For anyone who’s ever experienced divorce as a time of upset, uncertainty, despair and confusion, you’ll recall the many ways we’ve been told to adjust or cope. For my healing, I deeply craved a complete overhaul; more extreme than changing one suburb for another, or just moving on.

I needed true freedom.

I longed to discover aspects of myself and my life that had led me to that moment in time whenI signed the divorce papers. I needed to contemplate and discover what my purpose within my  family structure and the greater world was all about.

 I chose to move to a remote town, 3,000 miles away on the other side of the country. I sold my suburban New York home and moved with part of my family. I built a beautiful home, overlooking Mt. Rainier, on 5 acres of land and became sovereign. I discovered what alternative living and sustainability was all about. I lived there for 8 years. During this time, I wrote books, reinvented myself and became deeply and spiritually connected to the earth. Those years in chosen isolation taught me mental and spiritual fortitude. I am deeply grateful for these experiences and my life has been so much richer for them.


  • Elly Molina

    Intuitive Advisor, Author & Educator

    Elly Molina, Amazon Best Selling author, international Advisor to Public Figures, Celebrities, Business Professionals & trusted mentor is the creator of MindPower Consulting and Psi-Kids. She is a leading expert in developing psychic and intuitive abilities in children and co-founded a magic school in Washington State, She is the author of Children Who Know How to Know; Annabelle and the Domino and contributing author to the amazon best seller, Dancing in the Unknown.  You can learn more about her and her work at: