To build a successful company, you must engage your employees. They should feel connected to the mission and goals of your organization, and they should also be motivated by those missions and goals.

The best way to do this is through employee engagement activities. Here are seven ways you can keep your staff motivated and engaged at work:

1. Know Your Employees’ Needs and Expectations

The first step to engaging your employees is to know what makes them happy, what makes them unhappy, and exactly how they want to be engaged.

  • What makes your employees happy? Do they like praise? Is there something that the company can do better? Are they interested in learning more about something new? Do they like making their schedule or prefer having set hours?
  • What doesn’t make your employees happy? Conversely, do certain things frustrate or stress them so much that it negatively or positively affects their workday? If so, take the time to address these issues immediately before it becomes an even bigger problem.
  • How do you want your staff members approached when there’s an issue, such as breaking a company rule or being late for an important meeting?

encourage workplace friendships

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2. Think About How the Psychology of the Workplace Works in Your Favor

The first thing to consider is how people tend to feel at work. As it was written in SweetStudy’s blog that people are more productive when they’re happy or have a sense of purpose at work when they’re not bored or disengaged. One way to create this environment is by creating a culture where employees feel like their opinions matter. You can do it through open communication and transparency around company decisions. It’s also important for your company to have clear goals and values, so everyone knows what success looks like daily. Otherwise, it’ll be hard for everyone to stay motivated and focused on achieving those goals together as part of something greater than themselves.

3. Make Work More Challenging

Challenge your employees to do better. Challenge them to learn new skills, take on more responsibility and take on more tasks.

One simple way to challenge your staff is by asking for their input on improving the organization’s processes or products. It will give them a sense of ownership in the company’s success and help boost morale. The other benefit: it also gives you a chance to hear from all employees what improvements are needed instead of restricting yourself to only hearing from those who speak up first.

4. Make Work More Meaningful

Employee engagement is challenging for many companies, but it doesn’t need to be. Many employees are dissatisfied with their jobs because they feel they are doing pointless work or aren’t contributing in any way. It can lead to low productivity, reduced creativity, and other issues that cost companies time and money. A simple way to improve employee engagement at your company is by ensuring your team members feel like their work is important and makes a difference for the company.

Make sure everyone has the tools necessary for success.

Another major factor in employee satisfaction is feeling supported by management and having access to all the necessary resources to perform well at their job. It includes everything from computers with updated software programs to pens for taking notes during meetings. The better you make employees feel, the happier they will be at work, translating into higher morale overall.

5. Make Work More Fun

Making work fun is a great way to make your employees more engaged and productive. It’s important that the activities you choose are related to their jobs, though. For example, if you’re an accountant and want to organize a game night for your team, there are several ways you can do this.

  • Hosting a “bring your own game” night where employees bring games from home that they enjoy playing with friends or family.
  • Organizing weekly trivia nights.
  • Holding regular tournaments for popular video games in-house.

6. Encourage Workplace Friendships

It’s no secret that workplace friendships can increase employee engagement and create a positive work environment. Employees who feel connected to their colleagues are more likely to be productive, loyal employees.

The best way to encourage workplace friendships is by creating an atmosphere that encourages employees to get involved in company events and social gatherings. If you’re not sure how your team will react, start small. Ask them if they’d be interested in participating in a group activity during lunch or after work. You can also set up an employee-suggested event calendar, so everyone knows what’s happening around the office.

7. Adapt to Your Employees’ Needs as You Grow

As your company grows, you’ll need to adapt your employee engagement program to match your organization’s new size and complexity. For example, if you’re just starting with a small team, it might make sense for everyone on staff to meet monthly to discuss their goals and best practices. As you expand into larger departments, however, it may be more efficient to hold weekly meetings that include only those employees who report directly to each other.

Your Company’s Success Mostly Depends on Engaged Employees

Employee engagement is an important part of making a company successful. It’s the key to motivating employees and making them feel like they’re part of something bigger than just themselves. The more engaged your staff are, the better your company will perform.

For that reason alone, it’s worth spending time and effort to ensure that employee engagement is always high.

It’s important to remember that your employees are people, not robots. They have their own needs and wants and will be happier if you meet them. It’s also important to remember that giving them tasks that challenge them intellectually and emotionally is the best way to keep them engaged. While this may seem like it goes against our instincts, it allows people an opportunity to feel more personally invested in their work. It also develops a sense of pride in their accomplishments.