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The Gita’s Path To Leadership: Timeless Insights For Today's Leaders

Forbes Coaches Council

Surinder Kullar, FCIPD, Transformation Coach, Creator of Inner Balance & The Phenomenal Woman.

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with a friend, a former managing partner from a prominent consulting firm who now works as a spiritual advisor. Our conversation ranged widely but included the myriad leadership lessons available today, particularly the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and its potential application to today's corporate landscape. We agreed that the wisdom from the Gita is universal and applicable to people from all walks of life, backgrounds and spiritual beliefs.

The 20 years I've spent in the corporate world within HR, experiencing firsthand leaders' day-to-day challenges, have not only honed my understanding of the intricacies of leadership but also instilled in me a profound sense of purpose. I felt inspired to share some insights about how wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita can serve as a beacon of guidance and foster leadership from the inside out.

8 Lessons From The Bhagavad Gita For Corporate Leaders

1. Being A Role Model

When leaders lead through their own inner balance, an organization and its employees flow in harmony and unity. The Gita highlights the importance of leading by example, "walking the walk" and earning respect and credibility through taking ownership of one’s role and demonstrating courage in times of challenge and upheaval.

2. Aligning Purpose And Profit

For CEOs and other leaders navigating the complexities of their businesses, the Gita provides guidance on aligning financial abundance (profit) with a higher purpose. The teachings state that when leaders unite and inspire employees around a shared purpose (vision, mission, values) and clearly defined roles, they create a seamless flow between making a profit and staying true to the organization's overarching goals.

3. Dharma In Decision-Making

Dharma signifies one’s intrinsic duty that aligns with the laws of nature that sustain life and serve evolution. Accordingly, leaders can define, and promote to their employees, the types of decisions that uphold right action and demonstrate behaviors founded upon such key values as fairness, justice, inclusion, integrity, authenticity and humility. In essence, dharma is about doing the right thing—making decisions that are based on values that serve the greater good.

4. Managing Conflicts And Ego

The Gita’s teachings encourage leaders to find balance and equanimity by developing emotional intelligence and reigning in desires, attachments, expectations and emotions through self-inquiry, contemplation and meditation practices. These, in turn, direct one toward higher levels of awareness and a shift in consciousness.

5. Servant Leadership

Selfless service is paramount in the Gita, providing a blueprint for leaders to take action for the greater good and advancement of society, unattached to outcomes and selfish motives. The Gita teaches leaders to be attuned to and guided by their inner wisdom, thereby remaining steadfast and unswayed by external factors and sensory distractions. Leaders who follow this path are deeply grounded in service and integrity, uplifting both the individual and the collective.

6. Mindfulness And Focus

By turning inward, leaders can become more present, conscious and clear about themselves and their environment, strengthening their ability to make plans and decisions. Turning away from the influence of the senses, leaders can establish greater self-awareness, leading to a more balanced mind and stability in action.

7. Adaptability To Change

The Gita fosters a paradigm shift, challenging our perceptions about what we normally see as reality—which, in truth, is impermanent and ever-changing—in contrast to our inner reality, which is eternal and changeless. It's important for leaders to learn to navigate and accept change and impermanence while remaining aligned with and anchored in the power of their inner being for greater peace and balance. This alignment will cultivate a sense of equilibrium and tranquility that is essential for steering organizations effectively through the ever-evolving corporate landscape.

8. Building Teamwork And Collaboration

The Gita explains that people are intrinsically connected through their inner essences; their dharma, or purpose; and their natural inclination to devote themselves to realizing who they truly are over different life experiences. With this understanding, leaders can galvanize their teams around a shared mission that not only resonates with each employee but inspires them to harness their collective potential, driving them to collaborate effectively and serve the broader organizational objectives.


I invite you to reflect on the wisdom gained through these insights and how these elements can be navigated in your business. I encourage you to embrace the potential impact of leading from the inside out.

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