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5 Ways To Become An Influential Leader

Forbes Coaches Council

Kurline J. Altes, CEO of KURLINEJSPEAKS LLC The Whole Person Coach & Motivational Speaker.

The qualities that define an influential leader have undergone a significant transformation. Leadership is no longer just about issuing directives and making decisions. Instead, it's about empowering and inspiring others to achieve their full potential.

With years of experience as a case manager for unhoused families, I've had the privilege to incorporate a coaching approach into my service delivery. This experience has provided valuable insights into leadership and management. In this article, we'll delve into five ways to become an influential leader in today's workplace.

1. Embrace a strengths-based approach.

One of the foundations of influential workplace leadership is a strengths-based approach, which means focusing on what individuals and teams do well rather than dwelling on their weaknesses. By identifying and harnessing the strengths of your team, you create an environment that encourages growth and fosters a culture of empowerment.

As a life coach, I have seen firsthand how a strengths-based approach can transform the lives of individuals. My clients and I work together to discover their unique talents and capacities instead of focusing on solving their issues. This gives professionals more self-worth and motivates them to strive toward independence and self-determination. By using this tactic as a leader, you will inspire your team to become more resilient.

2. Foster client-driven solutions.

To lead effectively, one must have a client-driven approach. Respecting the client’s autonomy and involving them in the decision-making process is necessary for this. A leader needs to support and uplift instead of forcing. Long-lasting change requires a sense of ownership, which arises when clients are involved in creating their solutions.

Personally, I've found that empowering people to actively participate in goal setting has a profound impact. It not only increases their commitment to the process but also ensures that the solutions are tailored to their unique circumstances. As a leader, applying this approach can lead to more effective project management and more substantial outcomes for clients and your team.

3. Embrace a person-centered approach.

A person-centered approach is at the heart of influential business leadership. It requires recognizing that each individual is unique and has specific needs, preferences and goals. By treating each person as an individual, you create an atmosphere of trust and respect, which is essential for effective service delivery.

Case management taught me the importance of genuinely listening to the individuals I served. Understanding their backgrounds, aspirations and challenges was critical in order to deliver services that met their needs. This approach not only led to better outcomes but also built solid and lasting relationships.

As a leader, encouraging a person-centered approach can inspire your team to adopt a more compassionate and holistic view.

4. Cultivate strong communication skills.

Influential leaders in the workplace possess exceptional communication skills. Effective communication is the bridge that connects your team, clients and other stakeholders. This doesn't just mean speaking; it encompasses active listening, empathy and clarity in conveying information.

As someone who has worked closely with young professionals, I've learned that clear and empathetic communication is vital in building trust. It allows clients to feel heard and understood, paving the way for more productive interactions.

As a leader, you can set the tone for your team by demonstrating effective communication. Encourage open dialogue, active listening and the use of plain language to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

5. Lead by example.

Leading by example is a fundamental principle of influential leadership. Your actions and behaviors serve as a model for your team. It's about living the values you espouse.

When leaders embody the qualities they expect from their team, it creates a culture of integrity and accountability. And when clients see leaders actively participating in the process and applying their case management principles, they are more likely to engage fully and trust in the process. As a leader, your actions speak louder than words, setting the standard for your team.


Influential leadership is about much more than managing tasks and people; it's about inspiring and empowering those you serve and lead. By embracing a strength-based approach, fostering client-driven solutions, adopting a person-centered mindset, cultivating strong communication skills and leading by example, you can become a beacon of change.

These practices not only enhance the quality of service delivery but also create a positive and lasting impact on both clients and your team. As you embark on your leadership journey, remember that these principles can help you make a real difference in the lives of those you serve.

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