[Download Recording] The HRBP Model Webinar: Implementation Roadmap & Mistakes to Avoid

Download the recording from this live webinar on how to effectively implement the HRBP model.

[Download Recording] The HRBP Model Webinar: Implementation Roadmap & Mistakes to Avoid

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Download the recording of this webinar: How to implement the HRBP model in 2024?

Senior HR Leaders, on Nov 28th we held an insightful webinar where we dove into the intricacies of the HR Business Partnering Operating Model.

This session was designed for those who want to successfully implement the HRBP model, and to help you transform your team and strategy, gearing up for 2024.

Topics Discussed in this Webinar Recording:

  • Understanding the HRBP Model: We unpack the essentials of the HR Business Partnering model.
  • 5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid: Learn what often goes wrong and how to avoid these mistakes.
  • How to Integrate Your HR Strategy with Business Goals: One of the primary learnings is the importance of aligning HR & HRBP strategies with the overall business objectives. HR leaders should work closely with other business leaders to understand company goals and tailor HR initiatives that support these objectives.
  • Importance of Data-Driven Decision Making: We emphasized the significance of using data and analytics in HR decision-making. How should HR leaders leverage data from HRBPs to gain insights into workforce trends, employee performance, and recruitment strategies to help making informed decisions that contribute to business success?
  • Why Employee Experience and Engagement is so Crucial: Enhancing employee experience and engagement is crucial for retaining top talent and improving productivity. In the webinar we talk about several policies and practices to implement that foster a positive work environment, encourage open communication, and offer opportunities for professional growth.
  • Building Leadership and Management Capabilities: Another key topic was the development of leadership skills within the HR team. HR leaders should focus on building their own strategic thinking, problem-solving, and leadership abilities, as well as those of their team members to implement a successful HRBP model.
  • Adopting Agile HR Practices: The Strategic HRBP Model calls for agility in HR practices. This includes being adaptable to changing business needs, implementing flexible HR policies, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the HR department.


Embrace the opportunity to redefine how HR delivers business impact. Download the webinar recording to be prepared for a successful 2024: Click here to download