In an ever-evolving modern world, finding the right work-life balance can be tricky. Whether we’re being stretched at work or at home, it can be hard to avoid stress. Many people practice different ways to relieve their stress, from deep breathing through to meditation or exercise. However, there’s a new approach that’s gathering momentum – mindfulness.

Also read: Mindfulness and Happiness at Work: How a Few Breaths Can Improve Your Business

The practice of mindfulness can lead to better, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s the practice of being present in the world around you, and it can be applied anywhere from the break room to the living room. By choosing to develop a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings you can channel your emotions and avoid stress.

Many people are learning mindfulness as a way of finding happiness in their day-to-day lives, an approach that’s genuinely beneficial while offering them refreshing view of the seemingly mundane aspects of their lives.

This insight into mindfulness has come courtesy of Flymo, alongside influential mindfulness coach Patrick Groneman. This detailed infographic presents nine ways you can practice mindfulness in your everyday life and reduce the trains of stress and anxiety in your life.

You can engage with mindfulness at any moment throughout your day. These exercises can help you transition your mundane morning, to a meaningful one. You could be on your morning commute and rather than burying yourself in your newsfeed, you can instead cherish those personal moments. You’ll find that a book, a podcast or instrumental music can help you enjoy those moments in the present.

Also read: Mindfulness, Courage and Curiosity for a Better Version of Yourself

Want to get a head start? You can immerse yourself and your mind into the world without any effort. Take a stop at one of your favourite corners of your city, and appreciate the motion of it all. As footsteps and a city pass by, your stationary perspective will allow you to see beauty in your city that you’ll have often overlooked – experience the world’s perpetual motion by stepping out of sync.

After some practice, you will realise that more of these moments can be found everywhere. Mindfulness will soon be your way of life, and you’ll never look back.

[Infographic] Making Mindfulness A Way Of Life And Work2

Courtesy of Flymo

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