Sustainability Reporting: What Should You Consider?

September 28, 2023

The entering into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), on 5 January 2023, has entailed an increase in the number of companies that fall within the scope of the EU sustainability reporting requirements. Hence, companies are currently facing the need to publish regular sustainability reports on the social and environmental risks they are dealing with, as well as on how their activities impact people and the environment.  

Why publish sustainability reports 

Social and environmental issues entail future business threats, making it increasingly important to address them in companies’ long-term strategies. Indeed, corporate sustainability reporting provides an overall view of a company’s economic, environmental and social impact, which allows a better understanding, assessment and measurement of corporate performance.  Some of the benefits of producing regular sustainability reports are:  

  • Better risk management. 
  • Cost and savings optimization. 
  • Enhanced decision-making and strengthening of the long-term strategy. 
  • Improved corporate confidence.  

Does ESG reporting concern my company?

The answer is yes, regardless of your company’s size, corporate sustainability reporting plays an essential role in the transition towards a sustainable economy. Furthermore, the disclosure of environmental, social and governance goals (ESG) and the communication of progress towards them will invariably help to anticipate changes and meet future challenges, while also allowing you to accurately define your operating environment. Moreover, the associated legal requirements and penalties will do nothing but grow. Hence, if you have not implemented a sustainability reporting framework yet, it is time to decide which one is right for you.  

Corporate carbon footprint reporting

Aware of the current climate emergency, companies are facing demands from a growing range of stakeholders to measure and reduce the negative environmental impacts of their activities. Accordingly, carbon accountability will be critical to long-term business survival, making corporate carbon footprint calculation a must. Monitoring progress in this area is, therefore, an important part of sustainability reporting, and the first step towards a zero-carbon economy. In a nutshell, carbon footprint reporting is about the following: 

  • Tracking and disclosure of direct and indirect emissions resulting from corporate activity. 
  • Measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 
  • Definition of climate goals and carbon emission reduction strategies.

Choose the right sustainability reporting software

The intensification of reporting requirements involves an increase in the volume of data that  must be collected, managed and reported across an organization. Thus, investing resources and time in sustainability reporting software is unquestionably a good idea: it simplifies data collection, ensures accurate CCF calculation and allows you to share your company’s progress with stakeholders. What are the basic features you should look for? 

  • User-friendliness and easy implementation process. 
  • Analytics and reporting in line with stakeholder requirements. 
  • Adaptability and capacity to evolve and grow with your reporting requirements.  

In short, if you think business resilience is important, choose solutions such as those provided by Talentia Software to build a sound adaptive strategy.