Tue.Apr 02, 2019

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How to Get and Keep Buy In From Senior Management

HR Bartender

During last year’s HR Technology Conference , one of the speakers said something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. They said that we have to not only get buy in for our ideas and projects but keep it. Totally makes sense. But in reality, how often do we actually do it? I know many times someone has said to me (or I’ve said to someone), “If you want that project to succeed, you must get buy in from senior management.

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HR Consumerization: Just a Trend, or Cutting-Edge Talent Retention Approach?

Astron Solutions

What is HR Consumerization? How is it being utilized to attract and retain talent? HR Consumerization is a new concept for many. In this issue of Astronology® , we’ll explore the concept of HR Consumerization and some potential applications in your workplace. HR Consumerization is the personalization of the workforce. As Jeanne Meister expressed in a 2016 Forbes Online article on HR consumerization , “the new objective is to create one employer brand which provides a seamless experience for curr


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Pay Equity Begins With Awareness


Today, April 2, 2019 is Equal Pay Day in the United States. Last year, it was on April 10. In 2017, it was April 4. Why does the date change each year? Well, Equal Pay Day is held every year on the day that women have to work until they earn the income that men earned in the prior calendar year. In other words, women had to work from January 1, 2018 until April 2, 2019 (today) to earn what men earned in the calendar year of 2018.

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Using machine learning and sentiment analysis to tackle employee burnout


Human Resource professionals are now using an advanced data-driven approach. to improving employee retention. Machine learning software analyzes. engagement survey responses and online reviews – quickly determining the “why” behind scores and quantifying the key themes that are driving. burnout. Work-life balance. Cynicism. Loss of. enthusiasm.

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Getting Employee Experience Right Is Hard – But It Doesn’t Have To Be

Employee experience has expanded from a basic focus on well-being to a more comprehensive approach that covers all aspects of an employee's journey. But as important as it is to develop and retain top talent by giving employees positive experiences, tension can exist between balancing experience desires and achieving business outcomes.

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Why Boomerang Employees Are a Good Thing


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Use This Conversational Tool to Keep From Being Swamped at Work

The People Equation

Do you ever feel like you should say “no” to a request at work, but the “correct” answer is “yes”? For example, let’s say you’re at a team meeting, brainstorming ideas for a new marketing campaign. And some of the ideas are great ideas.but all of them fall in your area of responsibility. You feel swamped already. To say “yes” means piling more onto your already overflowing plate of tasks.

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6 Tips to Prepare Your Organization for 360 Degree Feedback in 2019


If you are considering the use of 360 degree feedback in your organization, keep the following in mind to ensure your employees fully understand the process: Clearly communicate the purpose of 360 degree feedback. If the purpose is for development, let them know that these results will not be tied to any type of performance appraisal. Doing so helps ensure that raters respond openly and candidly.

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Recruitment Challenges and How Automation can Solve


Today, human resource software can do much more than handling payroll and leave management. HR software can help track, evaluate and onboard candidates easily without having to undergo a lot of procedures. Some key benefits of deploying HR software include employee training, performance evaluation, tracking and goal setting. Recruitment System Recruitment software can easily communicate.

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#STRIVE19 Speaker Spotlight: Adam Godson


Name : Adam Godson. Your current role/title: Senior Vice President, Global Technology Solutions at Cielo. Favorite place you’ve traveled (or would like to): I took a few days in Denmark last year which I very much enjoyed. Everyone was happy and friendly. Fun fact about you people may not know: Early in my career, I worked in HR during the day and was an EMT and firefighter at night.

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Want To Enhance Your Total Rewards To Achieve Organizational Success? Start Here.

Are you looking for ways to enhance your employee value proposition? Gallagher Better Works SM Insights has got you covered! Dive into the latest magazine issue and discover how flexibility, equity, recognition and strategically applied resources can improve your total rewards package. Download the PDF to learn more about: Building retirement benefits for a global and mobile workforce Promoting employee and organizational growth through succession planning Empowering women in leadership through

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13 great HR magazines you should be reading


There’s so much to read and so little time. Here’s our pick of the best HR, recruitment and L&D titles you should be making space in your schedule for. . People Management. Website: peoplemanagement.co.uk. Twitter: @PeopleMgt. As the CIPD’s membership magazine, the print edition of People Management can easily lay claim to being the UK’s biggest HR magazine by circulation size.

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5 ways to reduce downtime while at work

Take It Personel-ly

Every company wishes to increase its productivity without deceleration due to technical breakdowns and other problems. However, sometimes unanticipated, unpredictable, or even anticipated problems can decelerate a company’s performance. One of the primary factors that can cause your business to slow down is downtime. Downtime is a situation that majority of the companies dread today […].

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Tenderness As Leadership

Forbes Coaches Council

Leaders of successful companies know that employee pay and titles are important. But they also know about something even more critical for employee engagement and satisfaction — being valued and appreciated.

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Is Your Organization Ready for an Equal Pay Close-Up?


April 2nd marks Equal Pay Day in the United States. With the nation sharply focused on pay equity issues, this is a great time to assess whether your organization’s pay structure is in need of some spring cleaning. Here are five steps you can take to ensure that your organization is prepared for an equal pay close-up: Conduct a self-audit. One of the very best ways to get a handle on pay equity in your organization is to look at the numbers.

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Ethical & Data Driven AI in HCM: 3 Considerations for Enterprise Leaders

Since entering the public business domain, AI has proven to be a powerful tool for optimizing HR functions — from streamlining recruitment processes, to helping identify top talent, and even boosting employee engagement. As AI continues to grow, the main question surrounding this rapidly evolving technology has shifted from "what can we do?" to "what should we do?

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Is Your Organization Ready for an Equal Pay Close-Up?

The SHRM Blog

April 2nd marks Equal Pay Day in the United States. With the nation sharply focused on pay equity issues, this is a great time to assess whether your organization’s pay structure is in need of some spring cleaning. Here are five steps you can take to ensure that your organization is prepared for an equal pay close-up: Conduct a self-audit. One of the very best ways to get a handle on pay equity in your organization is to look at the numbers.

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When Should Recruiters Trust Their Gut?

HR Examiner

“We know from experience that after a rigorous interview process, almost half of the people who ultimately get the job are the very same people that our clients were initially reluctant to see. ” – Bob Corlett. I run an executive search firm. On a typical search, we’ll review over 600 candidate profiles to put forward 6 candidates for an interview with the client.

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21 Inspiring Workplace Quotes


Use these inspiring and motivational workplace quotes to shape and promote a positive, encouraging company culture. We gathered the best quotes on positive work attitude, innovation, employee engagement, leadership, company culture, recruitment and business success. Read More.

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Employer Branding Measurement and How It Can Maximize Your ROI

Blu Ivy Group

When we talk to organizations about the challenges they’re facing and where they’re at with employer branding measurement, we see the same issue come up, time and again: they don’t know how to measure employer brand ROI. They don’t have a consistent, reliable, proven method for assessing their impact, for identifying trends and comparing themselves to a trusted industry standard.

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How to Build the Ideal HR Team

HR doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This work impacts everyone: from the C-Suite to your newest hire. It also drives results. Learn how to make it all happen in Paycor’s latest guide.

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5 Things I Learned at Oracle MBX Last Week

Oracle HCM - Modern HR in the Cloud

Hopping around HCM customer sessions at Oracle MBX last week was fascinating. Unlike in prior years, almost all the sessions I attended were post-mortems on customers’ cloud migrations, and I think it was therapeutic for everyone involved. There were laughs, shared memories of team triumphs, and a sense of pride. Upgrading your back office to the cloud is a real transformation, and each of the customers learned a lot during the process.

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5 Reasons You Won’t Enroll in an HSA

Benefit Resource Inc.

Health Savings Accounts (or HSAs) are taking a seat at the benefits table. According to the Devenir 2018 Year-end HSA Research Report , there are an estimated 25 million HSA accounts (up approximately 13% from a year ago). HSA assets now total over $53.8 billion. However, not everyone is sold on these accounts. With these five reasons, it is a wonder anyone enrolls in an HSA!

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House Passes Legislation to Restrict Employer Use of Wage History Information


On March 27th, the House of Representatives passed HR 7 , the “Paycheck Fairness Act,” by a vote of 242 to 187. The bill includes several provisions intended to promote gender pay equity in the workplace. Section 10 of the bill would amend the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to restrict the ability of covered employers to consider wage history information during the hiring process.

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Why Qualtrics – Carol Hu – Staff Software Engineer – Seattle, WA

Qualtrics HR

I have been a software engineer for more than 15 years, and I love it from the depth of my heart: from day one until this very moment. Of course, I have run into some frustrations, issues, and (sometimes) boring projects along the way, but for the most part, I am so glad that I get the chance to solve very interesting problems and help people to work more efficiently.

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5 Essential Questions to Help You Prioritize DE&I Initiatives With Confidence

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) are more than just buzzwords; they are essential components of an organization's culture and overall success. Whether your DE&I initiatives are well underway, or you’re still in your planning phases, it’s important ensure the foundation of your strategy is built on accurate data, employee insights, stakeholder expectations, and inclusive technology.

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How Peer Coaching Impacts Performance


Everyone benefits when coaching behaviors are integrated into day-to-day conversations and formal processes.

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Test Reliability: What Is It, and Why Is It Important?

Criteria Corp

Any HR leader, hiring manager, or recruiter who is interested in using pre-employment tests knows how important is to tests that are validated. After all, the goal of using pre-employment tests is to drive better hiring decisions, which in turn lead to better performance outcomes across the entire organization. The validation process provides the backbone for a test’s ability to predict and drive these positive outcomes.

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What Are Your Biggest Background Check Problems For Your Camp?

Crimcheck | Pre-Employment & Background Check Information

Just in the last 2 years, FCRA lawsuits have tripled for not following strict guidelines based on FCRA compliancy law. So what are your biggest issues? Read the 4 main solutions we came up with below. In 2011, the American Camp Association (ACA) updated its accreditation criteria to include Standard HR4-B. In a nutshell, this standard mandates compulsory background checks for all camp staff and volunteers who are 18 years and above.

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Do Flexible Work Schedules Work?

Best Money Moves

Do flexible work schedules work? A new study by IWG found flex work policies are a key factor in winning the war for talent that benefits employers as much as it does employees. It’s official, flex work is the new norm. More than 80 percent of U.S. employees would choose a job that offered a flexible work schedule over one that didn’t, according to the latest workspace survey by International Workplace Group (IWG).

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.