On-Demand Pay Is Changing The Payroll Landscape: Why CFOs Should Care

A gray-bearded man wearing a light gray polo shirt and red shorts rides a bicycle on a paved path with a beach and mountains in the background. The text above reads, "On-Demand Pay is Changing the Payroll Landscape" and below it, "Why CFOs Should Care About Pay On Demand Providers." The logo "dailypay" is at the bottom right.

This eBook explains what on-demand pay is and why it should be important to CFOs. Some of the tips for evaluating on-demand pay discussed in this eBook include:

  • Why it’s important to find a company that funds all early access transfers
  • Why vendor experience matters and why it’s important to choose a vendor that only specializes in on-demand pay
  • Why it’s essential to choose a vendor that offers expansive employee support options so that your payroll team won’t require additional headcount to field employee questions

On-demand pay is an important benefit that can positively affect your company’s bottom line. There are multiple aspects to consider when evaluating on-demand pay options. This guide gives CFOs tips for choosing an on-demand pay solution based on what a CFO thinks about. 

On-Demand Pay Is Changing The Payroll Landscape: Why CFOs Should Care

Happy employees are also the most productive employees with 20% higher productivity than unhappy employees. In fact, companies with more engaged employees are 21% more profitable than those who are not and disengaged employees cost U.S. employers up to $550 billion a year. In addition to this, companies with fewer engaged employees saw more turnover and, therefore, higher turnover costs.

So what is the solution?

From an early innovation that changed the way people get paid, to one of the hottest technologies in HR today, all eyes are on on-demand pay (also known as earned wage access) for a solution. As a CFO, this is one benefit that should definitely pique your interest.

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