Why Freebirds Created a Pay Experience as a Strategy to Lead Through Crisis

Illustrated image of a man and a woman shaking hands, both dressed in business attire. They are standing in front of a large smartphone displaying a check mark. The background includes abstract leaves and buildings, emphasizing a professional and collaborative environment.

DailyPay’s Three-Part Webinar Series: Part III

This final installment of DailyPay’s Three-Part Webinar Series features Jeanniey Walden, our Chief Innovation and Marketing Officer, alongside Jennifer Zion, the Director of Human Resources for Freebirds. Freebirds is a quick-service restaurant (QSR) franchise serving up burritos and other Tex-Mex fare. QSR has always been a high-turnover industry, but as gig work with its daily pay options have become more popular, companies like Freebirds are having an increasingly difficult time retaining employees. Jennifer knew the company needed to implement an on-demand pay solution to remain competitive, but offering this benefit proved to be more powerful than she ever could have imagined.

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the needs of workers, especially financial needs, began to rapidly evolve. Employers like Freebirds who want to stay ahead of the competition in this new world of work need to be acutely aware of these shifts. Offering a unique and useful benefit like DailyPay can make all the difference when rehiring and recruiting new employees, especially in an industry like QSR where employee wages are typically low. By offering DailyPay, Freebirds was able to help their employees make ends meet and handle the financial emergencies that arose during COVID. Tune in to this webinar to see what DailyPay can do for you and your employees.

Make sure your competition doesn’t know more than you do! Tune in to this session to learn:

  • How and why pay needs to evolve along with the rapidly changing times
  • Why you should be digitizing your processes to have greater appeal to Gen Z and millennial employees
  • How implementing a pay experience will help you retain your workforce, reduce turnover and avoid the threat of the gig economy

Watch this on-demand webinar to understand the power of a pay experience and how it can help you lead your company through times of crisis.

Watch On-Demand

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