Sat.May 11, 2013 - Fri.May 17, 2013

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Skills Gap Highlights Need for Hiring Software in Manufacturing Industry


If you are in the manufacturing industry then you’ve likely had to make some critical changes to your applicant selection process over the past few years. As a whole, the industry has been surviving rather than thriving, with a skills gap caused by fewer new graduates in technical fields available to meet the needs of positions requiring technical skills.

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[SlideShare] The ArcelorMittal Dofasco story: Creating a culture of Employee Success


A chievers recently released its latest Slideshare presentation, Creating a Culture of Employee Success ™ , which was featured on the Slideshare homepage last week. This featured presentation will take you through the ArcelorMittal Dofasco journey and explain how to launch and maintain a successful rewards and recognition program that will have real business impact.

How To 92

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Creating a Culture in Which Teams and Workgroups Can Engage in Collective Sensemaking

Conversation Matters

'For teams or workgroups to be effective and competitive they must, 1) understand their customers’ requirements and the frequent changes to those requirements, 2) take action. and be fully cognizant of the consequences of those actions, both intended and unintended, 3) detect changes both in the internal and external environment, and 4) develop their collective understanding of the complexities these many factors create.

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Building Career Resilience: Networks vs. "Circles of Connection"

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . One of the issues that is clear to me when it comes to career resilience is that we need to build our connections to other people. Humans are social creatures, built for attachment and primed from birth to connect with others, and the more isolated and alone we feel, the more fragile and rigid we become. Caring for and being cared for by other people is critical to our emotional and mental well-being. .

Wellness 102
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6 Strategies to Navigate Social Determinants of Health for a Better Workplace

In today’s dynamic work landscape, where the lines between personal and professional life blur, understanding the intricate interplay between social determinants of health (SDoH) and emotional wellbeing is paramount. Employers must acknowledge that the whole person comes to work and every aspect of a person’s personal and professional life, especially their mental health, comes with them.

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What if Applicants Charged You for Their Time?


Recently I received an article forwarded from a friend that discussed applicants charging companies for their time during the interview process. Sounds a bit outlandish on the surface, doesn’t it? In summary, the article, “Ask The Headhunter: Should Employers Pay to Interview You?” (by Nick Corcodilos) is really about managing expectations. There are tons of questions that could be asked if this were a serious threat: What if you had to pay applicants for their time once they made it past

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What Should A Recent Grad Do If He/She Hates the Job Immediately?

True Faith HR

'Sadly, a 2013 college graduate writes: So I am coming to you for some advice. I started a job on the Monday after graduation. And I can honestly say it is the most boring thing I have done in my life. I almost dread going to work in the morning and it is only day 4 tomorrow. 8 hour days seem to last forever and I just know it is not going to get better.

Immedis 92
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Career Resilience Tool: The Career Journal

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . Awhile back, I wrote about the value of having a career journal and discussed some of the ways that I used my own journal. I''m a huge proponent of reflective practice and a journal is a critical tool for that work. A lot of people think of journaling as a "nice to do," but as Harvard researcher Teresa Amabile has found, a career journal, especially for anyone who does creative work, is really more of a "must have.

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Is Technology Making Your Rude?

45 Things

'Nearly everyone has a story about someone at work who has been rude. Perhaps it was the boss who sent a snippy e-mail or the co-worker who made snarky comments, but workplace civility often seems to have gone the way of the typewriter. The deeper issue with workplace rudeness is how it affects the bottom-line success of a business. A 2011 study found that workplace rudeness caused 48% of workers to deliberately slack off and even affected their interactions with customers.

Meeting 80
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Ask Amelia: What makes recognition meaningful?


What makes recognition “meaningful”? And what is the most meaningful recognition you’ve received? . The best recognition comes with many layers to it: timely, specific, and meaningful. Bring those aspects together with a thank you and you have delivered a home run. In my 20+ years of working, the most meaningful “thank you” I have received was incredibly personal, and helped me understand how I help others achieve their personal and professional goals.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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Enemy Within


'“Did I do the right thing?” “Is the company going to get sued?” “Did we violate one of the many new regulations that seem to keep coming?” “Is my job now on the line?” Human Resources professionals face more challenges today than ever before. Any reasonable person would believe the laws that have been passed to protect all employees would certainly suffice.

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5 Zingers on Trust Works! (Ken Blanchard)

David Zinger

'This is a biased review of the book, Trust Works! by Ken Blancard, Cynthia Olmstead and Martha Lawrence. This is a biased review of Trust Works! It is biased because I had the opportunity in San Diego to meet and spend time with Ken Blanchard and the Blanchard Company two weeks ago. I was impressed by how down-to-earth and open Ken, his wife Margie, and the Blanchard Companies are.

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#ECTalent: Creating a Mobile, Agile Workforce ~ HR to HR 2.0 and.

Strategic HCM

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. Home. Bio-Contact. Consulting. Speaking. Writing. About-HCM. Welcome. Welcome height=200 id=Image1_img src=[link] width=220/>. Connect with me. Jon Ingham. Contact me at. info [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com. Skype: strategic-hcm. +44 7904 185 134. Read more by me in. Contributions from David Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, Peter Cappelli, Noel Tichy, Ed Lawler, Jon Ingham, Beverly Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans.

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Ask Amelia: Tips for engaging employees during the summer?


Do you have any tips for keeping employees engaged during the summer months? Summer months are always fun as many folks take the time to step away from work and enjoy life. That said, it’s never a better time to keep employees engaged. Lots of new work starts in the summer months to get ready for the autumn year end. Fun milestone-driven events can really keep folks engaged.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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We'll Never Get Selection Right.Reason #247

True Faith HR

'If you wonder why I continually write about sports and HR, take the trials and tribulations of former Detroit Lions 2nd round pick, Titus Young. In Monday''s column , Peter King highlights Young''s on- off-the-field actions over the past year: • Got into a fight with teammate and safety Louis Delmas. • In at least one game, lined up wrong on purpose multiple times because he wasn''t happy with his role in the Detroit offense. • Shouted at receivers coach Shawn Jefferson on the sidelines. • Was

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Friday Factoid #32: Priority but no Strategy

David Zinger

'Yeah employee engagement is important but… The majority (79%) of respondents rate employee engagement as a high priority, but only 41% have an employee engagement strategy in place, according to research by YouForce. ( Source ). Commentary. There is a gap between belief and action on employee engagement. It is rated as a priority but only half of those who rate employee engagement as a priority have a strategy.

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Qinetiqette qits - can it be true? ~ HR to HR 2.0 and Human Capital.

Strategic HCM

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. Home. Bio-Contact. Consulting. Speaking. Writing. About-HCM. Welcome. Welcome height=200 id=Image1_img src=[link] width=220/>. Connect with me. Jon Ingham. Contact me at. info [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com. Skype: strategic-hcm. +44 7904 185 134. Read more by me in. Contributions from David Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, Peter Cappelli, Noel Tichy, Ed Lawler, Jon Ingham, Beverly Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans.

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[Infographic] Why top employers drive engagement to power business success


Harvard Business Review reveals that the performance connection for happy employees is 3x: on average, they have 31 percent high productivity, 37 percent higher sales, and 3 times higher creativity than their less engaged colleagues. 1. While employee engagement has become a buzzword in the HR community, it is integral to business success—and top employers are paying attention.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Making Performance Management Part of the Daily Routine


'We’ve all done it — once a year, we set goals we don’t revisit until the next year rolls around. It’s why performance management doesn’t seem to work. It also makes it really easy for people to skate along, doing well but perhaps not going above and beyond. Measuring great performance requires understanding where the baseline is and enforcing that every day.

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Lesson One from David Zinger Employee Engagement Speaker

David Zinger

'Employee Engagement Advice is Only Half Right. I often start my speeches on employee engagement with the following statement: Half of what I will offer today is right on, half of what I will offer today is wrong, and I don’t know the difference. Responses range from chuckles, to mild disbelief, to a request to just do the right stuff so people can leave early.

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Comp Time Vs. Overtime: Which Should You Offer Employees?


On May 8, 2013, the U.S. House approved a bill that would allow private-sector employees to take compensatory or comp time instead of overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours a week. Though the bill is said to have little chance of passing in the Senate, it has raised questions about the legalities and merits of offering comp, or compensatory time, in lieu of overtime pay.

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[Webinar recap] Building a culture of recognition: Credit Union ONE’s Employee Success™ Story


Organizations with high engagement rates are 78 percent more productive and 40 percent more profitable than disengaged organizations 1. Top employers realize that engaged workplaces begin with a recognition-rich culture, and this is where the Credit Union ONE Employee Success story starts. Serving members for 75 years, Credit Union ONE has been committed to providing exceptional value across a complete portfolio of financial products, and continually strives to provide services that are convenie

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Automate Your Onboarding Process In 7 Steps

Efficient employee onboarding is more than a warm welcome—it's a catalyst for business growth. Automated onboarding transforms new hires into productive team members faster, fostering long-term satisfaction and talent retention. For HR, automation means replacing inefficient manual processes with streamlined, cost-effective operations. Our eBook reveals how automating employee onboarding delivers these benefits, reducing HR challenges and elevating new employee readiness.

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Why Learning on the Go Is So Important


'As companies try to diversify their learning programs and make training available across a variety of mediums, they’ve been forced to consider how mobile fits into the learning picture. Let’s face it — our phones are an extension of ourselves now: · 79 percent of users check their phone within the first 15 minutes of waking up · 70 percent of smartphone users frequently check Facebook · 78 percent keep up with email on smartphones Phones keep us connected and help us be productive (and increasi

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Learn Something New Every Day


It’s good advice, actually. All of us can learn from one another if we take the time to open up and listen. Even community leaders, politicians, and CEOs have room to learn a lesson. Root has dedicated this year’s Watercooler ® Newsletter to the people. That’s right… in case you haven’t heard, it’s the Year of the Person, so we’ve created a special section you can look for in each issue called “Voices from the Trenches.

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How to Choose a Retirement Plan: 3 Features Employees Love


Since the financial crisis of 2008, workers have become more aware and concerned about saving for retirement. As a result, employer-sponsored retirement plans are no longer an enticing perk, they’re an expectation. In 2013, 42 percent of retirement plan investors say they’ve increased contribution rates to their workplace savings plan, individual retirement accounts (IRA) or health savings accounts, according to the Fidelity Five Years Later study.

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How Foster Wheeler Keeps Their Facilitators Sharp


'Read about the Learning to Lead program—the company’s successful effort to build a global talent pipeline and develop its frontline leaders.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.