When speaking with a talent acquisition leader recently, he mentioned that some of the challenges his team is facing have been the same ones that he’s faced at other organizations for over a decade.

While that may be true, there are also many companies that are overcoming obstacles and creating hiring outcomes that are positive and repeatable. If your organization wants those kinds of outcomes, then you need to join me and Mike Kaupe from HiBob for a webinar next week on this topic.

A Preview of the Research Findings

In an era where onboarding has risen to become the number one talent acquisition priority, this webcast promises to arm you with data-driven strategies and solutions to overhaul your hiring processes. Shockingly, only 15% of companies report having a highly personalized, engaging, and compliant transition from candidate to onboarding—meaning a vast majority are potentially losing top talent due to inefficiencies right from the starting line.

Moreover, the frustration is palpable among job seekers, with 7 in 10 stating that they regularly encounter aggravations during the hiring process. This webinar will explore the root causes of these frustrations and offer actionable advice on how to streamline your recruitment for better candidate engagement (hint: transparency, open communications, and closed feedback loops can save the day!)

Register here for the live session or the replay if you can’t join live.

But that’s not all—more than half of employers admit to struggling with managing their hiring data as it sprawls across multiple systems. During the session, we’ll delve into how integrated platforms can not only simplify data management but also align your recruitment efforts with broader business objectives, significantly improving hiring accuracy.

Join us as we dive into these topics, including how to avoid common hiring traps and ensure your recruitment practices are up to the challenges of today’s dynamic talent landscape. This session is an invaluable opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of talent acquisition in the coming year and beyond.