Apps You Can Use To Increase Recruitment Success


Apps You Can Use To Increase Recruitment Success

We all know how difficult finding a new job can be, but it would seem those on the other side of the interview table are feeling the pressure as well, especially those with limited resources at their disposal. Research done by App Specialists  Getapp has revealed that several recruiters are currently finding it difficult to hire the right candidates for their companies.

The research involved conducting a survey on top technology trends among small and midsize businesses (SMBs) and gives insight into where companies are struggling throughout the recruitment process. This article will analyze the results and discuss how your business can utilize new technology to make your processes more efficient and ultimately, more successful.

struggling to source high-quality candidates

90 percent of recruiters believe we’re now in a candidate-driven market, and because of this, small businesses don’t always have the resources and budget at their disposal to find the right talent.

Survey data further supports this, sixty-three percent of hiring managers say they can’t find suitable candidates who fit the job requirements. On top of this, fifty-four percent of employers say that a job offer was rejected within one to four weeks of the first interview, because the top candidates have the luxury of multiple opportunities to choose from.

To excel in what is now a competitive market, small businesses must utilize innovative hiring practices. If you’re looking to help your business push past competitors, then using the top-rated HR apps could be your answer.

These cutting-edge tools save time and money, whilst also furthering your recruitment capabilities. Businesses that are currently using AI in their recruitment are ahead of the game, saving 23 hours per hire, and reducing the cost by 75%. Included in the article below are the top five HR apps according to user reviews which you can use to help your business engage and attract the current tech-savvy talent pool.

applicant stack

Put simply, ApplicantStack is an applicant tracking system (ATS) that’s specifically designed for small businesses. It can help you post on multiple job boards at once, score candidates resumes and create pre-screening questionnaires.

Here’s the full list of what you can expect from ApplicantStack:

  • You can use customized templates to create job descriptions and application forms
  • Post your job openings on custom-built job boards, then share across social media
  • Filter and rank applicants based on their resumes and answers to your pre-screening questions
  • Personalize email templates to communicate with candidates and schedule interviews on a shared internal calendar
  • Track candidates’ applications and leave notes on their profile throughout the interview process

Dealing with hundreds of applications for different positions can be tricky for small businesses to keep track of. This tool will allow you to track each application and monitor the progress of the candidates.

The Rule Wizard feature included will help filter the candidates, considering the things you’re looking for in their resumes and the pre-screening questionnaires. As this would normally be done manually, this saves hiring manager’s time for other more pressing tasks. If you’re a small business struggling to monitor the volume of applications, this could be a real asset.

breezy hr

Breezy HR can also be used for applicant tracking, but offers other services such as interview scheduling, background checks, video interviews and candidate sourcing features. It includes a drag-and-drop pipeline management system that will help you customize the candidate pipeline throughout recruitment.

Here’s a full list of what you can expect from Breezy HR:

  • Use a browser extension to source candidates from sites like LinkedIn and AngelList, you can also post on multiple job boards
  • Use auto response emails to update candidates on interview times or application progress
  • Use prescreening video questions to help you find out more about the candidates
  • Track, measure and analyze applicant’s data so you only see qualified candidates
  • Using a drop-and-drag feature you can organize the candidate pipeline for each job opening

This is great for eliminating menial tasks throughout recruitment such as putting data into spreadsheets or carrying out early screening processes. If you find you’re struggling for time when searching for the ideal candidate, this is worth looking into.


JobDiva will improve your recruitment process by assisting with the handling of the candidate life cycle, from searching to hiring. It analyzes recruitment dynamics and uses business intelligence to manage candidates and your hiring requirements.

Here’s a full list of what you can expect from JobDiva:

  • Search for resumes from different job portals and filter them depending on skill, experience, location and pay
  • Track emails between candidates and recruiters, keeping you updated on the candidate’s hiring status using email and text messaging tools
  • Add a job post to your job portal and multiple job boards at once
  • Calculate the cost and profit of a new job requisition
  • Use the harvester tool to search for specific candidates in your resume database, using filters to find what you’re looking for
  • Get notified when jobs are opened and closed

If you’re struggling to manage your data and maintain contact with prospective clients and candidates, you can simplify it all by using the JobDiva app. This should improve your recruitment success because it will assist in sourcing the right talent for the position in which you’re hiring.


ZipRecruiter offers recruiters an efficient pre-screening process to reduce the hours spent looking over resumes and applications. It’s an AI tool that allows you to say exactly what you’re looking for, and it will filter through all the best candidates for your position.

Here’s a full list of what you can expect from ZipRecruiter:

  • You can set up an account where all hiring managers can review candidates with one login
  • Add notes to a candidate’s profile, helping your business keep track of multiple applications
  • Rank and leave tags on resumes so you can cope with a high volume of applications
  • Customize questions depending on applicant’s performance for your prescreening and interviews
  • Use templates to create requirements for niche roles

Utilizing this AI powered technology will improve the quality of your recruitment process by highlighting all the right candidates for the jobs you’re looking for. It also allows managers to monitor the progress of several different applications.

zoho recruit

Zoho Recruit automates all the time-consuming aspects of recruitment and will allow you to invest more of your time in top level candidates. It also allows the sharing of document folders containing candidate information allowing you to collaborate with clients and improve your hiring process.

Here’s a full list of what you can expect from Zoho Recruit:

  • Track where people are applying for your jobs and find out what the best sites to post on are
  • Populate resumes from various sources such as social media and store all the info in one place
  • Use it for scheduling, screening, interviews and to help with selection – all this can be done using the portal
  • Create categories for candidates depending on different demographics, making it easy to monitor each applicant

This automated service is designed to leave you more time for the important parts of recruiting and eliminates the simple, time consuming tasks. Using this will allow you to better allocate your time throughout the process, making it more efficient and successful.


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