma,” and the level of detail needed varies by the outcomes and risk. That said, there are three main things leaders can do: First, define the outcome in as much detail as both parties need. Then, define the check-ins needed on both sides. Finally, provide support by asking questions, providing guidance and not taking over the work. - Kristy Busija, Next Conversation Coaching, LLC

9. Foster An Environment Of Trust And Autonomy

Effective leaders foster an environment of trust and autonomy. Strike a balance by empowering individuals, embracing vulnerability and cultivating a culture of trust. Encourage individuals to explore their talents, make mistakes and develop their problem-solving approaches. Model open communication, delegate tasks with clear expectations and provide constructive feedback. - Toliver Rinehart, Rinehart Company Inc

10. Ensure Team Members Believe They Can Deliver

I ask myself these questions: “Do my team members have clarity? Can they “paint done” (as Brené Brown would say)? Do they understand why “it” (the goal) is important (the value it adds)? And do they have enough belief that they can deliver what is expected—that achieving “it” is even possible?” This removes any wiggle room for underperformance and clarifies what is expected of whom. Then, agree on how you will review progress. - Ricky Muddimer, Thinking Focus

11. Follow The ‘Trust But Verify’ Principle

Striking a balance between blind trust and micromanaging can be challenging for leaders. Following the “trust but verify” principle helps to give a team the autonomy to do their work, but it also has mechanisms to verify that things are moving along as they should. With the right approach, leaders can create an environment where team members feel trusted and valued, increasing motivation and productivity. - Tinna Jackson, Jackson Consulting Group, LLC

12. Ask Team Members What Amount Of Support They Need

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is answering questions they have no business answering. Having a “hands-off’ management culture really works for some teams and organizations, but doesn’t for others. Asking team members what amount of support they need from you as their manager will go a long way toward finding the right approach for each project and organization. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. - Shamila Mhearban, The Leadership Growth Hub

13. Ask For A Regular Progress Report

Micromanaging leads to disengagement, as employees don’t feel trusted. Finding a middle ground means providing clarity on what’s expected and then making it clear that you, as a leader, will do everything you can to support and serve your team to achieve the very best outcome. It’s up to them, though, to reach out to you when they need help. All you will ask for is a regular progress report and to hear what kind of help they need. - Angela Sedran, The Business Growth Accelerator

14. Understand That Trust Goes Both Ways

Leadership is believing in people. That comes from a personal mastery of leading and modeling the way. The middle ground to anything is found by trusting in what you do and what others do. Trust goes both ways. Leaders are responsible for giving employees the safe space to trust them. When this exists, organizations thrive, productivity increases, turnover decreases and retention increases. - Alex Jones, National Leadership Association

15. Base Techniques On Team’s Motivation And Experience

A leader has to apply the right technique for the right team or employees. For instance, if the team is motivated but inexperienced, micromanagement in the form of training is necessary. If the team is not motivated, then micromanagement in terms of timekeeping and task allocation is necessary. Alternatively, if the team is skilled and motivated, the leader should not micromanage. - Karina Ochis, Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis

16. Perform A Relationship Audit

Performing a relationship audit is crucial. Strong relationships foster trust and enable effective collaboration. If relationships with team members are below average, it can hinder your awareness of their true capabilities, resulting in accountability gaps or micromanagement. Regularly assessing relationship strength is key to improving team results and overall performance. - Ana Reed, Newmanity

17. Create Customized Workflow Plans

Acknowledge the distinct needs of your direct reports. What seems like trust to one may be seen as neglect by another—and vice versa, micromanaging may be perceived as support. Engage in individual conversations to grasp team members’ specific support requirements and create customized workflow plans with clear communication guidelines. Cultivate a culture that values collaboration and personal growth. - Joanne Valli-Meredith, PhD, BeyondAdmissions, Inc.

18. Outline Goals, Timelines And Levels Of Authority

Effective leaders start with a conversation and walk away with an agreed-upon process to check in and figure out how the employee will know they are on track. Outline your goals and a timeline, discuss where their authority starts and stops and confirm understanding. Having this conversation up front allows you to provide your insights and preferences while instilling the trust the employee needs. - Kathleen Shanley, Statice

19. Manage By Walking Around

A leader must provide clear expectations, hold team members accountable for their actions or inactions and be accessible and visible. You manage—and lead—by walking around (MBWA). You must find yourself in the trenches. MBWA keeps you abreast of what’s happening, creates better relationships, improves communication and builds trust. - Dr. Sharon H. Porter, Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine and Media

20. Create A Shared Blueprint On How To Work Together

Engage team members as individuals with unique work styles. This approach builds rapport, encourages open communication and fosters trust. Collaborate to establish a shared understanding of expectations, reporting methods and the necessary support for successful delivery. This approach promotes accountability while allowing room for creativity. - Neshica Bheem, Coachfluence

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