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18+ real-life interview questions for content and graphic design roles

Hunting down the perfect creative or design pro for your crew is a game-changer, and the first step is asking the right questions in the interview.

Alexandros Pantelakis
Alexandros Pantelakis

HR content specialist at Workable, delivering in-depth, data-driven articles to offer insights into industry and tech trends.

Interview questions for content and graphic design

Feeling a bit lost about what questions will truly reveal if a candidate has the creative skills you’re after? Picture having a treasure trove of genuine questions posed by real hiring managers.

In this guide, we’ve whipped up a set of laid-back interview questions crafted specifically for various creative and design gigs. 

Whether you’re on the lookout for a designer, graphic designer, content creator, content specialist or copywriter, we’ve got your back with questions that hit the mark.

Real-life designer interview questions

Designers are creative professionals responsible for crafting visual and user experiences. They differentiate between UX and UI and draw inspiration from excellent user experiences for their work.

Here are 2 interview questions from real hiring managers with sample answers for each. Check the rest of the questions here.

  1. What’s the difference between UX and UI?

Assessing the candidate’s understanding of UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) and their distinctions.

Sample answer: 

“UX focuses on the overall user journey and how users interact with a product or service, emphasizing usability and satisfaction. UI, on the other hand, deals with the visual elements and layout, such as buttons, icons, and colors, to enhance user interaction within the product.”

  1. What are your favorite examples of good UX?

Inquiring about the candidate’s appreciation of exceptional user experiences.

Sample answer: 

“I’m particularly impressed by the intuitive navigation of Google Maps, which seamlessly guides users to their destinations with real-time information. Additionally, Airbnb’s booking process simplifies a complex task, making it user-friendly and efficient.”

Real-life graphic designer interview questions

Graphic designers are visual storytellers who use their creativity and design skills to communicate messages effectively. They craft various visual elements, such as logos, illustrations, and layouts, to engage and inform audiences.

Check two of the questions above and get access to the full list here:

  1. Why did you become a graphic designer?

Exploring the candidate’s motivations and passion for pursuing a career in graphic design.

Sample answer: 

“I became a graphic designer because I’ve always been fascinated by the power of visuals in conveying messages and evoking emotions. I wanted to channel my creativity into a profession where I could make a meaningful impact through design.”

  1. What are your priorities when creating a graphic design?

Inquiring about the candidate’s approach and key considerations when designing visuals.

Sample answer: 

“My top priorities when creating a graphic design are understanding the client’s objectives, ensuring the design aligns with the brand identity, maintaining visual consistency, and capturing the target audience’s attention effectively. Additionally, I focus on usability and accessibility to make the design inclusive and user-friendly.”

Check the rest of the questions here.

Real-life content creator interview questions

Content creators are skilled storytellers who develop engaging and relevant content for various platforms. They source content ideas, choose appropriate mediums, and use audience insights to produce compelling and informative content that resonates with the target audience.

Here are 3 questions from real-hiring managers that you need to pay attention to.

1. How do you source new content stories?

Assessing the candidate’s approach to finding fresh and engaging content ideas.

Sample answer:

“I source new content stories through a combination of methods. I stay updated on industry trends, monitor audience discussions on social media, conduct keyword research, and collaborate with subject matter experts. This helps me discover timely and relevant topics to create content around.”

2. How do you determine what medium should be used for the campaign content?

Exploring the candidate’s decision-making process for selecting the most suitable content format.

Sample answer:

“When determining the content medium, I consider the campaign’s goals, target audience preferences, and the message’s nature. For instance, if the goal is to explain a complex concept, I might choose an infographic or video for visual clarity. It’s crucial to align the medium with the campaign’s objectives and the audience’s preferred channels.”

3. How do you handle criticism of your content and how do you resolve the conflict?

Evaluating the candidate’s approach to managing feedback and addressing content-related conflicts.

Sample answer:

“I value constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve. When receiving feedback, I listen actively, assess its validity, and consider whether it aligns with the content’s objectives and the audience’s needs. If necessary, I collaborate with stakeholders to find solutions and make necessary adjustments, ensuring that the final content meets expectations.”

Check the rest of the interview questions here.

Real-life content specialist interview questions

Content Specialists create engaging written and visual content for campaigns. They collaborate with stakeholders, manage freelancers, ensure content aligns with brand tone, and adapt to diverse mediums while upholding quality standards.

These 6 interview questions are among the most popular by real hiring managers:

  1. What’s the difference between an article and a blog?

Evaluating the candidate’s knowledge of content formats.

Sample answer: 

“Articles tend to be longer, more formal, and provide comprehensive information, while blogs are shorter, conversational, and often opinion-based, offering quick insights or updates.”

  1. What do you think are the necessary components of good content?

Assessing the candidate’s understanding of essential elements in content creation.

Sample answer: 

“Good content should have a clear purpose, offer value, be well-researched, logically structured, engaging, error-free, and align with the brand’s tone and messaging.”

  1. What are the ways you decide on a content’s tone?

Exploring the candidate’s methods for determining appropriate content tones.

Sample answer: 

“I consider the target audience, subject matter, and campaign goals. Whether it’s formal, casual, informative, or persuasive, the tone should resonate with the audience and campaign objectives.”

  1. What is your review process like?

Inquiring about the candidate’s approach to content review and editing.

Sample answer:

“My review process involves thorough self-editing, peer feedback, and using editing tools to catch errors. Ensuring content is clear, error-free, and aligned with objectives is crucial.”

  1. How do you source new content stories?

Assessing the candidate’s methods for generating content ideas.

Sample answer: 

“I stay updated on industry trends, conduct keyword research, monitor audience feedback, and collaborate with colleagues for brainstorming sessions. Maintaining a content calendar helps plan ahead.”

  1. How do you work with internal and external stakeholders to finalize campaign content?

Exploring the candidate’s collaboration skills in content creation.

Sample answer: 

“I establish clear communication channels, hold regular meetings for input, and encourage stakeholders’ involvement in the content development process. Collaboration ensures content aligns with campaign goals and brand messaging.”

Check the rest of the questions here

Real life copywriter interview questions

Copywriters are creative wordsmiths who craft persuasive and compelling written content for various mediums, such as advertisements, product descriptions, and marketing materials. They aim to engage the target audience, drive conversions, and enhance brand visibility.

Check out the following interview questions from real hiring managers:

1. What are some examples of posts/ads you have written copy for before?

Inquiring about the candidate’s previous copywriting experience and the types of content they have created.

Sample answer:

“I’ve had the opportunity to write copy for a range of projects, including social media ads, website product descriptions, and email marketing campaigns. One notable example is an ad campaign for XYZ Company, where my copy contributed to a 30% increase in click-through rates and a 20% boost in conversion rates.”

2. What kind of impact did your posts/ads have on the brand’s presence online and sales?

Evaluating the candidate’s ability to measure the effectiveness of their copy and its impact on brand visibility and sales.

Sample answer:

“My copy has consistently played a significant role in improving brand visibility and driving sales. For instance, my email marketing campaign resulted in a 40% increase in revenue, demonstrating the direct impact of compelling copy on sales growth.”

3. What do you draw inspiration from?

Exploring the candidate’s sources of inspiration and creativity in copywriting.

Sample answer:

“I draw inspiration from various sources, including customer feedback, industry trends, and consumer behavior insights. I also find creative sparks in everyday life, such as conversations, books, and art. This diverse range of inspiration helps me craft unique and relatable copy.”

4. Do you work better in a team or as an individual?

Understanding the candidate’s preferred work environment and their ability to collaborate within a team or excel as an individual contributor.

Sample answer:

“I’m comfortable working in both team and individual settings. Collaborating within a team allows me to bounce ideas, receive feedback, and collectively brainstorm creative solutions. On the other hand, I also enjoy the independence of working individually, where I can focus on tasks that require deep concentration and creativity.”

5. Have to submit a sample. It is important to know how to write for an online audience and place keywords appropriately. The New York Times editing tests are a good way to hone editing skills [link included]

Highlighting the importance of submitting a writing sample and recommending a resource for honing copywriting skills.

Sample answer:

“Submitting a writing sample is crucial in assessing my ability to write for an online audience and apply SEO techniques effectively. Additionally, I appreciate the suggestion to use The New York Times editing tests as a valuable resource for improving my editing skills and mastering the art of keyword placement in copywriting.”

As we conclude our exploration into the nuanced world of content and graphic design, armed with real-life interview questions, we trust HR professionals now possess a friendlier lens to identify top-tier candidates.

The fusion of artistic talent, technical finesse, and strategic vision required for content and graphic design roles calls for a thoughtful approach to recruitment.

Drawing on the insights of real hiring managers, this guide serves as a friendly companion for assembling teams that not only tackle current design challenges but also set the stage for reshaping visual storytelling in the future.

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