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Coaching Isn't Just Asking Questions

Forbes Coaches Council
Carylynn Larson
Updated Nov 21, 2018, 08:00am EST


There’s a pervasive myth out there about coaching. Even though we teach that coaching calls on a broad set of skills, people boil it down to just one thing: asking powerful questions. By extension, leaders who buy into this myth come to believe that when they are coaching, they can’t share their thoughts. This narrow definition becomes quite the stumbling block for leaders who are learning to coach their people.

In an effort to avoid outright sharing, beginner leader-coaches often become adept at cloaking their thoughts and insights as questions (e.g., "Have you considered...?" "What if you...?"). But coaching isn’t just questions. As more and more leaders seek to strengthen their coaching skills, it’s essential to expand our concept of coaching.

What Is Coaching?

The International Coach Federation speaks to 11 core competencies of coaching, many of which are equally applicable to leaders who are seeking to coach their people. In addition to “powerful questioning,” leader-coaches must learn to listen actively, communicate directly, create awareness, design actions, pursue goals, and create accountability. All of these are accomplished through conversation — through acts of speech, including but not limited to asking questions.

If you step back and observe great coaching conversations, you’ll begin to notice that leader-coaches make two basic “moves” in the conversation: (1) they ask good questions (to invoke insights, clarify, and explore), and (2) they share observations, including feedback, insights, ideas and ways forward. Simply put, sharing observations is the yin to the yang of coaching questions. But nuance matters: Just as coaches must learn to ask questions in an open, non-leading way, they must also learn to share open-ended observations.

Sharing Observations

The same characteristics that make a question open-ended also make an observation open-ended. To say something in an open-ended way is to say it such that the receiver must reflect on his or her thoughts, feelings and intuition to generate a meaningful, cohesive response. When sharing open-ended observations (as with asking open-ended questions), the person you’re coaching is invited to think expansively. In other words, open-ended observations result in the exploration of different perspectives.

Three Ways To Share Open-Ended Observations

1. Offer versus dump. It often helps to think of your observation as an offer, which implies that you are quite willing for your offer to be declined. This approach places ownership on the person you’re coaching to accept or decline the observation. Here are a few ways that you can frame your observations as an offer:

• "Do you want to hear my perspective on the situation?"

• "I have an observation that I’d like to share, if you’re open to it."

• "Would it help for me to share a bit of what I’ve noticed when working with that team?"

Notice that in all the examples above, the offer is made authentic by inserting a strategic pause after you make the offer, to see how the person responds. If the response is negative (by word, tone or body language), let your observation go for now. It will have far greater impact when the person is ready to hear it.

2. Distinguish fact from assessment. When sharing observations, it’s essential to call out whether you are sharing verifiable facts (which anyone on the planet would see the same way) versus sharing your (or someone else’s) interpretation. Note that because of how swiftly our brains interpret our experiences, most of our observations are interpretations. When coaching, both facts and interpretations can be quite helpful to share. However, when sharing your interpretation, it’s important to keep the door open to others’ interpretations. By calling an interpretation your own, you open the door for others to hold different interpretations, and suddenly a conversation about different ways of viewing the same event becomes possible.

A Fact Interpretations Expressed As Facts   Interpretations Expressed As Interpretations
Three people arrived at the meeting 10 to 15 minutes after it started.

• This meeting isn’t a priority for them.

• People here don’t respect others’ time.

• This is a very inconvenient time to meet.

• This makes me think that this meeting isn’t a priority for them.

• This makes me think that people don’t respect others’ time.

• The fact that the same three people are typically late makes me wonder if there’s a more convenient time for us to meet.

In the example above, notice how interpretations that are explicitly expressed as interpretations create room for others to express their own (even differing) assessments of the situation.

3. Give context. When the observation that you have to share is one that may be hard to hear (e.g., constructive feedback), it can help to provide context. For example, stating why you feel it’s important to share your observation can help to communicate that your intention is good, even if you are concerned that the message itself will come across as hurtful.

Situation   Context Statement   Observation To Share
Joe has been seeking a promotion for the past two years. While Joe is doing well at his current level, his leadership is concerned that he doesn’t have the skills to be successful at the next level. "Joe, I know that you’re excited about moving to the next level in the company. I care about you deeply, and I want to see you be successful. I don’t quite know how to say this, but I don’t want my discomfort to get in the way of your career." "I’m concerned that you’ve been relying too heavily on your expertise to lead your team. At the next level, you’ll have to lead people who know more than you in their own respective areas of expertise."

Combining Observations With Questions

As the yin-yang analogy implies, observations and questions go hand in hand. Questions often generate observations, and observations often generate questions. Look back at the various examples of observations provided above. For each observation, there are plentiful open-ended questions that would naturally follow.

The next time you’re coaching and have a burning desire to give a suggestion, see if framing your suggestion as an observation works better than masking it as a question.

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