By Kendra Prospero, Founder & CEO

By now, you’ve probably heard about the “Great Resignation,” and maybe you’ve even experienced this unprecedented loss of employees firsthand in your business or organization. Looking forward, I want to change the way we’ve been approaching this massive shift in the workforce.

That’s why I’m calling 2022 the “Year of the Employee.”

Since our start, now over a decade ago, Turning the Corner has helped thousands of people. And their stories have become our motivation for everything we do. We’re on the ground, and we hear what’s working and not working in companies and workplace cultures. Then, we use that insight to help businesses elevate employees through great HR, recruiting, training, and coaching.


The People Revolution

You might not believe it, but our team has predicted our current moment in the workplace almost seven years ago. We knew a big change was coming. Today, I think the year of the employee could be the start of “The People Revolution”—something that I’ve talked about—and hoped for—since 2015.

In the 1800s, there was the Industrial Revolution, and in the late 1900s, we experienced the Technological Revolution. Today, in 2022, it’s time to say hello to the People Revolution.

So, what do I mean by that?

The People Revolution will bring an extreme shift around what people expect from their work. Today, employees have more power and control over where and how they spend their energy than ever before.

And the leaders that understand this trend will be the ones who see their businesses survive and thrive. It’s all about your PEOPLE! Which is the focus of our first free webinar of 2022—be sure to RSVP today.

2022- The year of the employee

Webinar: The Year of the Employee—Will You Boom or Bust?

January 18, 2022
11:00am – 12:00pm (MST)

Our team believes this shift is so significant that we’re spending the next year exploring each facet in detail.

The bottom line for business owners and leaders is that people will not stay at your company if you don’t address the items below. Keep reading—it starts now!


Goal setting is for everyone

At the start of the year, most business leaders set their strategic plans—a clear idea of what they want to accomplish this year. But, do you know what we’ve also discovered in countless organizations? This plan never leaves the top.

Regardless of the level of their position inside an organization, your strategic plan is relevant to every single employee. That’s because everyone wants to have a goal and know that the work they do matters.

So, as a leader, it’s critical that you ensure every single employee and member of your team is inspired and excited by the goals you’ve set.

We want to help you do exactly that in our February webinar.

TTC goal setting you don't have to groan about webinar

Webinar: Goal Setting You Don’t Have to Groan About

February 15, 2022
11:00 am – 12:00pm (MST)


We’ll share all the ways you can ensure your employees know your company’s goals for 2022—and get everyone moving in the right direction. And we’ll even help you tie in your business goals into your employees’ personal goals, which we know leads to higher job satisfaction and retention!


Company culture from the inside out

After our tumultuous last year, one very clear thing is that people want to know what to expect from their company culture.

Our March content will focus on how to do that! You’ll learn to clarify your values, share expectations with employees—and how to wrap that all into your company culture.

Our techniques are fun, easy to use, and will help you understand why people want to stick around!


Why hiring is everything

Hiring the right people is the most critical part of growing your business. Surprisingly, many leaders don’t treat hiring as a process.

As we move into the spring, we’ll take a deep dive into the recruiting process. We’ll show you how to incorporate your values into interviews, how to ask meaningful questions that genuinely allow you to know your candidates, and how to ensure that everyone is off to a good start when they arrive on day one.

Why? When a candidate arrives for an interview, their experience should highlight the leaders’ values. The interview process should be inspiring and illuminating and make both the interviewer and the interviewee feel great about the next steps (regardless of whether it’s rejection or continuing the process).


And onboarding is also everything

Don’t forget: hiring is a combination of recruiting and onboarding. Companies that go beyond “orientation” during their onboarding will have a much better employee who is more likely to stay in the job for multiple years.

Too often, leaders don’t think through what their training and onboarding look like for new employees—and that can result in new employees feeling either lost or entitled, managers feeling annoyed, and the work not getting done well.

The inevitable truth is that without a good onboarding program, you’re going to have a revolving door of talent—your new employee will quit, or you’ll fire them. That’s why we’re going to share content to help you structure your onboarding to be more effective for everyone involved.


Compliance updates you need to know

This summer, we’ll share an important compliance update with you, as new labor laws will go into effect in June. We’ll also talk about trends in benefits and compensation in this session.

People don’t volunteer for work… and they need to be paid fairly. Having aligned HR policies and benefits will enhance your culture and not make your HR feel like “a cop”.

As your organization grows, you’ll also be adding new managers to your team. Nothing is more debilitating than promoting a competent employee into a management position and then NOT training them. Being a good manager is actually a skill—and it’s up to you to prepare your managers so they can get there.

We’ll share more material about our foundational management technique called Confidence Management in July. It’s a straightforward model, and it’s never failed me in my own management journey.


Investing in yourself means investing in your company

In my opinion, all problems are leadership problems. Investing in yourself and your leadership ability will strengthen your organization. In August, we’ll talk about how you stay in check with your energy and help elevate yourself to look for opportunities in every situation.

Being a leader can be a lonely job. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We’re going to help you feel more connected and learn how to build a community of like-minded leaders.


 A year of YOU

It’s hard to predict what life will look like next fall, and even I can admit it might be too bold to decide what will feel relevant to YOU in September. You can be sure our wheels will be turning.

Other topics we’re excited to explore with you include employee development, succession planning & career pathing, as well as diversity and inclusion. We may also share with you our trade secret for 1:1s, time-tested tools for successful team meetings, and how to have dignified conversations with your team.

Watch for an content updates throughout the year (and subscribe to our newsletter for updates in your inbox).

It’s the Year of the Employee, and it’s going to be an excellent year for us all! I for one can’t wait to get to know you and your company better and to serve you more deeply.

Cheers, and here’s to 2022!

At Turning the Corner, we believe that meaningful work that we enjoy is one of life’s greatest rewards—it’s why we do what we do! Our mission is to end suffering in the workplace and empower businesses to thrive through various HR services and training opportunities.