A Few HR Takeaways from the New Glassdoor Preferred ATS Partner Program Launch

A Few HR Takeaways from the New Glassdoor Preferred ATS Partner Program Launch

Glassdoor stepped onto the hiring scene a mere eight years ago and has quickly risen to one of the most influential (and the most transformative) corporate recruiting platforms on the web. If you're an HR professional that has any involvement in the hiring process, then you're going to want to align yourself with Glassdoor to optimize the way your company conducts its employment process, and we'll tell you why in today's post. We'll also dissect the new ATS partner program Glassdoor has launched to provide you with the most far-reaching online recruiting approach available.

Who is Glassdoor?

Glassdoor launched in 2008 and quickly established their platform as the first (and only) employment marketplace on the web. Not only do they provide job listings and salary information regarding specific positions at company, but they also provide a comprehensive overview of a business with regards to corporate culture according to current or past employees who “rate” their experience there. Not only does this provide HR professionals another outlet for online recruiting, but it also ensures higher engagement from the perspective of the applicants because they're able to have a “one stop shop” for applying to job openings and conducting their “research” about a company before they invest the time to apply all in one place.

What is the inspiration for Glassdoor's Preferred Partner ATS Program?

After Glassdoor gained their footing in the recruiting and hiring space, they wanted to take the employer's experience to the next level – this crucial step involved integrating 10 applicant tracking systems into their Preferred Partner ATS Program. The idea was to create the most seamless and optimized hiring process possible, so that every step from posting to hire is fully integrated. What this ensures for HR professionals is that each milepost of the applicant's journey is tracked which makes strategic hiring not only possible, but a no brainer. If you have transparency and a map of your job candidate's experience through not only the application, but through your ATS as well, you're better able to attach a pricetag to what it truly costs you to recruit and hire top talent. Not only does this make your job as an HR professional less cumbersome because you're not trying to fill in the gaps between each system (the job listing site and your ATS), but you have a better idea of your performance and can better measure your company's hiring success because your technology “team” is all on the same page – you, Glassdoor, and your hiring software.

Three main reasons why employers should select a hiring platform that is a preferred partner:Data, Clean Job Feeds, and Job Seeker Application Experience.

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Why should HR choose an applicant tracking system that is partnered with Glassdoor?

According to Glassdoor, there are three main reasons why employers should select a hiring platform that is a preferred partner:

Data – the first and most crucial aspect of this seamless alliance is that you're going to have access to quality data. Not only will this data be reliable because of the integration that exists between the systems you use, but it's completely automated, so you don't have to spend hours trying to assess and combine data points to prove your strategic value to the company.

Clean Job Feeds – When Glassdoor is integrated with your ATS provider, your job listings are automatically (and cleanly) pushed to Glassdoor. This means that you can spend your time creating valuable job ad content to attract superstar applicants instead of manually having to upload and push your ads to Glassdoor. Additionally, if you choose a high quality ATS, the platform should be integrated to push your jobs to a wide variety of job listing heavy hitters as well.

Job Seeker Application Experience – Finally, through a streamlined partnership between your hiring software and Glassdoor, you'll create a positive applicant experience. The more barriers you can eliminate between your applicants and the job you're hiring for, the more likely it is that you'll cast the widest net for the highest quantity of qualified applicants. It's also been found through over three million applications that job seekers are 34 percent likelier to apply for a job if they aren't routed somewhere other than Glassdoor's platform to complete an application. This percentage doubles if your candidates are on a mobile device.

What does it mean for ApplicantPro to be a Gold Glassdoor Partner?

What sets us apart at ApplicantPro is our commitment to creating the most optimized hiring process possible for employers (especially those in the SMB space) without the need for contracts and a never-ending list of expensive features that don't help you hire smarter, faster, and more cost effectively. We believe in following the data because the data always leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to the most efficient route for hiring. Being a Glassdoor gold partner enables us to extend our reach into helping our clients hire more productively, but to also provide the most comprehensive application experience for job seekers as well. If we can streamline hiring for both employers and future employees, we can reinforce a healthy balance between what's in it for me, and what's in it for them, so everybody wins.

Want an ATS that is not only fully Glassdoor integrated, but also affordable? Give one of our hiring experts a call to learn more about our Glassdoor partnership and “what's in it for you.”

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