7 ways to improve company culture

By Jostle

7 min read

7 ways to improve company culture
Illustration by Kevin Yu

Lately, everyone's been talking about company culture, and for good reason. A supportive and forward-thinking workplace environment can improve employee morale, attract top talent, and boost productivity. 

Company culture is the collective attitude, beliefs, and values of a company's employees. It's how they interact with each other and their clients; it affects the brand’s identity and corporate mission. In short, it's what drives a company forward. 

An effective working atmosphere is essential to remain competitive in today’s market. Studies show that organizations with strong cultures enjoy 30% higher levels of profitability than those without—but where do you start?

Our blog will provide seven concrete steps, allowing you to take intentional action to change your culture. From developing team-building activities to investing in employee development, you'll have the tools and guidance to create a flourishing workplace environment that will drive your organization's success. 

1. Encourage open communication

Focusing on open communication is job one for creating a healthy culture. Start by modeling the behavior you want to see in others. Show your willingness to listen and engage with your employees without reacting defensively or shutting down their ideas. 

Next, encourage feedback, pushback, and public debate among coworkers. Demonstrate that it's okay to disagree on matters while finding common ground—and developing creative solutions together. 

The benefits of open communication are clear: 

  • Increased collaboration and trust 
  • Improved morale 
  • More innovative solutions 
  • Greater job satisfaction 

Open communication is vital to create a company culture where employees feel their opinions are valued and can contribute their ideas without fear of repercussions.

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2. Foster employee wellness

Employee wellness is an essential concept in any workplace. It refers to employees' emotional, spiritual, and physical health, which directly impacts their productivity and overall job satisfaction. 

Employers can benefit from higher morale, increased engagement and improved performance by employing strategies such as:

  • Encouraging regular breaks and vacations 
  • Providing mental health resources, like counseling services or an employee assistance program
  • Implementing flexible scheduling policies, such as remote working options 
  • Having regular discussions to assess, reduce, and streamline workloads
  • Provide ample opportunities for team-building activities, such as yoga classes or group fitness challenges 

By cultivating a workplace that values its employees’ physical and emotional well-being, you can manifest a positive environment where everyone feels respected and supported.

3. Create opportunities for professional growth


Professional growth is an essential part of a company's success and its best way to retain top talent. It not only helps employees feel valued and engaged but also allows them to stay competitive in their field and develop new skills that can support the business. 

There are numerous types of professional development you can offer your workers, including: 

  • Education: Investing in educational opportunities for employees increases their knowledge base and enriches their understanding of the industry. 
  • Mentorship: Allowing employees to shadow or mentor other workers provides invaluable experience and teaches valuable lessons that can't be found elsewhere. 
  • Networking events: Attending networking events with colleagues builds relationships and creates connections within the workplace and industry. 

Implementing these opportunities could be as simple as offering tuition reimbursement for courses related to an employee's role or creating a mentorship program that pairs more experienced workers with those new to their field or position. 

By providing your team with opportunities for professional growth, you’ll show commitment to advancing your workforce and create the perfect conditions for confidence and growth

4. Emphasize work-life balance

Work-life balance is all about creating a supportive and sustainable environment for employees to thrive both professionally and personally

Providing opportunities for employees to achieve this balance will positively affect the company by producing:

  • Increased engagement 
  • Improved productivity 
  • Reduced stress levels 
  • Enhanced creativity 
  • Stronger employee loyalty 
  • Greater diversity

Promote a work-life balance by honestly and clearly communicating expectations to staff, offering flexible and remote options, encouraging breaks, providing additional support for parents, and offering team-building activities outside the office. Implementing these policies can benefit both individuals and organizations.

5. Recognize and reward employee achievements

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Everyone likes to be valued for their contributions and praised for good work. Rewarding employees for their achievements helps to motivate them, build morale, and increase job satisfaction—all of which lead to better performance. 

There are many ways you can recognize employee contributions: 

  • Give verbal praise in meetings or one-on-one conversations 
  • Issue awards or certificates for special accomplishments 
  • Offer incentives such as bonuses or gift cards 
  • Celebrate milestones with company events or team outings
  • Show appreciation through public announcements on your company’s website or social media. 

Recognizing employees for their achievements can create a culture of appreciation and boost productivity. You don't have to break the bank either; even small gestures of recognition like thank-you notes or extra vacation days can make staff feel appreciated. 

6. Embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion 

Comparing a workplace to an orchestra, diversity is the selection of different instruments and musicians. Equity ensures those players have equal access to resources and opportunities. Inclusion is making sure everyone's voice is heard in harmony. 

The advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are numerous: 

  • More diverse ideas lead to out-of-the-box problem solving
  • Employees feel valued when the company embraces their unique identities 
  • Teams develop stronger bonds when members feel respected and seen
  • It creates a welcoming atmosphere for customers 

So, how do you promote DEI in your workplace? First, commit to change. Then, start with simple steps like:

  1. Introducing diversity and inclusion training
  2. Conducting regular reviews of hiring practices to ensure equitable opportunities for all applicants 
  3. Offering resources such as language classes so everyone can be heard

Investing in DEI initiatives creates an environment where employees feel valued and empowered to share their unique perspectives. When this happens, innovation thrives—and that's a recipe for success.

7. Be transparent

Being transparent in the workplace means being open and honest with employees about decisions that affect them. This could include sharing information about company goals, policy changes, or even the organization's financial state. 

Transparency builds trust between employers and employees and can increase engagement as staff feel more connected to their organization. 

To start increasing your transparency, make sure all communication is clear. Use language everyone understands, and provide sufficient context to understand the logic behind decisions. 

Encourage two-way conversations between employers and employees, including feedback from both sides. Don’t be afraid to facilitate questions and discussions around decisions that affect the team. 

Finally, ensure everyone has access to the same information simultaneously so people are always on the same page.

Use these strategies to improve your company culture

Creating a positive company culture leads to improved employee morale and increased productivity. It also enables organizations to stay competitive in the ever-evolving landscape of business. 

The seven strategies discussed in this article, such as being transparent and fostering open communication, are integral to building an engaging and fulfilling environment for employees. 

By implementing these practices into their workplace culture, companies can strengthen relationships between leadership and staff while fostering collaboration among teams. 

When individuals feel supported by their organization, they become more motivated to reach their goals, which ultimately leads to success for everyone. 


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