Why Is Good Management Essential in the Workplace?

Management can make or break a workplace, as it is the most effective and organic way to raise productivity. Employees are usually more likely to have positive results under the right administration. There are many things that go hand-in-hand with good management.

Great managers are a way of ensuring that the work that takes place somewhere will be a smooth ride to success. We can all attest to great bosses helping us thrive in our positions, but what really is it about them that makes them great? How are these people making sure that their workers stay happy while also managing to capitalise on it?

Behind great management stand strategic thinkers. These are people that make strategic moves in a very humane way — they see their employees as actual people and learn to locate where their uniqueness and strengths lie.

A good manager will be able to understand and build goals around the dynamics of their workers and skillfully organise so that the road to reaching a certain goal is as neat as possible. If management fails to resort to problem-solving, strategic ways then they can lose great talent without noticing it at all.


Motivation can be crucial in, not only the overall performance of the employees but the tone and mood of the office as well. Often times, motivation and encouragement seem to find their way together, and encouragement can even serve as a motivator on its own. The combination of these two can boost morale at the workplace and take the productivity levels up with it.

Managers can motivate their team through incentives, proper appreciation, support, and rewards. The final goal is always to make the employee feel needed and appreciated because that leads to a satisfied team, which in turn helps the company reach its goals.

A good manager usually embodies some leadership skills and values, and leaders are expected to have a positive impact by using performance reviews and feedback. It is necessary for the employee to see where they fall short and where they shine, and consecutively be motivated by their manager to focus on their more developed abilities.

However well employee recognition might turn out, it needs to be done carefully. Managers that know their field well should be able to spot the weaknesses and strengths of the people they work with, and always bring inspiration on skill development to the table.

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However, they should always be careful to strategically and diplomatically approach problematic areas, so that they don’t end up discouraging the employee, rather motivating them to work on their shortcomings.

Communication & guidance

Communication is key — that can be applied to many aspects of life and especially when we speak of management in workplaces. If there is no effective communication happening during work hours, there is bound to be misunderstandings and problems.

And this does not only apply to the communication happening between managers and the people that are under their management. Managers should have good communication with other managers throughout the company, thus creating an interconnected web inside the organisation. As much as soft skills help in this area, the technical help of a business degree would be welcome too

Communication will serve as a bridge between different departments and positions, helping meetings go smoothly. This is where communication and people skills come in handy, because poorly written or orally presented ideas, will never quite reach what they intend to.

No employee is perfect, no matter how well-rounded they may be. So getting to know them can save time in the long-term. Think of it this way, if you know which of the employees does a better job at something and knowing what they can’t master will eventually serve the purpose of less time spent on things that cannot be fixed and more towards those that can.

Innovative ways

Innovative ways are almost an obvious factor in proper management. Besides playing in the field of productivity, innovations play a massive role in the overall company score in relation to other companies.

Competitiveness is always a significant factor in the market and finding new imaginative ways to increase the proficiency level in a work environment will always be beneficial to the company.

Apart from that, keeping things new and exciting will always help employees look at the job with a new pair of eyes. Routine can sometimes feel like a burden, and even small changes can add up to a happier and more active workplace.

Innovation is also super-important for companies developing products or services for people, as it is one of the most useful ways to get new customers and keep the old ones interested. Fresh ideas and innovative solutions will serve as a ladder for climbing up the competition rankings.

In essence, innovation in managers can result in creative responses to both internal and external changes, which would, in turn, make the work more efficient.

Solving problems

Problem-solving seems to be one of the most favoured soft skills of this century. That might be partially due to the fact that it tends to find use in many disciplines, and management is no exception when it comes to that.

Whether it’s a dispute between co-workers, an unforeseen issue arising, or any trouble that might find its way between the office walls, a manager should be able to put the fire out effectively and quickly. However, before getting to the solving point, they should first be able to identify it.

Problem-solving skills can help the manager to stop emerging issues and troubles before they reach their peak and before they make their way around the workplace. This can serve in avoiding panic and creating a sense of security.

These skills often don’t rely on the most obvious solution, and it is the manager’s duty to see through and beyond the problem. What this essentially means is, being able to form a solution that will work against any unexpected troubles after it. This could save the whole team from constantly facing stopping points.

Good management is essential

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Group goals

Group goals are a great way of letting the limelight fall on unity. While individual goals are just as vital to the company life, group goals can shift focus on the bigger picture, rather than what each individual task will accomplish.

The idea behind it is letting everyone in on what it is they’re trying to attain and get to the bottom of. To not let monotony take the best out of working space, it is wise to introduce the concept of transparency of the work going towards the target set. This can give everyone a clear idea of what’s going on and where they are in comparison to others.

Challenging goals are an excellent way to increase productivity because that will lead employees into putting in more work than an easy goal would. Ambitious goals can motivate workers to use or attain any needed knowledge to complete the task.

Consecutively, making significant progress in a short time can give them a sense of accomplishment which wouldn’t be so easy to achieve otherwise.

Employee empowerment

Under competent management, employees should always have a sense of empowerment coming from their manager. This is a vital part of the job as it enables workers to reach their full potential, by placing the spotlight on their strengths and ability to learn.

Empowerment can be gained through encouragement to follow educational opportunities and training for areas in which the employees find difficulty. This way, they can help themselves and serve the purpose of improving the company as a whole, too.

A good manager will also give employees power by listening to their ideas and suggestions carefully and taking them into account when making decisions. By providing openness to their opinions on the workplace, a manager helps his employees feel valued and seen. This leads to better solutions and more critical thinking from both sides.

Part of the empowerment procedure is stressing each employee’s uniqueness. This can help not only with the said employee feeling appreciated, but it also creates appreciation toward each other’s skills. Which in the workplace translates into better efficacy, since everyone does what they are naturally best at, and that saves much valuable time.

How bad management affects the workplace negatively

Bad management is often the main reason people quit their job. Many of us have heard horror stories about bosses before, and know first-hand the effects it can have on our performance and motivation to get things done.

It comes as no surprise that a bad manager would drive employees away, but why exactly?

Well, for one, if a manager fails to make his employees recognised, heard, and valued, it is more likely that they will feel bad during their time at the job. And, clearly, no one would prefer to spend their time in a place they associate with bad feelings. Some bad managers will even resort to instilling fear in their employees as a tactic, which creates toxicity in the office.

That being said, apart from the workers leaving their jobs, bad management could sink the companies productivity and success. Having no efficacy in an entire department could really hurt an organisation.

This happens as a result of the manager not communicating properly with the employees, which creates confusion about the tasks that need completion and a generally negative environment.

In Summary

The bottom line is a good manager is supposed to be well equipped with both soft and technical skills. And while technical skills can be obtained mostly through education, soft skills are something a person has to be willing to work on. A good manager should know how to put the best qualities of their workers to use and make them feel needed in the workplace.

From motivation to innovation — a manager who knows what they’re doing is supposed to know to implement these in their job so that the outcome is satisfying. This is frequently achieved by creating a transparent culture in which everyone feels free to discuss their ideas and communicate with their superior for work-related issues.

Whether you are a manager or have a manager, hopefully, this management analysis helped you!


About the Author

Arta Mekuli is a Content Writer, currently focused on writing about student experiences and facilities for the blog of University of the Potomac.


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