Emotional Intelligence

There would be no wrong in saying that emotional intelligence accounts for 85% to 90% of success at work, even more than I.Q or any other expertise. The fact cannot be neglected that I.Q is the threshold competence and is mandatorily required, but emotional intelligence is something that makes one stand out. 

Language, mind, body, and emotions, all have interconnection among them. The interconnection between mind as well as body is nothing new. However, research-based on the influence of sentiments and emotions on the human body is very intriguing. In a manner, we have two minds, two brains or, it would be better to say, two divergent kinds of intelligence: one is rational and the other is emotional. It is crucial to acknowledge that emotional artificial intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, nor is it the conquest of heart over head. Basically, it is a distinctive intersection of both.  

Emotional intelligence is the capability to develop an understanding of emotions in yourself as well as others. It also involves the capability to efficiently manage relationships and behaviors. Emotional intelligence can be learned via a process called plasticity/ through this process, the brain of the individual changes as he practices new emotional strategies.  

The techniques discussed in this article have to do with negotiating, but these techniques are also applicable in numerous other aspects of life. The following key principles carry over in each and every human interaction. Each of the mentioned key principles, or rules, is based on emotional intelligence. More positive outcomes are likely to be seen if these 5 rules are kept in mind. 

Rule #1 Use Emotional Codewords 

Some people might call this rule passive-aggressive, but this exclamation can be defused and proves wrong that this rule cannot be found in any case study of business school.  Emotional codewords are words that are usually shared between children and their parents or guardians to signal an emotional overwhelm. This practice is immensely beneficial for social-emotional development. Children can efficiently describe the situation with the help of emotional codewords which they find overwhelming or stressful. The benefit of using emotional codewords is magnified with the utilization of connecting and redirect strategy. 

Rule #2 Use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’

It is a very good practice to use the first-person plural every time it’s possible. But obviously, it would not be better to plug it in haphazardly 

For example, instead of saying “I actually want us to reach an agreement tonight”, it would be better to say “We must hopefully reach an agreement tonight.” Similarly, instead of saying “I want Thai food today”, it would be better to say “We can try the new Thai restaurant that opened recently”.  

It would be a great practice to highlight the common factors. Utilizing the word “we” instead of “I” generates a thought to the other side that there are possibilities of agreement on a common point and working together in the future. This small change results in generating positive vibes and healthier relationships among individuals. 

Rule #3 Never Avoid Small Conversations 

This is the most crucial practice that is mandatorily required to be acquired especially after the pandemic outbreak. Those individuals who have the capability of developing an empathy over such things that are not critical to the conversations or engage themselves in small talks are more likely to attain what they actually want.  According to a study at Stanford Graduate School of Businesses, some negotiators conduct their conversation via email, and others initiate with non-agenda and friendly phone calls. Although phone calls are considered as non-professional and non-business, however, phone calls result in a better negotiation experience and generate better social as well as economic outcomes.  

Why does this actually work? 

To understand this, let us lay our eyes on the difference between parallel response and convergent response. The parallel response suggests believing the process of the completion of empathy on the basis of past experience. For example “I have also been to this and I totally understand the stances”. On the other hand, the convergent response suggests believing the process of the completion of empathy by resuming the conversation and learning more about the point of view of the person. For example “I have also been to this. Tell me further about what you are suffering from”. 

One more factor that amplifies the significance of small conversations is that it’s a practice to attain convergence. The more convergent the brief conversation is, the more conformable it will be, and the more rapport it will develop. 

Rule #4 insight into Emotional Motivations of Another Side 

Initiate by imagining the expected outcome of the people with which you are dealing, and then react according to their expected outcomes.  Let us consider an example. The client might want you to provide a product at a certain price in a business negotiation. Either they want it because it makes an appropriate business sense, or they want to attain the pride of acknowledging that they obtained a better deal in comparison to their competitors. In both ways, people are, most of the time, persuaded by a radical emotional goal as ample as their practical goal. That emotionally intelligent comprehension effortlessly impacts decisions. 

Rule #5 Find Out If Other Side Reaches The Agreement 

This can be rephrased as neither wasting your time nor wasting the time of others. Most of the negotiations split apart at the end because one side abruptly claims that they do not possess the authority to reach a certain agreement. In some cases, terms have altered or it is just an excuse. The best practice is don’t permit the fact that you will not agree no matter what. Emotional intelligence Peirce here that different strategies must be acquired to figure out if the other side reaches a certain point of agreement or not. 

All in All 

An old-fashioned word for the body of skills represented by emotional intelligence: character. Undoubtedly, emotions are highly impactful on the individual’s health, emotions as well as financial well-being. The way we respond to people is directly proportional to the response we get back from people. The course of our lives highly depends on our levels of emotional intelligence. 

Not only this, artificial intelligence along with emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in the required industry. Emotional intelligence is really about acknowledging the fact that people have disparate motivations for some things and that they certainly do not realize their emotional motivations. If individuals start paying closer attention to themselves as well as other people, they can attain tremendous advantages with the help of emotional intelligence. Hence, all the above-mentioned pivotal practices play a vital role in the enhancement of the emotional intelligence of individuals. 
