
Hiring Platform

Human Potential Intelligence

Past achievements don’t predict future success. But AI-driven tech to measure and unlock the potential of candidates does. Hope is not a hiring strategy. HireVue is.

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Today’s HR processes frequently treat candidates like non-scarce resources. Outdated job requisitions largely based on academic and irrelevant qualifications mean great candidates are never hired, raw new talent is overlooked, and talented internal candidates are ignored. But at HireVue, we believe in looking at what can be achieved more than what has been achieved.

At HireVue, we exist to connect talent to opportunity and unlock the potential in every candidate—because everyone has potential. Our solutions empower teams to identify the potential of your candidates and the traits and skills that better predict future success.

We're putting the "human" back in human resources
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“We’re able to learn more about people than we could ever learn from a piece of paper, and we can do it at scale and with speed.”
- HireVue Customer

Enterprise Security & Scale

Fast & Flexible Integrated Solutions

Fair & Transparent Hiring

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Solutions for every stage in your hiring process
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Discover the Future of Hiring

Experience firsthand how HireVue can transform your hiring process.

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  • Unstructured interviews create opportunities for unconscious bias and poor hiring decisions

  • Manual, non-integrated workflow slows hiring teams

  • Hiring teams spend time on admin, not candidates

  • Hiring process limited to physical locations and traditional business hours
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Hourly Hiring

Hiring speed matters when hiring hourly workers. Keep your candidates engaged with text-powered solutions that offer 24/7/365 day engagement while assessments identify the critical skills needed for success.


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Campus Hiring

HireVue allows you to reach more students without traveling to more campuses. Reach this generation faster through text and video on their phones with solutions that support a full mobile hiring process. Candidates can text with recruiters and take interviews from any device–anytime and anywhere. Offer busy students flexibility during their candidate journey by offering on-demand and live video interviews and assessments


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Professional Hiring

Slow outdated processes will cost you top talent–and lost revenue. You need a hiring solution that allows your teams to move faster than the competition but doesn’t force them to sacrifice quality. HireVue’s solutions make recruiting and hiring teams more productive by consolidating steps and integrating seamlessly with your ATS. Reimagine how you recruit and hire with a faster process that allows you to focus on the skills that matter for success.


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Technical Hiring

Better understand the person behind the code. Find talent that can meet deadlines and work well in teams–and also know how to code. Consistently identify qualified talent, include engineers, developers and data scientists, with coding assessments and challenges that are fully validated by a team of Industrial-Organizational Psychologists.


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