Modern Compensation: Position Your Company for the Transparent Future

modern compensation

Imagine a scenario:

One of your company’s department managers requests some time to meet with you. You invite them in, sit them down and open the floor to the conversation. They quickly rattle off legitimate concerns about rumblings of pay transparency and their concern for the effect it will have on the workplace. They proclaim to you that workers will soon start conversing about how much money they make and that it will cause internal disruptions. You listen intently to their concerns, smiling inside, knowing you have been proactive with this and that the framework for a pay transparency policy has already been laid out, but the announcement is scheduled for the all-hands meeting next Monday.

By implementing a pay transparency policy, your company aims to foster a culture of openness, fairness, and trust among its employees. The policy encourages discussions about compensation, promotes accountability, and provides a mechanism for addressing any potential pay disparities, ultimately contributing to a more equitable work environment.

So, what is Pay Transparency and what does it mean for your company?

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, fostering a culture of transparency and equity has become paramount for companies striving to attract and retain top talent. Forbes states that “for some employers, it simply means communicating pay practices to employees and explaining how pay is determined. For others, it literally means full transparency around the salary or salary ranges for every role.” For companies that operate in states with pay transparency laws, a pay scale is required (although a minimum salary can replace a scale when one is not applicable) on all job postings.

By embracing pay transparency and addressing internal pay equity concerns, companies can foster a more engaged workforce, build trust, and drive positive change. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of pay transparency, its legal implications, and offer guidance on how companies can prepare for its implementation. We will conclude by highlighting the connection to pay equity and how focusing on the two concepts together makes them less daunting.

Benefits of being Pay Transparent

  1. Enhanced Employee Engagement: Pay transparency fosters a culture of trust and fairness, leading to increased employee engagement. When employees understand how compensation decisions are made and see that pay is based on objective criteria, they feel valued and motivated, resulting in higher job satisfaction and productivity.
  2. Improved Recruitment and Retention: Candidates often consider salary transparency a crucial factor when evaluating potential employers. The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) reports that four in five workers are unlikely to apply to a job that does not provide a pay range. In a competitive market filled with remote work, quiet quitting, and gig economies, pay transparency can give companies a competitive edge. By showcasing their commitment to fair compensation, companies can attract top talent and retain high-performing employees.
  3. Identification of Inequities: Transparency in pay practices allows organizations to identify and address any biases or disparities that exist within their compensation structures. Through regular pay audits and analysis of salary data, companies can proactively rectify unjust pay gaps, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  4. Enhanced Employer Brand: By embracing pay transparency, companies demonstrate their commitment to fairness and equality. This commitment resonates with employees, candidates and stakeholders, building a positive reputation and enhancing the organization’s reputation as an ethical and inclusive workplace.

Cons of being Pay Transparent

  1. Surfacing of Inequity: Public disclosure of salaries can create dissatisfaction among employees if they perceive significant discrepancies between their own compensation and that of their colleagues. This may lead to strained team dynamics and a negative impact on morale as inequity becomes apparent.
  2. Sensitive Information: Pay is often considered personal and sensitive information. Some employees may prefer to keep their salary details private for various reasons, such as maintaining personal boundaries, avoiding jealousy or resentment from colleagues, or preventing discrimination. Salary figures alone do not account for various factors such as experience, performance, additional benefits, or non-monetary rewards. Publicly available salary ranges can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations, potentially causing unnecessary dissatisfaction or conflicts among employees.
  3. Competitive Disadvantage: In industries where talent poaching is prevalent, pay transparency can put companies at a competitive disadvantage. The wide availability of salary information enables competitors to strategically target and lure away highly skilled employees by offering higher wages.
  4. Increased Workload for Human Resources: Conducting a thorough analysis of your organization’s pay structure, identifying disparities, and ensuring compliance with pay transparency laws may require time and effort. This includes reviewing compensation data, conducting pay equity analyses, and assessing factors that contribute to pay gaps. In addition, developing transparent compensation policies, guidelines, and procedures is essential for ensuring consistency and fairness. This may involve revising existing policies or creating new ones that outline how pay decisions are made, how performance is evaluated, and how compensation is determined.
  5. Planning & Expenses of Fixing Inequities: Once pay inequities are identified, an impact analysis will need to be conducted before adjusting compensation structures to rectify disparities if necessary. An impact analysis is a systematic evaluation of the potential effects or consequences that a change or event may have on various aspects of a system, process, project, or organization. The purpose of an impact analysis is to assess and understand the implications of a change or an external factor to make informed decisions and manage the associated risks. This could involve increasing salaries for employees who were underpaid relative to their peers or market benchmarks. Transparently communicating and educating employees about the efforts to address pay inequities is crucial. This might involve conducting training programs on pay equity, unconscious bias, and fair compensation practices.                                                             

Legal Implications of Pay Transparency

Eight states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, Washington) have already enacted laws that require companies to post salary ranges (or a minimum pay if a range is not applicable) on all job postings. Fifteen others are considering enacting similar laws.

Laws are also being enacted at the municipal level with ordinances in place in Cincinatti (OH), Toledo (OH), and Jersey City (NJ).

Below are some of the other legal factors to consider when discussing a pay transparency policy for your company:

  1. Equal Pay Compliance: Pay transparency can help identify and address pay disparities based on protected characteristics such as gender, race, or ethnicity. However, it also brings a heightened focus on ensuring compliance with equal pay laws. Organizations must ensure that their compensation practices adhere to the principle of equal pay for equal work, meaning employees in similar roles with similar qualifications and experience should receive comparable compensation.


  1. Discrimination Claims: Increased pay transparency may expose pay disparities that could potentially lead to discrimination claims. If employees discover inequities in compensation based on protected characteristics, they may file complaints alleging unlawful discrimination. Organizations should be prepared to defend their compensation practices and demonstrate that any pay differentials are based on legitimate factors such as experience, performance, or seniority, rather than discrimination.


  1. Trade Secrets and Confidential Information: Organizations may argue that disclosing specific salary information could reveal trade secrets, proprietary compensation structures, or other confidential business information. They must carefully balance transparency objectives with protecting legitimate business interests. Employers should develop policies or procedures to manage the disclosure of sensitive information while ensuring compliance with applicable laws.

Preparing for Pay Transparency Laws and Addressing Internal Pay Equity

Preparing for the enaction of pay transparency laws involves taking proactive steps to ensure compliance and promote fair and equitable pay practices within your organization. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Establish Clear Compensation Criteria: Develop transparent and objective compensation criteria, including job levels, market benchmarks, and performance metrics. A comprehensive job description outlines the specific responsibilities and duties associated with a particular role. The level of complexity, required skills, and scope of work can be identified through these descriptions. This information helps organizations assess the relative value and impact of the position, which can influence the compensation.
  2. Conduct Internal Pay Equity Audits: Before implementing pay transparency, conduct a comprehensive internal pay equity audit. Review salary data, job descriptions, and performance metrics to identify and address any pay disparities based on gender, race, or other factors. This ensures a fair and equitable compensation structure.
  3. Communicate Effectively: Transparent communication is vital throughout the implementation process. Train managers appropriately for implementation and clearly explain the reasons behind pay transparency, the steps taken to address pay equity, and how it benefits both the company and its employees. Encourage open dialogue and address any concerns or questions.

Tying Pay Transparency to Internal Pay Equity

The connection between pay equity and pay transparency lies in the fact that increased transparency can facilitate the identification and resolution of pay gaps. When employees have access to information about pay ranges, job descriptions, and evaluation criteria, they can better assess whether they are being compensated fairly. Successful implementation of pay transparency forces organizations to evaluate their pay structures and identify areas where pay disparities may exist.

By combining pay equity initiatives with pay transparency, organizations can foster a culture of fairness, accountability, and trust. Transparent compensation practices can help reduce unconscious biases and discriminatory pay practices, leading to more equitable pay outcomes. Additionally, transparency can encourage organizations to proactively address any existing pay gaps and take corrective actions to ensure fair compensation for all employees.


Pay transparency is a topic of growing importance in today’s workplace, and it brings numerous benefits for both employees and organizations. By shedding light on salary structures and providing employees with information about how compensation decisions are made, organizations can foster a sense of trust, fairness, and equity among their workforce.

Incorporating pay transparency into organizational practices is not without its challenges, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. Ultimately, embracing pay transparency contributes to a more engaged and satisfied workforce, a stronger employer brand, and a more inclusive and equitable work environment.


Jarrett Korn
Human Resource Specialist