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The best work-life balance jobs to improve your well-being

October 19, 2023 - 14 min read

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What’s work-life balance?

10 of the best work-life balance jobs 

Unlock a well-balanced life

You went to university, joined a company or two, and before you knew it, your career consumed most of your life and identity. And lately, you feel dissatisfied with your job and no longer have time for the things you love. You want a better balance but don’t know where to start. 

Somewhere amidst the daily grind of building your career and striving toward your professional goals, you let your personal life take the back seat. This is nothing to be ashamed of — it’s quite common and universally frustrating.

But you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your interests and relationships to succeed professionally. The best work-life balance jobs allow you to find the equilibrium between managing your commitments at work and making time for hobbies you enjoy. Exploring these careers might just inspire you to change your routine and live on your own terms.

What’s work-life balance?

Work-life balance refers to the time and effort you allocate toward your career versus your personal life. Someone with a healthy work-life balance sustains their professional responsibilities while participating in hobbies and activities that nurture their mental health, personal fulfillment, and relationships.

Although concentrating on career aspirations is beneficial in numerous ways, solely focusing on your professional life can lead to burnout, which can cause physical and mental health issues. Taking time for yourself and those you love allows you to recharge, so you feel happier and have the energy needed to contribute great work. 

Finding the right balance between your work life and personal life is subjective and depends on your definition of success and what you prioritize and prefer. Your ideal work-life balance will differ from your coworker, friend, or neighbor, with these two factors influencing your perception of the right work-life balance:

  1. Your values: What you care for most dictates how you want to spend your free time — and how much of it you need. Some people prioritize quality time with family, while others want time for their hobbies.

    You might also want your occupation to align with your values, like if you have strong environmental or ethical principles. Working someplace that’s misaligned might leave you dissatisfied or upset, even in your free time.

  2. Your ideal work environment: Your pick for the company with the best work-life balance won’t be universal. Perhaps you crave flexibility while someone else requires structure.

    Or maybe you’re hoping for a hybrid environment that allows you to work in-office twice a week while someone else wants to work remotely worldwide. Working somewhere that doesn’t fit with your ideal environment might make you feel like your balance is off. 

10 of the best work-life balance jobs 

Whether you’ve decided to find something new or make smaller changes to enjoy more free time, consider these 10 jobs with the best work-life balance. Remember: your work-life needs are unique, and these aren’t the only positions that offer balance. But exploring these options might lead you to the right role or workplace. 

Healthcare sector

If you’re looking for a career that positively impacts your community, is high-paying, and offers career development opportunities, consider healthcare. Most healthcare professions require extensive training and long hours, but once you’ve landed a career, they often come with perks like enhanced flexibility.

1. Orthodontist 

To improve your community’s dental health and create winning smiles, try working in orthodontics. You’ll need excellent attention to detail skills and dexterity, but the income and flexible schedules are worth it. 

These professionals often have their own practice, determine their schedules, and work flexible hours to fit personal preferences. And they earn a median annual salary of $174,360

2. Dentist 

If dental care is enticing, you could also work as a dentist. For this profession, you must be an empathetic communicator, patient, and passionate about oral health. 

Like orthodontists, dentists often run their own practice and design their work week to accommodate a flexible schedule. They make a median annual salary of $163,220 and are generally in demand, leading to a promising career outlook. 


Technology sector

No matter how robust and imaginative, today’s technological landscape makes any idea seem possible. If you want to be at the forefront of innovation, consider a cutting-edge career in technology.

3. Software developer 

If you’re an avid problem-solver who’s always coming up with innovative ideas, you may enjoy creating and testing computer applications. Software developers blend technology and creativity to design the structure and functionality of software, so you’ll need a blend of coding skills and a general eye for aesthetics.

Software developers earn a median annual salary of $127,260 and often only need a laptop, so they can work from anywhere. And you can find full-time, part-time, and gig work — whatever suits your needs. 

4. Web developer 

Web development often tops the charts when searching for the best jobs for work-life balance. Web developers generally have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or take vocational training programs, making the profession easy to enter and progress in.

To become a web developer, you’ll need front-end, back-end, or full-stack coding skills — and UX/UI expertise is a big plus. 

Web developers generally earn a median annual salary of $78,580.

Creative sector

If you’re a storyteller and dreamer, a career that leverages your creative skills might be just what you need to gain personal and professional fulfillment. Creative jobs tend to be freelance and independent, meaning you gain more power over scheduling. And you might also be doing something you love, so work feels less like a grind. 

5. Photographer

Many photographers are self-employed and take on contract work when it suits their schedule. You can also choose projects that fit your interests, like weddings versus commercial contracts, leading to more satisfying work. 

Photographers earn a median annual salary of $41,280. Although that’s not high compared to the other professions on this list, when you factor in the flexible work schedule and travel opportunities, it’s a career worth the investment to many creative individuals.


6. Writer

If you have a way with words and enjoy the diversity writing careers offer, you might work as a content or copy-writer, a book author, or even an editor. This is often project or freelance-based work, meaning you can take or leave projects as you see fit.

And if you do nab a full-time salaried gig, most writers only require a laptop and can work from anywhere in the world, offering you the flexibility to create your ideal work-life balance. 

Writers and authors earn a median annual wage of $69,510

Beauty sector

Embrace self-expression and artistry in the captivating industry of beauty. Today, numerous professions focus on making people feel great, both inside and out. Here are a couple of the most flexible and enjoyable options.

7. Fashion stylist

Have an extensive and diverse wardrobe and love shopping? Your interests are in the right place to become a fashion stylist. These personal shoppers interpret a client’s taste, consider what would be most flattering for their body shape and skin tone, and find or recommend outfits to enhance their overall look. 

While you might work for a company or specific high-paying client, most stylists work independently, slowly acquiring customers as they build their business. This means you have authority over how many hours you take on and what kind of work environment you agree to join.

According to Glassdoor, fashion stylists earn a median annual pay of $37,689. This is often part-time — and fun — work you can take on to supplement your primary income. 


8. Hairdresser

If you’re creative, love chatting with people, and enjoy working with your hands, you’ll probably enjoy working as a hairdresser. These professionals can work from home, start their own salon, or rent a chair, scheduling appointments when they like. Or if you prefer, you could join a team permanently to enjoy a more structured work environment. 

Hair industry professionals typically earn a median annual salary of $33,290, but this varies greatly depending on where you work and whether you’re an independent hairdresser or are permanently part of a team. 

Science sector

People who love unraveling mysteries, thrive in collaborative environments, and have strong data analysis skills excel at science-based jobs. If that’s you, you might enjoy one of these two jobs with good work-life balances.

9. Research technician 

Research technicians collect data and assist scientists in their daily activities. While you can work in various fields — like academia or technology — no matter your specialization, you’ll want to be proficient at analyzing data, problem-solving, and working on a team.

Although earnings differ between fields, on average, clinical laboratory technologists and technicians earn a median annual salary of $57,800. Hours vary between industries, meaning you can find one that works best for you, and responsibilities change often, making it a stimulating career choice.


10. Field researcher

If you love working outdoors and frequently changing your work environment, you could try fieldwork. Simply working outdoors might boost your mental well-being and physical health, leading to a better work-life balance. 

To succeed in this field, you’ll need to perfect your data collection, research, and GPS skills. You’ll also need excellent communication skills to effectively convey your data to your team or a client. 

According to Glassdoor, field researchers earn a median annual salary of $53,601.

Unlock a well-balanced life

Feeling satisfied in your life sometimes takes a little fine-tuning and self-care. You need to balance your attention between your personal and professional life to find the right equilibrium for you.

The best work-life balance jobs fit your unique values and preferences, enabling you to lead the professional career of your dreams without neglecting your relationships or personal goals.

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Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Published October 19, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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