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Job Market Outlook in 2022 and Beyond

Date Published: December 08, 2021 | Last Updated: September 15, 2023 | By Jeramy Gordon

Trends to watch for in the coming year

The COVID pandemic left permanent marks on the world, many of which we’re only beginning to see and understand. As infection rates slowly begin to come down, life is starting up again, but in many ways, it’s far from “normal.” Kids are struggling to get back into the swing of keeping up with the daily requirements of in-person school. Adults are rethinking work from all angles, including what they want to do and where they want to do it. And we’re all thinking twice about heading out the door when we’re sick, something most of us regularly did before.

The world is undeniably different today than it was two years ago. But change is ultimately good, albeit a bit uncomfortable at the beginning. On balance, the news is positive. The job market is, by any definition, booming. Consumers have been saving for over a year and are now ready to spend, and this pent-up demand is great for business. For folks ready to start a new career, circumstances are ripe for success. And, while filling open positions is a trial for employers at the moment, this challenge has a definite silver lining, as the available talent is ready and willing to work.

The following job market trends emerged in 2021 and are expected to continue in 2022:

  • Flexible work models. The workforce moved remote quickly following shutdowns in 2020 and caused employers to reevaluate their perspective on where their employees need to be.
  • Centralized recruiting. Hiring remote workers that employers may never meet in person created a need for consistent recruiting, hiring, and onboarding processes to ensure solid, safe hires.
  • Slow reentry. Employees are taking time to consider what jobs they want and how and where they want to do them.
  • High demand for service. The service industry is growing by leaps and bounds as the baby boomer population retires and people of all ages reimagine the services they want.

Understanding movements in the labor market will help you stay competitive. Let’s take a closer look at each of these trends and the role Accurate can play in navigating them.

Flexible Work Models

In March of 2019, everyone stayed home. In a matter of weeks, people were “Zooming” to work from their kitchens, dens, or home offices. What had seemed unlikely and unfeasible surprisingly turned out to be quite workable. Many employers discovered their employees were just as effective and efficient, if not more so, than they had been at the office. The result was a total transformation of where people work, a revolution that seems to be permanent. Many positions are now fully remote, while others are a hybrid model that allows employees flexibility in where they work.

It’s natural to assume the trend towards remote work exists for jobs that are by nature noncollaborative, but this is not the case. Advancements in remote communication platforms and project management software allow employees to cooperate on projects seamlessly regardless of location.

Flexible work models are a win for both sides. Employees save on commuting costs, relocation costs, childcare, food, clothing, and many other job-related expenses. Remote work also saves money for employers as it significantly cuts back on costs associated with office space. In addition, employers benefit from the diversity a remote workforce brings. By hiring remote workers, businesses can welcome a diversity of perspectives and experiences that is simply not possible with a purely local workforce.

Centralized Recruiting

This shift towards flexible work arrangements brings with it a greater emphasis on pre-employment background checks and continuous monitoring. Accurate’s range of employee screening services helps employers feel confident in their hires even when onboarding candidates they’ve never met in person. Remote workers have full access to company data and resources, the protection of which requires due diligence with all onboarding practices. With our background screening tools, you can verify the following for any applicant:

  • Identity
  • Education
  • Professional credentials
  • Clean criminal history as relevant to the position at hand

In addition, our technology solutions help HR teams centralize and simplify their systems. Our advanced ATS integrations make incorporating background check requests, compliance tools, and adjudications seamless. They also make it possible to eliminate unconscious bias in hiring decisions and to achieve a level of unprecedented consistency across your organization at every level.

While your workforce might be trending towards decentralization, your hiring practices can become decidedly centralized, seamless, and consistent.

Slow Reentry

Companies of every size are reckoning with the imperative to attract good talent. It’s a worker’s market; the supply of jobs far exceeds the demand. Because candidates can afford to be choosey, employers need to work hard to attract and retain quality employees by differentiating themselves from the competition. One way to stand out is to establish an enticing company culture; part of that culture is good people. Accurate provides clients with the tools they need to hire people who are who they say they are and who have the right qualifications to do their jobs well. We also make the onboarding process smooth. Every interaction applicants have with your company is smooth when you partner with Accurate. We’ll help you eliminate redundancies and streamline the process so applicants can move through the paperwork and background check effortlessly. We’re also fast; you can’t afford to lose great talent because the background check was slow or inefficient. On all fronts, Accurate helps you make a positive first impression.

High Demand for Services

The demand for healthcare and other related services is trending up. According to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report released in September 2021, “healthcare support occupations are projected for the fastest employment growth among all occupational groups. Healthcare occupations and those associated with healthcare (including mental health) account for 7 of the 30 fastest-growing occupations from 2020 to 2030. Demand for healthcare services, from both aging baby boomers and from people who have chronic conditions, will drive the projected employment growth.” If you’re in the business of healthcare, you’ve got to be thinking about ways to bring in the employees you need to grow. Background checks are essential for anyone working in healthcare-related jobs. With the help of Accurate, you’ll be able to move candidates quickly and efficiently through the screening process so you can build a strong, capable, compliant workforce.

The Future is Here

Whether you’re building a healthcare team, increasing the diversity of your workforce, evolving to a more remote model, or simply trying to attract the best talent to your team, Accurate’s exceptional screening services are here to ensure all your needs are met and exceeded. For over two decades, we’ve been improving the connections between companies and candidates. We’re here to help you meet the latest trends head-on. Call today to put us to work for you.