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Strategic Succession Planning: Minimize Organizational Risk and Build a Culture of Development

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Succession planning historically has been used to ensure senior leadership continuity when a planned or unplanned departure occurs. Today, strategic succession planning serves to minimize organizational risk and ensure a seamless transition of leadership in senior ranks and additional key positions throughout a company.

Strategic succession planning takes a broader approach to identify and develop high potential employees to fill key roles and highlight where an external talent search may be appropriate. It is more than simply identifying a successor; it involves intentionally preparing individuals to step into important positions and enables organizations to maintain their momentum even during transitions. Succession planning mitigates the risk associated with sudden vacancies and fosters a culture of continuous growth and talent development.

Given the barrage of conflicting business priorities, how critical is strategic succession planning in minimizing organizational risk? Let us consider common scenarios:

  • The long-tenured and beloved CEO has announced they are accelerating their planned retirement from two years to six months due to family health concerns.
  • Your top process engineer, and leader of an essential process conversion project is leaving the organization in two weeks.
  • The highly respected vice-president of Finance out suddenly on FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) at a critical point in an acquisition negotiation.
  • A high-potential leader identified as a successor to multiple director level roles, unexpectedly resigns.

Uncertainty during times of transition can deplete productivity, morale, and engagement. In all these scenarios, everyone thinks WHO will fill the seat, drive the project, solve the crisis, and lead the organization forward. What disruptions will these vacancies hold and how will they impact the team and the organization’s performance? Is there anything that can be done to proactively minimize the disruption?

For those leading small to midsize organizations, not having an effective succession strategy creates an imminent risk to business continuity. The loss of a tenured leader without a well-designed succession strategy may pose an existential threat. Decades of work, brand building, and product development may be lost, along with the jobs and employees that have contributed to that value creation.

How does Strategic Succession Planning Minimize Organizational Risk?

  1. Leadership Continuity: A significant risk to an organization is a leadership vacuum. The sudden departure of a top executive or any key leader without a capable replacement can disrupt operations, lead to loss of direction, and erode investor and stakeholder confidence. Succession planning ensures a ready pool of qualified individuals who are groomed to take over such roles seamlessly and minimize disruption.
  2. Knowledge Retention: Key employees often hold institutional knowledge and expertise in process, technology, and group dynamics. Departures without a proper transition causes organizations to lose valuable insights, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and loss of competitive advantage. A robust succession plan ensures that knowledge is transferred to successors, equipping them to navigate successfully in their new roles. Without a thoughtful transition, the opportunities may be missed and historical intelligence on projects, organizational dynamics, or customer concerns will be lost.
  3. Talent Shortages: External hiring during leadership vacuums can be challenging, time-consuming, and costly. Competition for top talent is fierce. Strategic succession planning may reduce dependence on external hires and address talent shortages by cultivating internal talent. This approach leads to a more engaged workforce, as employees perceive a clear path of growth within the organization. Onboarding processes are also optimized when an internal successor moves into a new leadership role. An individual is more prepared for a successful transition when they are proactively supported through mentoring, experiential learning, and executive coaching or leadership development programs.
  4. Cultural Stability: Leadership changes impact organizational culture. A new leader may bring in a different leadership style or values, causing friction with existing employees and disruption to key initiatives. In some cases, an intentional shift in leadership may be warranted and desired. Strategic succession planning will identify key success criteria required to meet current and anticipated business challenges and provide a guide to evaluate internal and external candidates. Ensuring alignment with the organization’s core values and culture will also support a smooth cultural transition.

How might a company begin developing an effective succession strategy? Depending on the size and complexity of the organization’s structure, the approach may be narrower in scope or span across multiple levels and functional areas in the organization. A few key steps include:

  1. Identify Critical Roles: Begin by identifying key positions that are critical to the organization’s success. These include executive roles, specialized technical positions, and roles that drive essential company operations.
  2. Define the Success Profile for each identified position. Evaluate the critical outcomes the position provides and define the most important skills, competencies, education, and credentials required. Interview key stakeholders and consider emerging shifts in external market conditions to inform them of the leadership approach that is needed currently and in the future.
  3. Assess and Identify Potential: Based on the success criteria, evaluate existing employees for alignment with their skills, competencies, and aspirations. Calibrating the definition of high performance and high potential and aspiration for growth is a critical component. Consider not only technical skills but also leadership qualities, adaptability, and learning agility. Clearly define what stands between this individual being a qualified successor.
  4. Transparency Matters: Through direct conversation, it is important to validate that individuals identified as successors or high potentials are e interested in proposed future roles and are willing to make the commitment to their own professional development. Do not assume everyone has a desire for growth in a certain area. Many a succession plan have imploded due to a lack of transparency.
  5. Provide Development Opportunities: Offer mentoring, coaching, and stretch assignments to prepare potential successors. Thinking beyond leadership training, experiential training is another key component within the business environment. This helps the potential successor gain a broader understanding of the business operations and the market environment, and allows them to acquire the necessary skills, experiences, and relationships in the organization to excel in their future roles.
  6. Regularly Review and Update: Succession planning is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update the plan to reflect changes in the organization’s goals, structure, and talent pool. Many a succession strategy has failed due to lack of follow-up on agreed upon development actions. Regular touch points will instill accountability in the process and increase the likelihood of a potential successor being ready and qualified to step up when the opportunity arises.
  7. Diversity and Inclusion: To ensure diversity and inclusion is part of the succession strategy, a diverse pool of potential successors must be considered. This requires being open to employees with various backgrounds, educational experiences, and non-traditional career paths. The benefits of diversity in leadership are well-established; bringing broader perspective into the company supports an inclusive environment where all employees can envision their future.

Strategic succession planning is not just a risk mitigation strategy, and its power is not limited to the C-suite ranks. It is an investment in the organization’s future. By identifying, developing, and preparing internal talent, organizations can navigate leadership changes and critical vacancies with confidence. A well-executed succession strategy minimizes disruptions, retains knowledge, and fosters a culture of growth. In an era of constant change, organizations that prioritize their succession strategy will better position themselves to thrive in the face of uncertainty and ensure continuity and stability for years to come. CCI assists clients across all industries and sizes to develop a succession strategy customized to their needs.

Karen DeLise

Vice President, Consulting