Deloitte Is Using A.I. to Reduce Layoffs. You Can Too

Can A.I. help you reallocate your employees in order to avoid a layoff? Deloitte thinks so: The consulting giant recently announced that it is looking into using A.I. technology to move employees around so that the company can properly utilize existing staff and hopefully avoid layoffs.

This may sound like a cutting-edge, high-tech solution — and using A.I. technology to do so definitely is certainly new. But reallocating your workforce is standard practice in a reduction. (People tried to popularize the term “quiet cutting” to describe this process, but it didn’t really catch on.)

But while Deloitte has the money — with a market cap of $4.87 billion — to create custom A.I. tools to do what they need to do, your business probably needs to use existing tools.

To keep reading, click here: Deloitte Is Using A.I. to Reduce Layoffs. You Can Too

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