Leadership resilience with Jan and Michelle Terkelsen

By Bev Attfield

3 min read

Leadership resilience with Jan and Michelle Terkelsen

Leaders, I feel for you. It’s been a rough year. 

Ordinarily, there’s a ton of pressure on you to build teams, deliver on projects, and keep your people engaged. Now you have to do all that while dealing with the fallout of a global pandemic.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom. According to leadership coaches, Jan and Michelle Terkelsen, there’s a lot to embrace and relish in our changed work world if we know how to be resilient.

It starts with understanding who you are as a leader, and being responsible for self-growth and awareness. If you work on yourself and then pay attention to what your team needs, you’ll be set to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

In this jam-packed episode of People at Work, Jan and Michelle tag-team to share what they’re seeing on the front lines of leadership. They talk about ways leaders can practice self-care and growth, while engaging and caring for their people. 

If you’ve been wondering how you’re going to keep up with relentless change and uncertainty, this episode is for you. You may even find yourself thriving if you practice the clarity, kindness, and optimism that Jan and Michelle express.

Listen to the episode

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“If you spend time on yourself and on your team, you’re more resilient.”

Jan Terkelsen

Co-founder, People Leaders

Michelle Terkelsen

Co-founder, People Leaders


Jan Terkelsen has been an executive coach, consultant and facilitator in corporate Australia for more than 18 years. She’s an experienced personality profiler and behavioural change specialist, who has a deep interest and track record in assisting people with a preference for introversion.

Michelle Terkelsen has been ‘bringing out the best’ in individuals and teams in the corporate environment for almost 20 years. Her coaching specialties include leadership development, creating high performing teams, and building personal resilience.

Jan LinkedIn | Michelle LinkedIn



Free Resources for Leaders: peopleleaders.com.au/resource-centre/

Podcast: peopleleaderspodcast.com


Bev Attfield

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