7 Ways to Make your Business Card Stand Out

Networking is an important part of a business, and inevitably one of the first questions you will be asked when you meet someone new is “Do you have a business card”?  Of course, the worse thing to happen would be for you to say no and look unprepared, but second to that would be not having a card that’s memorable that could lead to business from your new contact at a later date. If you’re at an HR event or in a business context where you could connect to future prospects or get recommendations, a business card is a must-have. Not to mention that in some companies, it’s actually the HR department that works with the Marketing people to create business cards.

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We have put together a handy guide as to how you can ensure you have a personalized business card that can stand out in the crowd.

Include Social Media Info

There is no doubt that social media has taken the world of digital by storm of late, and it’s important for you to give off the image that you are a part of a forward-thinking company that takes these things into account. Your business card gives you the ideal chance to direct new connections to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts etc and to generate a better social media following. It also gives them the chance to see what you guys are like as a business, and any positive reviews you have featured on there.  If you are going to do this, it’s essential that your social media channels are updated on a regular basis.

They Don’t Need Every Piece of Contact Info Imaginable

How much information is too much information when it comes to contact details? Although you might be tempted to include all of your contact info such as mobile phone, landline, company address, fax number, email address as well as all of your social channels – this can be a lot of information to process at the one time – so be selective in your approach.  Ask yourself where you would like these people to engage with you. Where are they more likely to get a sense of you and your company? Cherry pick the best methods of contact rather than putting them all on because you can.

Don’t Include your Homepage

This would probably cause divided opinion, but there is a reasoning behind it.  The homepage of your website isn’t necessarily the best place to start a conversation if they already have your contact details.  You might be better off if it’s a new contact directing them to something more dynamic. This could be a dedicated landing page for recruitment, a blog that you regularly update, a YouTube channel which you update with webinars etc – or something like a free download.

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Be Visual

Logos are important for many reasons and will be one of the very first things (if not the first) thing people will look at when they receive your business card.  A logo is a great thing to include on a card, can be a bit boring if it’s the only image that is there. Make sure you include images that spark some conversation.  An upcoming trend is to showcase some of your products or case studies what you have done for some uniqueness. It is also like a mini pocket reminder of your case studies.

Be Provocative

Some of the best business cards inspire curiosity. Why not ask them a question to seek their engagement?  There are lots of ways in which to do this. You can ask them a question relating to the product or service you are promoting – such as: “How Many Conversions has your Website received this Month” – or you can show your personality off a bit more and try something fun.

Define a Purpose for your Card

Your business card should serve a purpose. Either brand awareness, sales or recruitment. Some business cards are designed as mini catalogs or brochures. There are even business cards that act as notebooks – which will mean that the receiver is more likely to keep it handy and think of you when using it.

Include a Call to Action

A business card isn’t just something that you can use to provide information – it can be made a call to action.  Don’t worry about asking the user to do something. It could be that you want to direct them somewhere where they can access a downloadable guide.  It could be that you have a seasonal offer that you want to promote, and you can send them there with an exclusive discount code. Be creative when it comes to your call to action and get the connection to do what you really want them to.  

Hopefully, you will now have some ideas as to how you can use your business card to stand out, and use it as a powerful marketing tool.  

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Image via Pexels.com