#HRetreat 2021 Speakers & Agenda Announced

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#HRetreat 2021 Speakers & Agenda Announced

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It’s almost here. The HRetreat is nearly upon us, and we have the agenda finalized and are ready to announce. The HRetreat is a virtual and in-person conference that I’ve hosted for a number of years. Obviously, this event like last year is staying virtual to keep everyone safe and protected. HRetreat’s purpose is to help you stretch as an HR leader while fill your cup up with community and inspiration going beyond a traditional tactical HR conference. We’re focused on real-time resources, HR practitioner voices, and conversations to help elevate your HR game today and in 12 months, 2 years, and beyond. It’s time to invest in ourselves because especially this year or so we have been focused on everyone else to support the business. It’s time to take a moment to reflect, rejuvenate, and grow.

This year’s HRetreat conference is two days, November 11th and 12th, 2021. Day 1 is focused on DEI including a special panel on diversity bias training. Day 2 is focused hybrid feedback and support metrics for senior HR leaders. I care about the industry and want to give back so the event is free to all. We offer HRCI and SHRM recertification credits to help support your certification efforts including HRCI’s business credits. HRetreat is November 11th and 12th from 10:00 AM-2 PM CST. You can register by visiting www.hretreat.com or you can click the button below.

Before we announce our agenda, I wanted to take an opportunity to thank our sponsors including Hibob, Upskill HR, UKG, Ace The HR Exam, and Cronofy. Please show them some love as they are helping support our efforts for speakers, books, and other resources for the event.


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Agenda is officially below. I’m so excited to have so many accomplished HR leaders, practitioners and innovators among our speakers list. The conversations planned and connections made from our event will last a lifetime. I started this community out of my own need for personal development in HR. I was looking for more, and I’m so honored and excited to have such a diverse and talent group of professionals who are as passionated and excited about having honest and meaningful conversations to help develop our friends, peers, current, and future workplace leaders.


Join us by registering at www.HRetreat.com or by clicking the registration button below. If you have questions about our event, feel free to reach out by chatting with us (bottom right hand side of any page on the website) or by emailing us at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you.


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