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Considerations for Employment History Checks in a Highly Competitive Job Market

Date Published: June 09, 2022 | Last Updated: September 15, 2023 | By Jeramy Gordon

One of the top three reasons organizations conduct employment background checks is to improve the quality of their hires. Aligning a candidate’s work experience with an employer’s job requirements helps to ensure better outcomes for everyone. This is why, according to a 2021 study by The HR Research Institute, 72% of organizations reported that they include employment verification as part of a background screen. That percentage jumps to 88% for companies based outside of the U.S.1

Understanding a candidate’s work history can be valuable in a number of ways. It can help to reveal inaccurate information provided by the candidate. For HR professionals, it is no secret that some applicants lie on their resumes. In fact, the most common lies involve work history including years of experience, previous employers, and positions held. 2  Work history also validates a candidate’s experience and, in some role-based positions, ensures that the candidate has the experience needed for the position.

The process of employment verification commonly used by background check providers verifies details related to current and/or previous employment including employer name(s), start date, end date, job title, supervisor name, reason for leaving, and eligibility for rehire. It works by comparing applicant-declared information with data obtained through a third-party database service like The Work Number. While convenient, use of these data sources comes at a (often steep) price. Information that cannot be verified through data sources must be gathered manually by contacting employers directly via phone or email. Because this process depends on the responsiveness of the employers, turnaround time and the ability to verify information can vary widely.

While an employment verification can provide comprehensive employment history, is that level of detail necessary for all hires? Perhaps simply knowing that the candidate worked for the declared employers is what is needed. An innovative solution recently introduced by Accurate Background offers an alternative for doing just that.  AccurateConfirm works by comparing applicant-provided information with data provided by payroll service providers and/or employment-related documents provided by the applicant. The resulting work history confirms the companies that the candidate has worked for.

So which option is best for you? The answer may be both.

Employment Verification offers a comprehensive and employer-driven experience providing an in-depth view into current and/or previous employment, making it a good option for roles where the details of the candidate’s employment are highly relevant or required. AccurateConfirm offers a highly automated and candidate-driven experience that quickly and cost-effectively confirms the organizations the candidate has worked for.

Most employers today include a check of employment history as part of the pre-hire background check. But in today’s uber-competitive job market, reducing time to hire is critical, as is the need to manage talent acquisition budgets. These changing dynamics are leading some employers are re-think employment history checks. With the introduction of new solutions to the market, employers now have options to meet any hiring need.

Ready to learn more? See AccurateConfirm in action.

1 Background Screening: Trends in the U.S. and Abroad, HR Research Institute, 2021

2 1 in 3 Americans Admit to Lying on Resume, Sept 7, 2021, resumebuilder.com