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A Year’s Worth of Diversity and Inclusion Content: Fortune 500 Life-Sciences Company Case Study

We share a detailed exploration of how we brought DEI to life, all year long, for a leading company in this diversity and inclusion case study.

In 2020, Labcorp, a leading global life-sciences company, was looking for a partner to help showcase its investment and efforts in diversity and inclusion (D&I). Additionally, they sought to highlight their unique programs that build awareness and strengthen bonds between several historically marginalized groups and their global community.

Developing a strategy to build awareness

Labcorp turned to Stories Inc. to help learn about their experiences of employees and elevate employee voices. Enthusiastically, Stories Inc. worked with their teams to develop an employee storytelling strategy. The plan combined a holistic D&I strategy with the capturing of high-quality content — an integrated process that requires thoughtful preparation and consideration.

Instead of creating a single D&I video, we devised a multi-story plan. Labcorp would release a series of videos, each focused on a specific employee resource group (ERG). The employer branding team at Labcorp also wanted to partner to celebrate cultural moments and holidays throughout the year. These year-round communications would reinforce Labcorp’s celebrations of inclusivity across its global organization and show specifically how they care for their employees.

Uncovering personal and professional stories

With a content plan for Labcorp’s entire year, Stories Inc. interviewed 23 employees. These team members were captured virtually all over the globe, from Shanghai to São Paulo. Their unique personal and professional stories were uncovered to ultimately show candidates and current employees how Labcorp supports D&I efforts.

Stories Inc. created 16 videos, highlighting cultural moments, DEI themes, and employee resource groups. All content was grounded in real stories from their employees that bring to life the company’s culture of inclusivity.

Dive into our complete project plan and explore the compelling stories: download the diversity and inclusion case study!