Four powerful ways to maximizing productivity through planning are simple but effective habits, and the tried-and-true planners that require us to reflect and write it down.

Demand for project managers and coaches of all manner of goals is at an all-time high. This is because of acute, expert planning yields efficient operations, which ultimately parlays into greatest project success. Success is the measure of productivity and vice versa.

Planning reduces waste by creating the best use of resources and that saves time, material, money while maximizing productivity. Project management and goal achievement requires the tools of the trade. In the era of all things electronic, ironically, unplugging may be the key to maximizing productivity. Simple, introspective practices are among the best planners for productivity .

Here are four simple habits to produce big results


Keep a diary. Thoughtfulness is key to planning, and thus productivity. After all, you have to think about what you want to accomplish before you set out to do it. Reflection is critical to identifying what elements are working towards productivity and what impedes it. These elements may be technical or personal. Project and personal introspection through journaling anchors focus, resolve and isolates project efficiency. What is more, the process of writing invokes creativity, and creativity is productivity.


Keep a calendar. This practice re-commits the planner to the project for maximum productivity. Daily planning the next steps of a project formulates a game plan for the day; sketching out tasks for a week or a month, or even year, becomes a business plan. Brainstorming a list of tasks and when they should be accomplished, allows the planner to prioritize energies so every effort is result-oriented. Seeing what needs to be done in black and white, allows the planner to arrange tasks for maximum productivity. A golden rule for time management is to do the most difficult or least favorable task first. Relieving the To-Do list of the most burdensome tasks first allows performance to sprint through the rest of the punch list.


Fitness guru Tony Horton’s biggest tip for seeing results besides showing up and doing the work, is to “write it down.” Working towards results in the most efficient way is the key to productivity. Keeping a record of what has been done also allows the planner to review how it has been done. The planner now has a diary and a tangible record that allows for review. It allows the planner to see progress which affirms the project is headed in the right direction, and re-route where necessary.

Goal Setting

Production begets production. Setting small, accomplishable goals within larger ones, can be the lifeblood of a project. It generates commitment and enthusiasm. It allows the planner to measure productivity and motivates team players, even if it is a team of one, to move forward. Goal setting does require daily review and re-evaluation of a project. It allows for review of form and method so that the planner can improve. More than just showing up for a project and attending to it, goal setting invokes over-all project attention. It connects the planner to a project in a way that gets the most from effort.
