Building a Skills Matrix for Targeted Development & Growth

Building a Skills Matrix for Targeted Development & Growth

Securing and retaining top talent is critical for the success of any organization. However, with the rapid pace of change and evolving skill requirements, many organizations are facing a significant challenge: skills gaps.

A recent Deloitte survey revealed a stark reality: More than 75% of respondents from boards and executives globally regard skills and talent availability as a major source of risk. This highlights the urgent need for organizations to proactively address talent development and ensure they have the right skills on hand to navigate future challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.

This blog post introduces you to a powerful tool for mitigating this risk: the Skills Matrix.

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What is Skills Matrix?

A skills matrix, also known as a competency matrix or skill set matrix, is a powerful tool for mapping employees’ skills and expertise. It provides a visual snapshot of your team’s strengths, weaknesses, and development opportunities.

This information is invaluable for optimizing resource allocation, driving targeted talent development, and ultimately, enhancing overall team performance.

Free Skills Matrix Template

What are the Components of a Skills Matrix?

A well-constructed skills matrix is built on two key components:

Components of a Skills Matrix
  1. Skills: This section forms the foundation of your matrix, outlining all the relevant skills required for your team or project.  These skills can be categorized into different groups for better organization:
    • Technical Skills: These are hard skills specific to a particular job function or industry. Examples include software proficiency, coding languages, data analysis skills, or specialized equipment operation.
    • Soft Skills: These are transferable skills that contribute to overall workplace effectiveness. Examples include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, or leadership.
    • Industry-Specific Skills: Certain industries may require specialized knowledge or certifications. For example, marketing teams might benefit from skills in social media management or SEO, while a legal team might need expertise in contract law or regulatory compliance.
  2. Proficiency Levels: This section defines different levels of expertise for each skill listed in the matrix. Common proficiency scales include:
    • Beginner: Has a basic understanding of the skill but limited practical experience.
    • Intermediate: Can perform tasks independently but may require some guidance or supervision.
    • Advanced: Can proficiently apply the skill independently and solve complex problems.
    • Expert: Has in-depth knowledge and mastery of the skill, acting as a mentor or resource for others.

When defining proficiency levels, it’s crucial to establish clear criteria for each level. This ensures consistency in evaluations across team members and different evaluators.  Consider incorporating specific examples, required knowledge, or successful completion of relevant projects as benchmarks for each level.

Skills matrix template

What are the Benefits of an Employee Skills Matrix?

A well-built skills matrix offers a wealth of benefits for both your organization and your team members. Here’s how it can make a real difference:

Get the Right People on the Right Projects: Identify the missing skills and overlaps within your team. This allows you to strategically assign tasks and projects, ensuring the right skill sets are matched to specific needs. Project planning becomes more efficient, and you can leverage team strengths for optimal outcomes.

Upskill and Reskill for Growth: The matrix pinpoints areas where your team needs development. This helps you tailor training programs and identify upskilling or reskilling opportunities. By focusing on targeted development, you foster a culture of continuous learning and equip your team with the skills they need to succeed in the long run.

Build High-Performing Teams: A skills matrix promotes better team collaboration. With a clear understanding of each member’s strengths and weaknesses, you can create well-rounded teams where individual skillsets complement each other. This fosters a more productive and collaborative work environment.

Make Informed Decisions, Faster: Gain valuable insights into your team’s overall skillset. This transparency allows for better decision-making, as you can quickly identify who possesses the necessary skills to tackle new challenges or projects.

Future-Proof Your Workforce: The business landscape is constantly evolving. A skills matrix helps you anticipate future needs and identify potential skill shortages. This proactive approach allows you to take steps to bridge gaps and ensure your team has the skills necessary to adapt and thrive in a changing environment.

Now that we’ve looked at the benefits of a skills matrix, let’s look at how you can create a skills matrix for your team quickly.

Creating a Skill Set Matrix for Your Team

Building a skills matrix doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a quick look at the key steps involved:

Identifying Required Skills

Think Big Picture: Start by considering your team’s overall goals and objectives. What skills are essential to achieve success in your current projects or future endeavors?

Tip: Peoplebox’s OKR management platform helps you visualize the overall objective of your organization through detailed dashboards.

Break it Down: Once you have a broad understanding, list the specific skills needed for each team member’s role or function. Consider both technical and soft skills relevant to your team’s work.

Future-Proof: Don’t just focus on immediate needs. Think ahead and consider any emerging skills that might be crucial for your team’s future success.

PWC future of work and skills survey

Defining Proficiency Levels

Keep it Simple: Choose a clear and concise scale for proficiency levels. A common approach is Beginner (0), Intermediate (1), Advanced (2), and Expert (3).

Define the Criteria: For each skill and proficiency level, establish specific criteria that outline what it means to be at that level. This could involve experience, knowledge, certifications, or past performance.

Be Specific: The clearer your criteria, the easier it will be to assess the employee’s capabilities accurately and consistently.

Assessing Team Members

Self-Evaluation: Start by having team members assess their own skills based on the defined criteria.

Multiple Performance Evaluation Methods: Supplement self-evaluations with other methods like skills tests, project evaluations, or peer reviews to get a 360 degree feedback.

Try Peoplebox's 360 Performance Reviews

Open Communication: Encourage open communication throughout the assessment process. This allows team members to clarify any doubts and ensures a transparent approach.

Building the Matrix

Choose Your Platform: Decide on a format for your skills matrix. Simple tables work, but dedicated software can offer additional functionalities. For example, Peoplebox offers a comprehensive OKR, performance management, and people analytics software that gives you a complete picture of your workforce. Try it yourself.

Structure it Clearly: List skills across the top and team members down the side. Populate the matrix by assigning the appropriate proficiency level for each skill to each team member.

Visual Representation is Key: Consider using color coding or visual indicators to make the matrix easily understandable at a glance. 

By following these steps, you can create a valuable skills matrix that serves as a roadmap for your team’s development and empowers you to make informed decisions about talent allocation and training needs.

Free Skills Matrix Template

To make it easy for your team to be organized, we have created a simple skills matrix template you can use right away. With this you can:

  • Map key skills: Brainstorm what your team needs to excel.
  • Rate proficiency & interest levels: See who has the skills (and wants to grow them!).
  • Develop action plans: Bridge skill gaps with targeted training.
  • Track progress: Monitor improvement and adapt as needed.
Free Skills Matrix Template

Tips and Best Practices for Effective Skill Set Matrix

Keep it Simple: Don’t overwhelm your matrix with too many skills or complex proficiency levels. Focus on the most relevant skills for your team’s success.

Instead of listing every single programming language, focus on the core languages your developers need for current projects, like Python, Java, or JavaScript. You can add a category for “Emerging Technologies” to capture skills like familiarity with new frameworks or languages that might be relevant in the future.

Define Clear Levels: Establish clear criteria for each proficiency level (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced). This ensures consistent evaluations across team members.

Define “Beginner” in web development as having a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, “Intermediate” as being able to build simple web pages with JavaScript, and “Advanced” as having experience with backend development frameworks.

Regular Updates: Your skills matrix is a living document. Schedule periodic reviews to reflect skill development and evolving team needs.

Conduct a team review of the skills matrix every 6 months. This allows team members to update their proficiencies based on new skills learned and identify any new skills required due to changes in projects or industry trends.

Team Member Participation: Involve your team in identifying skills and assessing their own proficiency. This fosters ownership and transparency.

Hold a brainstorming session with your team to identify the key skills needed for success in their roles. Then, let them self-assess their proficiency levels based on the established criteria. This collaborative approach increases buy-in and ensures the skills listed are truly relevant to the team’s work.

Align with Goals: Ensure the skills listed in the matrix are directly tied to your overall business objectives.

If your company plans to launch a new mobile app in the next year, the skills matrix for your marketing team should include mobile marketing skills like app store optimization (ASO) and social media marketing for app promotion.

Bridge the Gaps: Identify skill gaps and leverage targeted training, mentorship programs, or knowledge-sharing initiatives to address them.

Identify team members with high proficiency in a particular skill and create a mentorship program where they can train others who are less proficient. You can also offer online courses, workshops, or conferences to address identified skill gaps across the team.

Transparency is Key: Make the skills matrix accessible to everyone on the team. This promotes transparency and accountability for individual development.

Share the skills matrix on a team communication platform or a shared document where everyone can access it. This allows team members to see each other’s strengths and weaknesses, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Performance Link: Integrate the skills matrix with your performance management processes. It allows for personalized development programs based on identified strengths and weaknesses.

During performance reviews, use the skills matrix as a reference to discuss individual strengths and areas for development. Create personalized development plans that target identified skill gaps and leverage the strengths of team members to mentor others.

Tech Advantage: Explore dedicated skills matrix software or online platforms to streamline the creation, maintenance, and accessibility of your matrix.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and refine your skills matrix to ensure it remains relevant and valuable for your team’s growth journey.

As your team evolves and takes on new projects, revisit the skills matrix to ensure it reflects the latest requirements. You might need to add new skills, remove outdated ones, or adjust the proficiency level definitions based on your team’s changing needs.

Assess Employee Performance and Skills with Peoplebox

Want to take your skills matrix to the next level and unlock the full potential of performance management? 

Peoplebox offers a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates with skills assessment, streamlining performance reviews and identifying skill gaps with greater accuracy. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions for targeted employee development and continuous organizational growth. Our user-friendly platform provides customizable features to seamlessly integrate with your existing processes, ensuring a positive experience for both team leaders and employees. 

Take the first step towards optimizing your performance management strategy. Contact us today to learn more about how Peoplebox can transform your workforce into a high-performing and future-ready team.

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