Sat.Jun 09, 2018 - Fri.Jun 15, 2018

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Recognizing Mental Health Issues in the Workplace


Mental health is something many, many people struggle with. This is not a problem only in America, but most of the world. Every year, studies show more and more people being diagnosed with mental health issues. Unfortunately, most people hide their mental health problems or don’t even realize they should seek help since it has been such a taboo topic for so long.

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HR metrics and Analytics: How both can add value

Analytics in HR

There’s a lot of confusion about the difference between HR metrics and analytics. In this article, we will explain both concepts, how they relate, and how both can add value to the practice of Human Resource Management. Definitions of HR metrics and Analytics. HR metrics are measurements used to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of HR policies.

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Working Remotely: Ideal Work Environment Or Threat To Culture And Employee Productivity?


The traditional office landscape is changing and has been for quite some time, but the degree to which it should be shifting is subject to debate. Many employees consider their local coffee shop to be the ideal work environment, while traditional company leaders consider remote work to be a threat to their ability to manage employees. Perhaps Gallup CEO Jim Clifton said it best in the 2017 State of the American Workforce Report : “The very practice of management no longer works.”.

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Are You Failing Your Managers?


Your employees are demanding more feedback , greater transparency, and, like never before, the opportunity to achieve personal growth at work. Your leaders are demanding more innovation, higher productivity, and, like never before, to see your company values show up in how people relate with customers and with each other. What they want isn’t unreasonable.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Do You See the Invisible People?

TLNT: The Business of HR

During my flight home yesterday evening, I made an effort to acknowledge the work of an amazing flight attendant. “You’re incredibly good at your job,” I said, “and I simply wanted to say thank you.

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5 Reasons a Mentor in the Workplace Will Change Your Life

Tandem HR

“Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor.” – Lailah Gifty Akita. Mentor in the Workplace. In its simplest definition, a mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser. You may have had a mentor in college or as a young child but if there’s one place everyone should have a mentor, it’s in the workplace. If you’ve ever doubted the importance of a mentor in your life, consider the following before declining a colleague’s wisdom and guidance.

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Organizational Talent Pools: 4 Steps to Developing Employees

HR Bartender

(Editor’s Note: Today’s article is an excerpt from my new book, “ The Recruiter’s Handbook: A Complete Guide for Sourcing, Selecting, and Engaging the Best Talent “ (SHRM, 2018) SHRM members can order a discounted copy at the SHRMStore. Or I’ll be signing books next week at the SHRM Annual Conference in Chicago. Stop by and say hello!). With unemployment rates hitting record lows, there’s lots of talk about developing internal talent.

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International recruitment policy


This international recruitment policy template describes the four global staffing approaches. It will help you set up your own international staffing strategy. The post International recruitment policy appeared first on Recruiting Resources: How to Recruit and Hire Better.

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What You Need to Know About the Cost of Employee Turnover


According the the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3.6 percent of workers leave their place of employment each month. Do you know how many employees you lose each year to turnover? Although most companies keep track of employee turnover, many fall short when they try to understand its causes and costs in a meaningful way. It can be challenging to evaluate employee turnover for the first (or second, or third) time, so we’ll take you through this process step by step.

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Performance Review Calibrations Made Easy

Every company aspires to be the best, and performance reviews are the cornerstone of that journey. However, discrepancies in how managers rate their teams can lead to unfairness.

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Balancing data and judgment in HR decision making

Steve Boese

A few weeks ago I did an HR Happy Hour Show with Joshua Gans , co-author of the excellent book Prediction Machines. On the show, we talked about one of the central ideas in the book - the continuing importance of human judgment in decision making, even in an environment where advances in AI technology make predictions (essentially options) more available, numerous, and inexpensive.

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Employee Retention is Everyone’s Responsibility

HR Bartender

I came across this article recently on Undercover Recruiter titled, “ Why Employee Retention Should Be a Talent Acquisition Responsibility ”. It’s a good read worth checking out. My takeaway was that talent acquisition professionals play a role in employee retention. They do this by designing a good hiring process. One that accurately reflects the culture of the organization.

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When Disaster Strikes: HR’s Role in Emergency Preparedness

Astron Solutions

Harvey, Irma, Sandy, & Katrina. All four names have been associated with hurricanes that have hit various areas of the United States in recent years. Other natural disasters, such as fire season in California, tornadoes in the Midwest, and the recent volcano eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala, remind us that emergency preparedness is another area all organizations should have established.

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Four Crucial Ways to Manage Complex Workforces in Hospitality Staffing


There was a time when managing a dynamic workforce in the hospitality staffing industry was done with rudimentary tools like spreadsheets, whiteboards or even pen and paper. Staffing agencies focused on that industry have since realised that in order to grow their businesses they needed to invest in real technology to streamline the management of their.

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Balancing Cost and Care: 3 Key Considerations for Cost Optimization in 2024

Discover essential strategies for employers to balance cost optimization with care. The top priorities for employers in 2024 are retaining talent, growing revenue and sales, and attracting talent. To achieve these goals, employers are turning towards comprehensive total rewards strategies informed by data-driven insights. Hear from industry experts on cost optimization strategies and how to leverage these approaches for a healthier workforce.

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How the Resume of the Future Will Reflect Your Personal Brand

Cornerstone On Demand

The Skills Economy is changing the way organizations identify and evaluate job candidates. One thing is clear: The traditional resume is no longer adequate. In our five-part mini-series, we explore how the resume of the future will help companies win the war for talent. Check out part one here. Claire McTaggart, is tired of the traditional resume. After trying on different jobs in her 20s—from political consultant to manager at Deloitte—she's been on both sides of the table, as a job hunter and

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Everything #HR Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence

HR Bartender

Over the past few months, we’ve talked about chatbots and machine learning. It only seems logical that we should have a discussion about artificial intelligence (also known as AI). While these terms are often used in the same sentence, the more I learn, the more I realize that there are subtle nuances in each. Many human resources departments are looking at these approaches to scale their efforts and bring consistency to their activity.

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When Measuring Performance Management Begins to Hurt More than Help

ClearCompany HRM

Performance management is a vital part of the employee experience. When done correctly, performance reviews should motivate employees to improve their performance by providing a consistent way to assess and select employees for promotion, transfer or alternate actions. According to a recent survey , 82% of employees appreciate receiving feedback, regardless if it’s positive or negative.

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6 Tips for Souring Contractors and Uncovering Business Leads with LinkedIn Recruiter

Linkedin Talent Blog

Whether you’re under pressure to fill an open req or trying to stay in touch with clients as they move from company to company, sourcing and placing contractors can be time-consuming and intensive work for any staffing professional. But with the right approach and tools, it can become much, much easier. From building a pipeline of great contract candidates to being the first to know when candidates and clients make moves, the right strategies can help you use LinkedIn Recruiter to save time and

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Discover the 4 Big Recruitment Challenges for 2024

It’s no secret that today’s hiring market is tough! The constant changes can make it seem impossible for HR leaders, hiring teams, and hiring managers to remain flexible and agile. However, there’s a silver lining amongst all the hiring chaos, as these changes also bring great opportunities and fresh ways for HR leaders to gain that competitive edge in the race for top talent.

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What Do Honesty, Integrity, and Trust Mean in Leadership? - DecisionWise


I spend part of almost every day coaching leaders through feedback they have received from a 360 degree feedback survey. I’ve found it heartening that consistently the area of greatest concern to these leaders is Integrity and Trust. If the scores are high, the leader typically expresses how pleased or satisfied they are with the scores. Conversely, if the scores are even slightly below the norm, the leader is often so unnerved that he or she can hardly see anything else in the report.

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How to Find Mentors Who Will Support Your Goals

HR Bartender

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is brought to you by our friends at Capella University. Capella is an accredited online university dedicated to providing an exceptional, professionally-aligned education that puts you a position to succeed in your field. They offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees as well as certificate programs for human resources and business professionals.

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Is Performance Management Broken? [INFOGRAPHIC]


Extensive research in the past few years has focused on improving and gauging success of traditional performance management methods. But even with upgrades like 360 reviews and calibration, performance management falls short of accurately measuring performance due to persistent bias. Even worse, it fails to improve performance. Most often, the painful, time-consuming process is counterproductive, as it demotivates the workforce.

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7 Responsibilities of HR Professionals


In the past, business leaders have often thought of human resource (HR) specialists as the professionals that ensure that all staff members comply with organizational policies. The role of the human resource specialists has also typically been associated with administrative duties, such as gathering, filing and storing paperwork, and they have traditionally worked in establishing and enforcing company regulations.

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Correct & Prevent I-9 Errors: Your 2024 Audit Toolkit

Simplify your I-9 compliance process and minimize the risk of costly fines with WorkBright’s comprehensive audit toolkit. Created in collaboration with employment law experts, this essential two-part guide will help you conduct a thorough internal audit in 2024. The first section outlines a three-step process for ensuring error-free and compliant I-9s, followed by two printable checklists to streamline your audit process.

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What the Best Managers Do Differently — And How Employers Can Support Them


It’s often said that employees don’t leave companies; they leave bad bosses. But put a great manager at the head of a team, and the opposite happens. (To see what I mean, consider the case of Christian and Netflix mentioned here.). If you read our earlier discussions on managing your managers and evaluating their performance , you know how 15Five feels about the need for effective people management.

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The 10 Must-Read Articles for Recruiters This Week

Linkedin Talent Blog

In case you need a stimulating read, here’s a great list for you. We took a look through some of the best articles published this past week for staffing and corporate recruiters and posted them below. Here are the must-read posts for this week: 1. Limit Long Time-to-Fill Woes with an On-Demand Hiring Model -- by Roy Mauer. 2. To Retain New Hires, Make Sure You Meet with Them in Their First Week -- by Dawn Klinghoffer, Candice Young, and Xue Liu. 3.

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Do I Need a PEO for My Business? Here's How to Tell


As an entrepreneur, you founded your business because you are passionate about what you do. While it may be overwhelming to think of tackling all aspects of your business while still trying to achieve your dreams, the good news is you don't have to worry about everything on your own. A professional employer organization can help with your HR needs.

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The Learning Experience Market Explodes: Degreed Acquires Pathgather, Taking an Early Lead

Josh Bersin

Today Degreed, one of the pioneering vendors of Learning Experience Platforms (LXP), announced plans to acquire Pathgather, another innovator in this space. This acquisition gives Degreed clear. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.