9th July 2023

Are you getting all the juice out of your recruitment agency data?

Recruitment Data

Extracting maximum value from RecTech investment

Anyone that enjoys a glass of freshly squeezed OJ will understand the value of a good orange juicer. It effortlessly extracts the precious citrus fluid, maximising the amount of nutritious juice each orange yields.

This is a little bit like how a well-designed data analytics tool works in extracting valuable business intelligence from the discrete datasets that are generated by different business applications, such as the RecTech software that generates recruitment agency data.

Big Data is a key strand of data science and, for well over a decade now, such solutions have been helping enterprise-scale organisations maximise the ROI from vast amounts of data they hold.

Partly due to mandatory retention periods for business data, many have invested vast amounts in data archiving. Many have also subscribed to the idea that there is value tied up in the actual data in the shape of insights and patterns that can drive informed decision-making and unlock new opportunities. Big Data solutions help many to achieve this.

However, few recruitment businesses are vast enterprises, and the cost of Big Data solutions can be cost-prohibitive for more modestly sized companies.

That’s where Caspian from ETZ comes in. Caspian is an affordable data analytics tool that is designed to help an agency extract recruitment business intelligence from the multiple apps in use across its day-to-day operations.

Squeezing recruitment agency data with Caspian

Here are some important advantages that Caspian provides for agencies that want to maximise recruitment BI. Central to this is how it takes unrelated datasets from different software apps and brings them together. Consolidating datasets within Caspian lets agencies create a more unified view of their operations and is the gateway to improved recruitment business intelligence through:

Get more value out of your recruitment agency data with ETZ

Caspian lets recruiters harness the power of data from different software apps. Through extracting valuable business intelligence from recruitment agency data, it sharpens an agency’s competitive edge.

Caspian is one of ETZ’s complementary solutions to our leading timesheet and invoicing solution. Using it alongside ETZ Comply for onboarding and document management, gives agencies further capability to streamline and uncover opportunities. To find out more call us on 0800 311 2266 or book a demo.

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