Employee retention strategies for the modern workplace

By Gabe Scorgie

5 min read

Employee retention strategies for the modern workplace
Illustration by Maya Ramadhina

Your company retention rate acts like a mirror, reflecting the health of your organization. If your workers are not in it for the long haul and are actively looking for work elsewhere, you might not like what you see.

Employee retention strategies are vital for responding to changing workplace dynamics and ensuring your business succeeds long-term. Gartner, Inc.'s research backs this up, predicting turnover will continue to increase due to the pandemic.

An individual organization with a turnover rate of 20% before COVID-19 now faces a rate as high as 24% in the years to come. 

Think about that for a moment. For every four people you hire, 1 of them will leave. 

We'll explore some best retention practices to prevent you from becoming a casualty of the great resignation. You can use these tactics to combat high turnover rates, cultivate a thriving culture, and sustain success in an ever-changing landscape. 

Keep reading for tangible takeaways to apply immediately and help your team stay engaged and productive over time.

Reasons for high employee turnover

Do you ever feel like you’re banging your head against a wall? It’s likely that many of your employees have experienced the same frustration. 

Poorly managed workplaces can often lead to ‘the wall of frustration,’ where employees are prevented from getting their work done due to inadequate training and development, limited opportunities for growth and poor management or leadership. 

It's no surprise that such conditions make employee turnover an all-too-common reality in today's workplace. To combat this, it’s essential to be aware of the primary reasons behind staff leaving: 

  • Can't get work done: Ensure your employees have the skills, resources and support to complete their tasks successfully. 
  • Insufficient training and development: Prioritize upskilling by providing appropriate training and guidance for employees to help them thrive in their roles. 
  • Limited growth opportunities: Create a career path with achievable goals that allow staff to develop professionally. 
  • Poor management and leadership: Equip managers with the right tools to effectively lead teams while fostering an environment of trust, respect, communication, collaboration and motivation.

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Employee retention strategies

To help you succeed, here are some of the most effective employee retention practices for today’s modern workplace: 

  • Offer workers competitive compensation and benefits: Paying competitive wages and offering attractive benefits is essential to keep employees satisfied. By compensating your team fairly, they typically stay loyal longer. 
  • Keep it flexible: Providing flexible working hours or remote options allows employees to control their time while continuing to meet their job requirements. This can increase motivation, satisfaction, and productivity. 
  • Enablement is everything: A sense of autonomy and trust lets staff members know they are valued, respected, and empowered to do their best work. Effective communication also sets clear expectations for employees while fostering collaboration. 
  • Provide room to grow: Offering learning resources such as training programs or mentorship helps employees stay current with industry trends and hone new skills. These programs show employees that you are invested in their professional growth. 
  • Recognize and reward: Showing appreciation through formal recognition or financial incentives can help build a positive workplace culture where people want to stay longer-term. 
  • Create a safe space: Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their opinions and ideas can lead to higher levels of engagement, creativity, and productivity. 
  • Learn to lead: Having trustworthy leaders and managers who support the development of their staff can boost morale while inspiring teamwork. 

The right combination of these employee retention strategies will help you build a profitable, thriving organization with committed staff members who stay for the long haul.

Steps for successfully implementing employee retention strategies


Ready to get started? Here's your checklist for successful employee retention strategies: 

  1. Assess what's going wrong to make it right: Look at your current retention rates, employee feedback, and why people are leaving. 
  2. Use your findings to create a customized action plan: Work with your team to develop a plan that considers your employees' needs. 
  3. Ensure you start during the hiring process: Structure interviews to assess fit for your workplace culture and set expectations for the role. 
  4. Implement recognition programs: Show appreciation with awards, bonuses, or other forms of acknowledgment. 
  5. Foster a sense of community in the workplace: Encourage collaboration between departments and teams so employees feel included and valued. 
  6. Provide opportunities for professional growth: Offer training courses and support career development initiatives tailored to each employee's goals. 
  7. Communicate proactively and clearly: Make sure management and employees are aware of changes or updates in policies or procedures as soon as they occur. 
  8. Monitor and assess regularly: Check in with your employees regularly to gather feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of your retention efforts. 

It takes careful planning, but following these steps can help set you up for success when it comes to employee retention. 

Is it time to reflect on your employee retention strategies?

As the modern workplace evolves, employee retention strategies are more important than ever. With high turnover rates costing companies time, resources, and money and signalling deeper organizational issues, you need a focused approach to retain your best talent. 

By offering competitive pay and fostering a sense of community, while also providing flexible work hours and clear pathways for growth, you can create an environment that rewards effort and encourages commitment. 

These practices not only help your company survive in today's volatile business climate—they empower it to thrive. So why wait? Investing in your employees now will reap dividends long into the future.


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Gabe Scorgie

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