In the ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition, gamified assessments stand out as a significant and transformative trend. These interactive, game-based evaluations promise to revolutionize the hiring process by enhancing candidate engagement and providing deeper insights into their abilities. However, the adoption of these innovative solutions is not without challenges, particularly regarding customization costs. This article explores the relevance, appeal, and sustainability of gamified assessments in the modern recruitment process, addressing the critical question: Are they here to stay?

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The Enduring Appeal of Gamified Assessments

Gamified assessments have soared in popularity for several compelling reasons. They offer an engaging and interactive experience for candidates, making the recruitment process more enjoyable and less stressful. This approach can lead to a more positive perception of the hiring company, enhancing its employer brand. Moreover, gamified assessments can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of candidates, assessing not just their technical skills but also their problem-solving abilities, creativity, and adaptability.

The Rising Popularity of Video Games: A Statistical Insight and Its Relevance

The video game industry’s exponential growth over the past few decades is not just a trend but a reflection of a broader cultural shift. According to the Entertainment Software Association, over 214 million people in the United States play video games, with 64% of U.S. adults and 70% of those under 18 regularly engaging in gaming. The global games market generated revenues of $159.3 billion in 2020, a 9.3% increase from 2019. This widespread acceptance and engagement with gaming across various demographics, including older age groups, indicate a general familiarity and comfort with game-like experiences. This familiarity is what gamified assessments tap into, making them an intuitive and appealing tool for a wide range of candidates.

Gamified Assessment

Understanding the Distinctions and the Emergence of Gamification in Business

As gaming continues to permeate various aspects of life, its influence has notably entered the business world, driving behaviors and engagement through gamification. This term, often used interchangeably with gamified assessments, is technically aligned with the concept of serious games. Gamification in business contexts involves applying game mechanics to non-game environments, like workplaces or consumer interactions, to motivate and engage people. Gamified assessments, a subset of this broader gamification trend, are essentially serious games designed with a specific purpose: to evaluate and assess candidates in a recruitment setting. They go beyond mere entertainment, offering an immersive experience that combines the motivational aspects of gaming with the practical needs of talent acquisition.

Busting Myths Around Video Games and Gamified Assessments

Myth: Video Games Are Only for the Young

  • Fact: The appeal of video games transcends age barriers. The ESA report indicates that the average age of a gamer is 34 years, with many players over the age of 50. This broad age range demonstrates the universal appeal of game mechanics, which gamified assessments capitalize on.

Myth: Video Games Are a Distraction

  • Fact: While excessive gaming can be problematic, moderate video game play has been linked to improved cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and even stress relief. Gamified assessments leverage these positive aspects to create a stimulating environment for evaluating candidates.

Myth: Gamified Assessments Are Not Serious

  • Fact: Despite their playful format, gamified assessments are grounded in serious psychological and behavioral research. They provide valuable insights into a candidate’s abilities, far beyond what traditional assessments can offer.

The Overlap and Appeal Among Generations

The overlap between video games and gamified assessments lies in their shared ability to engage and motivate participants. For the younger generation, who have grown up with digital technology and gaming, gamified assessments feel familiar and accessible. For older generations, these assessments offer a refreshing change from traditional, often monotonous evaluation methods. This cross-generational appeal makes gamified assessments a powerful tool in reaching a diverse pool of candidates.

Is Gamified Assessment Just a Fad?

Given the challenges, it’s natural to wonder if gamified assessments are merely a temporary trend. However, several factors suggest that they are more than just a passing fad. The continuous advancement in technology makes these tools more accessible and affordable over time. Additionally, the shift towards a more digital, interactive world, especially among younger generations, indicates a growing preference for such innovative approaches in various aspects of life, including recruitment.

Gamified Assessment

The Future of Gamified Assessments

The future of gamified assessments looks promising. As technology continues to advance, it’s likely that the cost and complexity of creating customized gamified solutions will decrease, making them more accessible to a wider range of companies. Furthermore, as the workforce continues to evolve, with millennials and Gen Z becoming the majority, their preference for digital, interactive experiences will drive the demand for gamified assessments.


Gamified assessments are more than a transient trend in talent acquisition; they represent a pivotal evolution in recruitment strategies. By blending the engaging elements of video games with serious candidate evaluation, these tools provide a dynamic and insightful approach to assessing potential hires. Their growing popularity, bolstered by the universal appeal of gaming across generations, firmly establishes them as a key instrument in modern recruitment. As technology progresses and the workforce evolves, gamified assessments are poised to become an increasingly accessible and desirable solution in the ever-changing landscape of talent acquisition.

For those seeking to delve deeper into the practical application and benefits of gamified assessments, make sure to read our article on how to apply Owiwi within your organization and the 5 key advantages it can bring to your business.

Q1: What are gamified assessments and how do they transform talent acquisition?

A: Gamified assessments are interactive, game-based evaluations used in recruitment to enhance candidate engagement and provide deeper insights into their abilities. They revolutionize talent acquisition by making the hiring process more engaging and insightful, offering a modern approach to evaluating potential hires.

Q2: Why are gamified assessments considered more than just a passing trend in recruitment?

A: Gamified assessments are seen as more than a passing trend due to their ability to merge the appeal of video games with serious candidate evaluation, their growing popularity across generations, and the continuous advancement in technology making them more accessible and affordable.

Q3: How does the popularity of video games influence the acceptance of gamified assessments?

A: The widespread acceptance and engagement with video games across various demographics, including older age groups, have created a general familiarity and comfort with game-like experiences. This familiarity makes gamified assessments an intuitive and appealing tool in recruitment.

Q4: What is the difference between gamification in business and serious games?

A: Gamification in business involves applying game mechanics to non-game environments to motivate and engage, often used interchangeably with gamified assessments. Serious games are full-fledged games designed for purposes other than entertainment, like education or training.

Q5: Can gamified assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of candidates?

A: Yes, gamified assessments can provide a comprehensive evaluation of candidates, assessing not just their technical skills but also qualities like problem-solving abilities, creativity, and adaptability.

Q6: Are gamified assessments suitable for candidates of all ages?

A: Yes, gamified assessments are suitable for candidates of all ages. They capitalize on the universal appeal of game mechanics, making them accessible and engaging for both younger and older generations.

Q7: How do gamified assessments counter the myth that video games are just a distraction?

A: Gamified assessments leverage the positive aspects of moderate video game play, such as improved cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities, to create a stimulating environment for evaluating candidates, countering the myth that video games are merely a distraction.

Q8: What future developments are expected in the field of gamified assessments?

A: The future of gamified assessments includes decreased costs and complexity in creating customized solutions, making them more accessible to a wider range of companies. Additionally, the growing preference for digital, interactive experiences among younger generations will drive further demand.

Q9: How do gamified assessments enhance the employer brand?

A: Gamified assessments enhance the employer brand by offering an engaging and interactive recruitment experience, leading to a more positive perception of the hiring company and making the process more enjoyable for candidates.

Q10: Can gamified assessments be used for Learning and Development (L&D) purposes in organizations?

A: Yes, gamified assessments can be effectively used for Learning and Development (L&D) in organizations. They offer an engaging and interactive way to enhance learning experiences, assess skill development, and track progress. Stay tuned for our next article where we will explore in-depth how gamified assessments can revolutionize L&D strategies.

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