Deloitte Includes INTOO USA’s Solution in Internal Mobility and Talent Marketplace Report

A young Black woman leads her team in a project meeting


Robyn Kern


We’re excited to announce that Deloitte has included INTOO’s Career Mobility solution in its Internal Mobility and Talent Marketplace Solutions Report.

Download the report here.

Deloitte’s 2021 Internal Mobility and Talent Marketplace Solutions Report speaks to the current employer demands for increased capabilities around talent mobility, partly due to shifts in the market resulting from the pandemic. Internal mobility can help organizations fill internal roles and identify and develop the skills of their workforce to increase opportunities within. An additional benefit of such solutions is increased retention and employee engagement. The report summarizes the current state of the internal mobility and talent marketplace technology market and the capabilities that “help deliver transparent and efficient talent mobility.” INTOO USA was selected as a provider of internal mobility solutions for inclusion in its report and reflects how the solutions correspond to the Report’s Talent Access, Talent Development, and Reporting & Analytics capability categories, noting its ability to address skill data collection, adjacent skills recommendation, worker development (including role/opportunity), and trend reporting.

The report notes that a resource that’s specific to INTOO’s solution is on-demand, live career advisors, whom users can connect to instantly to discuss opportunities and strategies in order to meet their career goals.

“Being included in Deloitte’s report allows for greater exposure of our solution, which can be of significant benefit to organizations as they seek to improve employee experience,” says Yair Riemer, CEO of INTOO USA. “At a time when organizations are struggling with retention and talent acquisition, we’re proud that our solution can serve them by enabling employees to upskill, find internal opportunities, and build a strategy to meet their career goals.”

As reflected in the report, “Intoo Career Mobility is designed to serve as a single entry point for career development resources and one-on-one career coaching,” and “Professionals can access on-demand support from coaches via video, phone, and text chat for individualized career development conversations.” It should be noted that our on-demand coaching capability is unique in the marketplace.

Additional resources include assessments, upskilling courses on a wide range of subjects, internal job postings, interview preparation and networking tools, and more. 

Our agile in-house technology team enables quick development and response to industry trends. As a result, we look forward to providing increased benefit via our customized career development and mobility offerings to organizations and their workforces in 2022 and beyond.In every stage of the employee lifecycle, INTOO helps employers protect their brand through effective candidate experience, career development, and outplacement services. Contact us to learn how we can make a difference for you and your employees.

Robyn Kern

Robyn Kern is a seasoned business writer who has written in the HR, education, technology, and nonprofit spaces. She writes about topics including outplacement, layoffs, career development, internal mobility, candidate experience, succession planning, talent acquisition, and more, with the goal of surfacing workforce trends and educating the HR community on these key topics. Her work has been featured on and

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