5G networks are here and the power they bring will transform businesses everywhere. The rise of 5G will change not just the speed of wireless connectivity, but how applications are built, how services are delivered, how devices communicate and how providers secure and maintain their core networks. As today’s service providers begin to roll out 5G capabilities, they face an unprecedented demand for bandwidth, edge connectivity, reliability and security. And this demand will be a huge challenge for any provider who hasn’t worked to improve and innovate when it comes to their ability to prevent the new and growing threats that could come from 5G networks.

In the first episode of this three-part podcast series, we’ll look at the impact of 5G, the opportunities and challenges it brings, and what this means for how providers and businesses utilize and secure these networks.  Listen below:

5G Isn’t Just New, Faster Wireless: It Will Transform All Areas of Technology




Jonathan Nguyen-Duy

Vice President – Field CISO, Fortinet

Jonathan Nguyen-Duy is a Field CISO at Fortinet where he focuses on advising carriers, service providers and systems integrators on multi-domain risk management.  With extensive experience in securing complex networks and hybrid-architectures, Jonathan is responsible for developing innovative solutions addressing the challenges of digital transformation – from edge-based computing to multi-cloud ecosystems.  He specializes in security and governance issues pertaining to zero trust, insider threats, privacy, resilience and managed services.


Jim Rapoza

Research Director, Aberdeen

Jim Rapoza is a Research Director at Aberdeen, focused on the increasing technology pressures that organizations are confronting within their IT infrastructures. He is the winner of five awards of excellence in technology journalism, co-chaired a summit on technology industry security practices, and a frequent speaker at technology conferences and expositions.