hr hiring manager happy about her streamlined talent acquisition process

How to Make Your Talent Acquisition Process More Efficient

For HR professionals, having a streamlined talent acquisition process bolsters your success. It not only helps you stand out as being a master at hiring, optimizing a talent acquisition process can also save your company loads of cash.

However, in today's tech-driven hiring landscape, navigating the hows of an efficient talent acquisition process requires a different mentality than recruiting did ten years ago.

An efficient talent acquisition process can decrease your time-to-hire.

According to SHRM, time-to-hire has actually increased a whopping ten days since 2010. Unfortunately, companies and hiring teams can't afford such a profound lag in hiring since the economy is much stronger than it was six years and employees have many more job options available to them.

If you don't have a refined talent acquisition process, then you risk losing highly qualified job applicants. On the other hand, you don't want to force a talent acquisition process that doesn't successfully identify those candidates that are a good fit for your openings.

So how do you build a talent acquisition process that is both quality and efficiency balanced?

The answer is simple - enlist help and hire strategically.

Optimize your talent acquisition process by starting with the basics.

One of the simplest methods for transforming your talent acquisition process ROI is to write better job ads.

Unless an applicant is a referral or has been trying to snag a position with your company for a while, the job posting is likely to be his/her first exposure to your company. Your primary goal should be to leave a good first impression on the job seeker. But it doesn't stop there, you not only want to get them excited about your company and what you have to offer, but you want to compel them to apply for the opening. The more applicants you can encourage to complete an application, the higher your chances are at finding that superstar employee.

We've written extensively on this topic already, but if you want a quick tip to overhaul your job ad and better your talent acquisition process, you should start by ditching a job description that includes all the legal jargon that makes no sense to anyone other than attorneys and HR.

In order to speak to job seekers, you need to write your job ad in a voice that is job seeker centered. In other words, more of what's in it for them and less what's in it for HR.

Attract More Highly Qualified Applicants

We spend countless hours researching the most effective, easy to implement, and FREE strategies that will dramatically boost your qualified applicant flow.

Use an applicant tracking system to streamline your talent acquisition process.

If you're trying to thrive in a tech-dominated atmosphere, you need to adopt a talent acquisition process with technology leading its charge. Put simply, if you can't beat them, join them. Eighty percent of job seekers use the online space to make their hiring efforts easier.

If you don't have a talent acquisition process that is optimized for the Internet, you're going to struggle finding top talent. What's more, since your focus should be drawing in as many job candidates as you can and prompting them to apply for your openings, you're going to need to employ a system on the backend to manage all of those applications - enter applicant tracking systems.

High quality hiring software has the ability to:

  • Push all of your job ads to appropriate job posting mediums.
  • Monitor and track your hiring metrics.
  • Screen through and rate your applicants based on strategic parameters dictated by the needs of your company.
  • Fully integrated with a host of additional platforms designed to reinforce your talent acquisition process.

Another bonus: many are available to be customized for your hiring needs, don't require a contract, and offer a free "try it before you buy it" trial of the system.

Most HR professionals aren't data scientists, so why not buttress your talent acquisition process efforts with built-in technology designed to do the data heavy lifting for you? Begin your Free Trial of ApplicantPro today and see how easy it can be to streamline your hiring process.

Increase Qualified Applicants without spending money

Increase qualified applicant flow across the board.

Download this exclusive guide to improve your qualified applicant flow.

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