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Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence for HR

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Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence for HR

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artificial intelligence HR ai human resources

Table of Contents

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The subject of artificial intelligence is a hot one in human resources and recruiting circles and increasingly I’m getting phone calls and messages asking for a list of resources for AI for HR. AI is a hot topic not just in human resources. A recent Zoom survey found that 73% of respondents said they expect AI to have a positive impact on meetings, and 67% claimed the same for augmented reality (AR).

According to Berin’s 2017 Human Capital Trends Report, 38% of companies believe AI and robotics will be fully implemented in their company within 5 years and even more, recent research shows that AI adoption is moving at a pace much quicker than many of us even realize.

List of HR and Recruiting Artificial Intelligence Resources

If you are looking to brush up on the topic of artificial intelligence in recruitment and human capital, I’ve put together a list of recommended resources including an assortment of books, podcasts, articles, and other resources to help you become well-versed in the subject quickly and thoroughly. Over the last several months, I’ve written a number of articles and white papers for clients on how HR leaders can prepare for how AI is changing our workplace landscape. These resources below have been my favorite go to sources for myself and my friends.

  • Using AI 4 HR Class – A 5-week class facilitated by Future Workplace that begins Feb. 18th. This online course is designed for HR and recruiting leaders. Use Coupon Code ‘WORKOLOGY’ to save $100 when registering.

Aside from doing several podcast episodes on the subject and fielding questions from colleagues and friends, the topic of AI is weighing heavily on my mind because it not only will change the way I work but how future generations including my 10-year-old daughter will be working. In fact, I’m planning on attending several sessions again at SXSW on the topic of artificial intelligence and related topics including universal basic income which is where many including Peter Weddle think we are heading.

What do you want to know about artificial intelligence in human resource and recruiting? Leave a comment below or send me a message and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction.

FTC Disclosure: We receive compensation for mentioning several products listed above. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we use personally and believe will be good for our readers. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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  1. I love the idea of using AI to handle HR reporting. I noticed that my work is now using Spot who’s AI reporting tool makes it safer for employees to speak up and easier for HR to follow up, even on anonymous reports. Taking the embarrassment out of reporting goes a long way. I am looking forward to this new change.

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