
Creating a Blueprint for Analytics Talent

Finding talent with the right combination of skills and abilities needed to provide a competitive edge to organizations, is becoming a real challenge.IBM researchers embarked on a scientific study of a broad spectrum of analytics jobs to identify the specific talent capabilities needed both now and in the future to be highly effective performers in those jobs.

Starting the workforce analytics journey - the first 100 days

Workforce analytics presents a world of opportunities to improve business effectiveness that we have only begun to explore. This report provides practical guidance on the critical 10 steps for the first 100 days of setting up an analytically enabled HR function.

Aberdeen Group: White paper - "Talent Acquisition Technology: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond"

In an era filled with incredible technologies, businesses increasingly demand resources to make better informed decisions. That demand applies doubly to talent acquisition software, as companies want to do a better jo at attracting and employing the talent they need to succeed. Surprisingly though, a majority of organizations have regressed in their talent acquisition efforts.

Talent Analytics: Moving beyond the hype

Talent analytics is one of the most misunderstood areas of HCM. With conflicting definitions around "what" it is and "how" it should be leveraged, we find that the majority of companies are immature in their approach to data. This report, based on research conducted in November and December , will address the key trends and best practices for using talent analytics to drive business success.

Onboarding new employees

Until recently, there has not been significant focus on the onboarding of new employees into organizations. Sure, most companies host new hire orientations where benefits are reviewed, codes of conduct are presented, and basic tools such as phones, computers and office supplies are ordered or confirmed. But for many new employees, this is where the efforts stop.

Hire the Right Talent - Realize the Positive Impact That Assessments can have on Business Metrics

What are the usual procedures followed when hiring someone? Screening resumes and conducting job interviews? Are you confident these hiring procedures are effective in helping you select brilliant candidates? Since Human Resources (HR) departments want to hire quality candidates, they have no room for mismatches resulting from wrong judgment in the job interviews.

Hiring for Keeps: Creating an Unbeatable Candidate Experience

This is the second in a series of two research bulletins dedicated to the candidate experience. This research bulletin explores the candidate’s journey through the application and hiring process, right up to the point of the first day on the job. The first bulletin in this series focuses on the concept of employment branding, and the interactions between the candidate and the employer during the sourcing and recruiting processes.

Myths, Exaggerations and Uncomfortable Truths.The real story behind Millennials in the workplace

The first wave of Millennials is rising up the ranks at work and shaping — or making — key business decisions. It’s important to understand the impact they’re having on today’s changing workplace, but if the buzz is to be believed, they’re either lazy narcissists or energized optimists bent on saving the world. So, what’s really going on?

Using Analytics to Achieve the Greatest Value for Workforce Initiatives

HR divisions are turning to analytics to drive business strategy. HR professionals need an analytical point. of reference to make human capital decisions that impact business results. Read this white paper to learn the impact of strategic workforce analytics on an organization's performance.

Realizing the Full Value of Workforce Management (WFM) Systems

Workforce management (WFM) systems have evolved from transactional platforms used to deploy, train, track, and assist workers to include improvements in organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Read this white paper to explore why WFM systems are vital for driving business performance.

Nine Steps for Selecting an LMS

Given the wide variety in learning management systems (LMSs) providers and features sets, how do you go about selecting the right system? This research report provides an overview of the LMSs market, along with guidance and a nine-step process to help you in selecting this system for your company.

Optimizing Your Workforce Across the Enterprise

Today technology has changed the HR landscape, resulting in both quantitative and qualitative improvements. However, many companies are still using a siloed approach to HR. Read this white paper to learn how an integrated workforce solution improves company performance.

The Disappearing Act: 5 Key Values that Develop Millennials to Stay Rather than Leave Companies

Millennials are flooding the workplace. Yet 60% of them leave their company in less than three years. Now that millennials have surpassed GenXers as the largest generation in the U.S workforce, it's more important than ever for companies to figure out how to engage and retain them. The good news is, L and D holds the key to solve this costly turnover problem.

5 Unknown Ways You're Wasting Your Training Budget

In the US alone, companies spend over $70 billion on corporate training and about $1000 on individual employees according to Bersin by Deloitte. When it comes to training budgets, leaders struggle to pinpoint what impact (if any) their training programs are having. So what's the result? Companies end up wasting millions of dollars each year on ineffective training practices.

TeamBall: How Moneyball Principles Will Unlock Your Team's Full Potential

How can Moneyball be applied to business? Well, take a look at any Human Resources department. How many decisions are made daily based on subjective ideas and biases? Tons. So how can businesses take a page out of the A's playbook?

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Measuring People Performance with Big Data

Recently, a major shift in the market for people analytics has materialized. After years of experimenting with the concept of applying data to HR decisions, companies have begun to jump on board and make the investment.

7 Secrets for Measuring Training Program ROI with People Analytics

People Analytics is quickly becoming an integral part of overall strategy at businesses around the world by helping Human Resources turn into a strategic partner - rather than a necessary obstacle. Through a scientific method approach, People Analytics is transforming "gut feeling" decision making to data-driven decision making. Data-driven decision making at the people level moves deeper than aggregate dashboards featuring charts and graphs at the team and individual employee level.

4 Ways to Close the Learning-Doing Gap for Front-Line Managers [GUIDE]

Wanted: A better way to develop front-line managers! It’s well documented that people leave managers – not companies. Download this guide to gain key insights into why so many programs fall short and learn 4 key principles for designing an effective solution.