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Professional and business services employees are thinking twice before quitting

HR Brew

Corporate employees are quitting less. The latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, released on June 4 , showed that the total number of quits in April was 3.5 million, hardly changed from 3.4 million in March, and the quit rate for all industries remained at 2.2% for the sixth consecutive month. The professional and business services industry, in particular, saw the biggest monthly decline, down 131,000, or 19%, to 560,000 in April.

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Smile, You’re on Camera! Marshalls Store Workers To Don Body Cameras

HR Digest

In a slightly dystopian turn of events, TJ Maxx, Homegoods, and Marshalls store workers are being equipped with body cameras to discourage shoplifters from targeting the store. Thankfully, not all retail workers are required to wear body cameras. Instead, the TJX companies are assigning shoplifting cameras to their “loss prevention associates,” who are essentially unarmed security guards who are meant to protect the merchandise at the stores.


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A Quick Guide on How to Calculate PTO Accrual and Vacation Time


This article explains the significance of paid time off, the different PTO models and provides insights into how to calculate PTO accrual. We’ll also dive into PTO accrual rates, ensuring you understand how employees accumulate time off. Using this guide, you’ll be able to design a PTO policy that keeps your employees happy and productive!

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How to Find the Best North Carolina Manufacturing Recruiters?

Recruiters Lineup

In the competitive landscape of North Carolina’s manufacturing sector, many employers struggle with sourcing the right talent. Since the roles to be filled require specialized talent, you need to know where to look to find the right candidates. This is where manufacturing recruitment agencies NC come in. With their expertise and vast experience in this field, you are guaranteed to hire top talent on your first try.

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Ten Minute Onboarding: A High-Volume Hiring Formula

Speaker: Speakers

Transform hiring with Ten Minute Onboarding, the formula to hire fast, maximize efficiency, and ensure compliance. Learn how top employers: Reduce Candidate Dropoff: Improve retention and reduce hiring costs with engaging onboarding. Increase Operational Efficiency: Save time and labor with streamlined processes. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and avoid fines with accurate onboarding.

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Unlock the Best 15 Employee Perks in the US Companies

Vantage Circle

American workplaces have undergone a smooth evolution, incorporating the essential components of a modern workplace. At the center of this transition lies the willingness to go beyond traditional compensation packages and immerse employees in company culture. As such, employee perks in the US show an inclination to reflect the best of this culture. These perks allow companies to carve a distinct identity and support their employee engagement employee engagement initiatives by reinforcing company

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10 Public Speaking Tips for Your Next Business Presentation

HR Bartender

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes I’ve been seeing a few questions lately on social media about how to learn public speaking. Many people are suggesting Toastmasters, which is great. For those who aren’t interested in joining Toastmasters, I wanted to also add a few thoughts. I feel very fortunate that I learned about public speaking early in my professional career.

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Meet WorkTango’s New CEO Monique McDonough


Today, Tangoneers celebrate the appointment of former Chief Operating Officer Monique McDonough to her new role as Chief Executive Officer of WorkTango, while bidding a warm farewell to former CEO Patrick Manzo. New CEO Monique McDonough praised her predecessor, saying, “During his 2.5 years at WorkTango, Patrick successfully merged two companies and repositioned the new organization and its products to empower modern HR leaders and their teams.

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Introducing 15Five’s Evolution as a Strategic Command Center for Performance Management


Our newest enhancements include executive insights, strategic action planning, and AI-guided manager support, unlocking the power of existing people data to drive higher performance, engagement and retention. Only 2% of CHROs think conventional performance management practices are actually working. Ouch. The conventional approach has been stagnant for decades, but the last thing HR teams need right now are more needless tactics added to their already overburdened plates.

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Strategies for Employers to Stand Out at Recruitment Events


Standing out at a job fair isn’t as easy as it used to be. These days, every company is chasing the same limited pool of qualified candidates. With so many options vying for people’s attention, how do you make sure your opportunities are the ones that really grab applicants? As someone responsible for representing your organization at recruiting events, you know it’s not enough to simply show up with a stack of resumes anymore.

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Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement

Saving for retirement is no easy task, and as an employer we know you want to help your employees get what they need out of their retirement benefits. With a health savings account (HSA), you can relieve the burden of health care costs for both you and your employees. With our new report, “Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement,” you can get insights on the costs of a modern retirement and dive into the details of the triple-tax benefits HSAs offer.

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Legislative lowdown: New York becomes first state to mandate paid prenatal leave

HR Brew

New York is the first state to mandate that employers provide paid prenatal leave to their workforces. The new policy—an amendment to New York’s already existing sick leave provisions in the state’s labor law—was passed as part of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s FY 2025 executive budget bill. It requires all New York State employers to give workers 20 hours of paid prenatal leave annually; the leave may be used for services related to an employee’s pregnancy, such as physical exams or medical procedures.

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Preventing Relocation Failures: Strategies for Smooth Transitions & Success

UrbanBound HR

To start employees off right in a new role, obviously, your relocation experience must be smooth. However, relocations are complex, and things can go sideways in an infinite number of ways.

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The 1st Pitch

Everyday People

On Sunday, I had both a life-affirming and a life-changing moment. I went to the Cincinnati Reds game to see a dear friend throw out the 1st pitch. Now, if you’re a sports fan at all, this is a bucket list item for most men. We grow up watching games and fantasize about taking the mound in front of a packed stadium waiting to “bring it” with a strike right across the plate.

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Signs of Burnout at Work and What to Do about It


Burnout is a relatively new term for a relatively common experience. Coined in 1974 by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger , it’s more than just feeling a little “stressed out.” Left unchecked, burnout can show up as physical, mental, and emotional illness — and can have some pretty devastating impacts down the road. But what is burnout, what causes it, and how can you deal with it?

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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5 Strategies for an Effective Recruitment Process


Attracting top talent requires a mix of innovation and hard work. While technology simplifies broadcasting job postings to a large audience, truly engaging quality candidates and generating enthusiasm for the role and your company necessitates differentiating yourself from other employers. Mastering effective recruitment techniques can quickly seize the attention of job seekers, make a compelling first impression, and help you hire candidates who fit your needs.

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Rising Team closes $8M funding round with plans to deepen AI investment

HR Brew

Rising Team, a maker of team development software, announced an $8 million Series A funding round on June 6. The company said the funding will go in part toward incorporating AI technology into the platform, including the launch of an AI-powered leadership coach in the coming months. The round was led by Zeal Capital Partners, a Washington, DC-based venture capital firm focused on investing in “diverse management teams.

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Shifting To A “What’s In It For Me” Recruiting Prospective (Spelling out what the new hire will experience)

Dr. John Sullivan

Compared to just listing dry company benefits, seeing “what’s in it for me” is extremely powerful from a candidate’s perspective. Article Descriptors | recruiting/messaging from the candidate perspective – How to – 4 min read The “What’s In It For Me” Messaging Approach Explained When attempting to sell a product, service, or job to someone with multiple choices, it’s hard to argue against the premise that your messaging will be more convincing if

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Gamification in Employee Recognition: How it helps?

Vantage Circle

Gamification in employee recognition has emerged as a revolutionary approach in enhancing employee engagement and performance. This approach makes mundane workdays into an enjoyable and motivating experience. As employees earn rewards and climb leaderboards, they experience a sense of accomplishment and belonging, which in turn boosts morale and productivity.

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The Essential Performance Review Checklist

Performance reviews are a proactive way to engage with your employees, provide clear communication about expectations, and acknowledge them for their hard work. But getting the right framework and creating consistency across your organization can be tricky. We put together this checklist to help you evaluate your current performance review process and equip managers with the right tools to perform individual assessments.

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What are the HRA attestation requirements?


The qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSHERA) and the individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) are personalized health benefits that allow employers to reimburse their employees tax-free for their health insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket medical expenses. Employees must have a qualifying form of individual health insurance to participate in an ICHRA, but they can have any coverage that meets minimum essential coverage (MEC) to participate in a QSEHRA.

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The Hospitality HR Balancing Act: Personalization at Scale in a High-Turnover Industry


The hospitality industry thrives on creating personalized experiences for guests. But what about your employees? In a sector notorious for high turnover, how can HR departments personalize the employee experience to drive engagement and retention? Beyond Beanbags: A Multi-Generational Workforce Approach Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all HR strategies.

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What does HR look like in sports? One HR pro shares some of her experience

HR Brew

Here’s this week’s edition of our Coworking series. Each week, we chat 1:1 with an HR Brew reader. Want to be featured in an upcoming edition? Click here to introduce yourself. Rachel Ackerman worked on payroll, comp, and benefits for the Mets (yes, the New York City baseball team) for seven years toward the beginning of her career. Then, after stints in the healthcare and tech field, she found her way back to sports (media) and was hired at Barstool Sports as its director of people operations.

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The ‘engagement illusion’: What leaders have all wrong about employee engagement


It’s likely no surprise that business leaders think their workers are more satisfied than they really are—but the extent of this perception gap is alarming, experts say, and should raise some red flags for HR. - Advertisement - ManpowerGroup’s Right Management recently released a study of more than 400 leaders and 1,000 North American-based employees that highlighted just how stark the differences are between how the two groups view the state of employee engagement.

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Hiring for Culture Fit: Align Your Values, Roles and Candidates

Speaker: Dr. Craig Ellis, Head of I-O Psychology, HighMatch

Is the term “culture” just a buzzword tossed around at your organization, or have you delved into the core values and behaviors that truly define a good fit for your company? In this webinar, Dr. Craig Ellis, an I-O Psychologist, will share a proven framework to identify the essential traits that contribute to a seamless fit within your unique culture, not just in your current successful employees but also in prospective candidates.

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The 10 Best Employee Survey Tools for 2024

Vantage Circle

It's a daunting task for HR teams to keep employees pumped up and engaged these days. One powerful way to check their pulse is through Employee surveys. However with many employee survey tools out there, choosing the right one feels overwhelming. A top-notch employee survey tool needs to tick some big boxes. We're talking of simple interfaces for sharing honest feedback.

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The Tech Your Clients Need (But Aren’t Currently Using)


Did you know that more than 500 professional employer organizations (PEOs) and nearly 6,000 payroll service providers and administrative service organizations serve employers in the U.S.? With so much competition, it’s important to gain an edge and stand apart in the industry. To meet the needs of your clients and prospects, both now and as their businesses grow and shift, you must provide diverse solutions.

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Remote Workforce Management for Achieving High Productivity


In response to the uncertainties and health risks presented by Covid-19, many companies and universities have asked their employees to work remotely. It is always preferable to establish clear remote-work policies and training in advance, as in times of crisis or rapidly changing circumstances, thoughtful preparation may not be feasible. Managers must grasp the issues that can make remote employment particularly challenging.

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Hey! Have you heard of ‘hey hanging’?

HR Brew

Has a colleague ever messaged you “Hey,” without added context? Pretty anxiety-inducing, huh? Well, the act of sending a short greeting via text without any context has a name, “hey hanging,” and according to Jenni Bedell, HR consulting practice leader at One Digital, it can create anxiety for the recipient. Anxiety disorders affect over 300 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

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Trending Payroll Statistics

Staying up-to-date on the latest decisions and payroll statistics ensures businesses can remain compliant and efficient. B2B Reviews research compiled the latest data to help businesses stay on top of payroll in 2024 and prepare for the future.