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Gather and Store Unique Information About Employees with Custom Fields

Gather and Store Unique Information About Employees with Custom Fields

From filling out compliance forms, meeting their new colleagues, getting up to speed on training to be successful in their new role, to gathering employee information, HR teams and hiring managers have a lot to accomplish during each employee’s onboarding experience. And even after a new hire has been onboarded, it's crucial to maintain employee data throughout the employee lifecycle.

Many employers moved their HR data gathering processes online, storing it all in one digital hub for easy access and reporting. BerniePortal’s Custom Fields Library takes collecting data one step further by allowing organizations to customize and gather unique information about each employee as they welcome them to the team, and long after that. Here’s how to get started.


What Is the Custom Fields Library?

The “Custom Fields Library” allows your organization to create a unique library of questions and data points to gather unique information about each employee during the onboarding process—or later in an employee’s lifecycle. Employers are able to expand their onboarding and data management capabilities with the ability to include Custom Fields on onboarding documents, and in employee profiles for quick access to employee information.



Custom fields help organizations expand their onboarding capabilities with the ability to map custom documents and a robust reporting feature to pull reports on the custom fields you create.


Signature Language Library

The “Signature Language Library” allows your organization to create a library of custom signatures and associated signature language, which can be added to onboarding documents, ensuring consistency and compliance. 



Not sure where to get started with the Custom Fields Library? The custom fields your organization creates can vary depending on the information you would like to keep on file for each employee. Here are a few examples of custom fields your organization may want to utilize:


Personal Employee Information

  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Any food or medical allergies to be aware of
  • Company t-shirt size 

Work Questions:

  • Specify timezone the employee will be working from
  • Tracking serial numbers for employee equipment (company cell phones, computers)
  • Possession of a company credit card
  • What facility they will be working from
  • Training information such as certifications and licenses, including their expiration dates for reference

Additionally, a text can be added when setting up a custom field for your organization to give further insight on what information you’re looking to gather.


Employee Profile

Under profile page settings, admins have the ability to customize what is shown in an employee’s profile in BerniePortal by creating custom profile sections, and customizing what custom fields should be included in each section.



An employee’s profile can be accessed any time by clicking on their name under the “employees” tab in BerniePortal. Updates and edits can be made to an employee’s information in real time and is available for custom reports through BerniePortal’s reporting feature.

BerniePortal Tip: If your organization requires employees to obtain licenses—such as an insurance license—you can create a custom field to store and update that information on their profile. Add the expiration date as a custom field input, allowing your organization to pull reports and ensure no licenses have expired.



Data Collecting Made Easy

While onboarding a new hire is nothing short of exciting, it can feel daunting for HR teams to make sure they are remaining compliant and gathering all the information necessary about each employee as they join. Additionally, it requires a lot of time to ensure data is staying up to date long after their first day.

BerniePortal’s Custom Fields tool allows organizations to spend less time collecting employee information and more time building relationships with new hires. With a customizable reporting feature, HR teams can rest easy knowing accurate data and custom reports are at their fingertips in BerniePortal.


Additional Resources

You can stay informed, educated, and up-to-date with important HR topics using BerniePortal’s comprehensive resources:

  • BerniePortal Blog—a one-stop-shop for HR industry news
  • HR Glossary—featuring the most common HR terms, acronyms, and compliance
  • HR Guides—essential pillars, covering an extensive list of comprehensive HR topics
  • BernieU—free online HR courses, approved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credit
  • HR Party of One—our popular YouTube series and podcast, covering emerging HR trends and enduring HR topics


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