INTOO’s Career Coaches Win Customer Success Team of the Year in the 2023 Golden Bridge Awards®

A young Black woman leads her team in a project meeting


Robyn Kern


INTOO proudly announces its victory at the esteemed 15th Annual 2023 Golden Bridge Awards® Awards. The Globee Awards, known for organizing world-class business awards programs and business ranking lists, has recognized INTOO’s on-demand career coaching team as a standout winner in this year’s prestigious event. The team was awarded a Bronze Award in the Customer Success Team of the Year category.

The 15th Annual 2023 Golden Bridge Awards celebrates organizations that have demonstrated outstanding achievements, innovation, and excellence across various industries. This prestigious recognition program honors the trailblazers, disruptors, and visionaries who have pushed the boundaries of possibility and made significant contributions to their respective fields. From cutting-edge technology advancements to groundbreaking marketing campaigns, the Golden Bridge Awards provide a platform to showcase and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of these organizations. By highlighting their successes, the awards inspire others to strive for greatness, fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The Golden Bridge Awards truly embody the spirit of recognizing and celebrating the exceptional accomplishments that shape our world.

The complete list of 2023 winners is here:

INTOO’s career coaching team was recognized for maintaining its outstanding 97% satisfaction rating based on participant feedback, even while experiencing a dramatic 91% increase in usage YoY for the period April-September of its unlimited on-demand career coaching service. This growth in usage underscores the value of its 7-day-a-week availability, quality support, and flexible access to job seekers. 

“At INTOO we pride ourselves on not only our innovation, but also the fact that this innovation makes a difference in the lives of the job seekers we serve,” said Christa Juenger, VP of Strategy and Coaching Services at INTOO. “We routinely receive feedback that the immediacy and personalization of service they receive from our coaches has made a positive impact on their career transitions and their lives overall.”

“Congratulations to all the remarkable winners of the 2023 Golden Bridge Awards! We are thrilled to honor the outstanding innovations and exceptional business achievements showcased by these visionary organizations. Each winner has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility and driving positive change within their respective industries. It is their relentless pursuit of excellence that sets them apart as leaders in today’s competitive landscape. We applaud their creativity, resilience, and unwavering dedication to success. The Golden Bridge Awards celebrate these remarkable accomplishments and serve as a testament to the transformative power of innovation and business acumen. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and look forward to witnessing their continued growth and impact in the years to come.” – San Madan, President of Globee Awards

The rigorous judging process involved over 350 industry experts from around the world, representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives. The esteemed panel of judges can be found here:’s outplacement program helps employees transition to new jobs through an unlimited number of hours of one-on-one, on-demand coaching from premier career counselors, resume reviews, and other career services. Learn more about how our outplacement program can benefit your company when you’re transitioning employees.

Robyn Kern

Robyn Kern is a seasoned business writer who has written in the HR, education, technology, and nonprofit spaces. She writes about topics including outplacement, layoffs, career development, internal mobility, candidate experience, succession planning, talent acquisition, and more, with the goal of surfacing workforce trends and educating the HR community on these key topics. Her work has been featured on and

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