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20 Workplace Trends That Are On Their Way Out

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Feb 15, 2024, 06:07pm EST

In the ever-evolving modern workplace, certain trends are gradually losing their prominence. Some fading trends, once hailed as benchmarks of progressive workplace culture, are being reconsidered due to changing priorities, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of employee needs and productivity.

From rigid schedules and traditional office-centric work models to boozy holiday parties, businesses are reevaluating practices that neither align with the demands of today’s workforce nor leverage the flexibility new technologies offer. Below, 20 Forbes Coaches Council members explore workplace trends they believe are on the decline and how organizations are adapting to foster more dynamic, inclusive and efficient work environments.

1. Judging Level Of Commitment By Start And Finish Times

Judging someone’s commitment to the company by how early they start and how late they finish is out. In part, this is because hybrid working makes this much less visible, but it is also because employers are beginning to appreciate that the number of hours worked doesn’t correlate with an employee’s contribution. - Tony Cooke, Bartlett Cooke Partners

2. Always Working In A Physical Office

Always working in the physical office is no longer necessary. Employee views have changed dramatically since Covid-19, and they are no longer willing to always work in the office. - Carol Sabia, SheerLine Associates

3. Lacking Empathy; Running Others Over

In: connecting to each other with empathy as humans. Out: leaders running John-Deere-tractor style over everyone in their way to cut a path to the top. Nobody wants to follow a jerk. - Sue Melone, Boldtrek, LLC

4. Not Valuing Being In Each Other’s Presence

Slowly, recognition is growing that there is a value to being in each other’s physical presence. While “meeting to have a meeting” should not be resurrected, neither should a videoconference replace the spontaneous meeting in the office with a colleague down the hall. We need each other. We learn from one another. The places in between have value. It’s time to honor those kinds of connections again. - Zachary Green

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5. The ‘Hustle Mentality’

One workplace trend that is on its way out is the “hustle mentality” that glorifies constant busyness and the expectation of employees working excessively long hours. This trend has been associated with a lack of balance, burnout and a detrimental impact on mental health. The hustle mentality can also stifle creativity and innovation. - Dani Watson, The Clique

6. Trying To Make The Workplace A Second Home

While having attractive spaces to unwind after work hours is appreciated, these areas should be outside the company. It’s a good idea to have a pleasant relaxation zone at work, but it’s unrealistic to assume employees will spend all their time there. - Edyta Kwiatkowska, Leadit, Hana Mana Instytut Szkoleniowo-Rozwojowy

7. Remote Flexibility

Remote flexibility is on the way out. Companies with office space will require people living within a reasonable distance to return at some level, even if it’s one day per week. Post-pandemic return to work has been a trial-and-error approach—there’s no playbook. Unused real estate is expensive. And while there is freedom and autonomy that remote work provides, there’s no substitute for personal connections. - Susan Sadler, Sadler Communications LLC

8. Men Wearing Ties

The man’s tie is on the way out—and not a moment too soon. This inane ornament is finally making its departure. Good riddance to a useless article of “clothing,” draped around the neck like an anaconda. A sharp suit with a crisp shirt, demonstrating organization, is our way forward. - Dr. John L. Evans, Jr., Evans&Evans Consulting

9. Giving Everyone The Same Treatment

Treating everyone the same is out. The idea of bringing “humans back to business” is helping leaders realize that there is not one cookie-cutter approach to solve all the “human” issues teams are facing. Most often, taking each employee’s story, role and situation into consideration before enforcing rules, regulations or policies is more beneficial to everyone involved. - Christie Garcia, Mindful Choice, LLC.

10. Incentivizing A Return To The Office

Providing generous incentives to coax employees back from remote work and into the office post-Covid appears to be fading. After trying enticements, many employers’ patience has run out, and the shift has been from carrot to stick. - Scott Singer, Insider Career Strategies

11. Using A ‘Feedback Sandwich’ Method

Let’s move the “feedback sandwich” method out of the workplace completely. Managers who give positive feedback, follow it up with corrective feedback, and then close with positive feedback are diluting and avoiding discussion of the highlighted need for growth and focus. Employees want to know how they are doing, and a courageous manager who provides direct observations for improving performance inspires development and builds trust. - Gina Lavery, Gina Lavery Inc.

12. Noncompete Agreements

Noncompete agreements that limit employees are being used less. The evolving work landscape, shaped by a massive skills shortage and global talent dynamics, has prompted legislative adjustments, often removing restrictions. This aligns with a societal shift toward fostering innovation and talent mobility. Despite this, there are exceptions, so consulting experts when there is uncertainty is a good idea. - Sheila Goldgrab, Goldgrab Leadership Coaching

13. Telling Employees What To Do

One leadership trend that has been on its way out for a while is the style of simply telling employees what to do or commanding them. An emotionally intelligent leader who is empathetic strives to be self-aware, manage relationships and understand their employees, and this is the style of today’s successful leaders. - Luke Feldmeier, Online Leadership Training - Career and Leadership Accelerator for Engineers

14. Hierarchical Decision-Making

A trend that seems to be on its way out in the workplace is the centralization of decision-making directly linked to an outdated hierarchical model. Autonomy among leaders is an increasingly valued aspect, as it strengthens their commitment to the organization, keeps them focused and motivates them to give their best. All of this contributes to better results. - Paula Vidal Castelli, Paula Vidal Castelli Intl., LLC

15. Tenure Being Indicative Of Competence Or Performance

The idea of tenure being an indicator of competence, performance or even good leadership is certainly a workplace trend that has one foot out the exit door. Organizations are realizing that age or years of experience in a domain, or even being an industry insider, means nothing if it’s not translated into action and results. Nothing can be a proxy for performance other than performance itself. - Vinesh Sukumaran, Vinesh Sukumaran Consulting

16. Limiting Feedback To Annual Reviews

A trend that is out is leaders who limit feedback to the annual performance review. Talent wants to know how they are doing throughout the year. Little or no feedback leaves their performance open to interpretation and assumptions, which may result in employee turnover. Leaders who make the time throughout the year to give ongoing feedback promote alignment and engagement with their teams. - Karen Tracy, Dr. Karen A Tracy, LLC

17. Always Aiming For Efficiency

Efficiency is past its prime. It rewards speed, less effort and lower costs at the expense of things that matter more in our post-pandemic world. Now, we’re more interested in understanding complexity and building stronger human connections, as well as more reliable supply chains, and acting more responsibly in other ways too. This often means pausing and pursuing multiple options. - Liz Guthridge, Connect Consulting Group

18. Providing Low-Value Perks

Low-value perks such as foosball tables, massages, snacks and other in-office gimmicks are no longer needed. Employees see through these tactics and aren’t very motivated by them. Instead, focusing on culture, meaningful work, fair compensation, learning opportunities and professional growth will lead to a happy and motivated workforce. - Krista Neher, Boot Camp Digital

19. Alcohol-Fueled Happy Hours And Holiday Parties

Alcohol-fueled happy hours and holiday parties as the default models of corporate mixers have seen their day. Covid and hybrid work have made evening events less appealing than socializing during office hours (especially for working parents). With fewer Zillenials drinking, and an emphasis on creating respectful work environments, companies are rethinking the old models for opportunities to mingle. - Jessica Fox, Clear Path Executive Coaching

20. Workplace Hierarchies

Workplace hierarchies are on the way out. Technology has flattened the “do as I say” way of managing people, as well as micromanaging. Along with this, people watch how “other” people are being treated and experience how they themselves are being treated. People want to be heard and feel like they matter, and they will demand to be listened to. - Dr. Joel Martin, Positively Powerful / Triad West Inc.

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