Celebrating HSA Day with our top HSA articles

popular best hsa articles for hsa day

In honor of HSA Day, we decided to compile the most popular HSA articles we’ve written. We’ve composed a slew of articles in recent years, covering everything from the difference between HSAs and other accounts to how HSAs can help bolster your healthcare retirement package.

These pieces range from educational to informative, covering a wide variety of the aspects that make up HSAs. Use the prompts below to see which HSA articles will be most helpful for you to learn more.

Find the right HSA articles for you

Understand the difference- FSA vs. HSA

If you’re coming up on enrollment and want to know more about the differences between FSAs and HSAs, check out “Why an FSA is not the same as an HSA“. The piece guides you through the differences between the accounts by comparing the choice to car buying.

How HSAs and retirement are connected

If you’re thinking about retirement, “What do HSAs have to do with retirement?” might interest you. The piece examines how an HSA can be a tool to save for health care expenses in retirement, even if you started saving late.

Emphasis on “savings”

If you prefer a “stow-it-and-grow-it” approach for your HSA, you’ll want to read “5 reasons an HSA is better than you thought. Many people recognize that HSAs can help you save on eligible expenses. However, HSAs also offer unique advantages for account holders. Explore options for using your HSA on the savings side of things.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

If you end up finding yourself in a position where you’re considering making a withdrawal from your HSA account, it’s important to understand the process. If you withdraw the money for the wrong reason, you can get hit with penalties. Avoid common errors with the tips in “How to avoid penalties on an HSA withdrawal“.

Clear up the confusion

In “HRA or HSA? Which account is it?” you’ll find a quiz-style questions that give you a chance to test your knowledge about the differences between these two accounts. You can check your answers to make sure you fully understand the value of each account and which one would be best for you.

That’s a wrap!

Happy HSA Day! See more about the vision and purpose behind HSA Day here.