From the initial stage of the talent lifecycle, recruiters are tasked with finding the "right" candidates. That process can seem daunting, but this is where understanding the role of technology can greatly help. Automation has been the signature benefit of adopting technology since the industrial revolution, but by blending automation into your recruitment efforts, you can deliver a personalized candidate experience during one of the most meaningful moments that an individual will have with your organization.
Moving forward, automation can help create a smoother application process that offers a better candidate experience as well as provides you with the necessary information you need on potential candidates. Join SAP Solutions Marketing Director Jeff Mills to learn how beneficial automation and recruiting technology can be to manage your talent pipeline.
In this webinar, you will learn how:
- Automation enables candidate management;
- To gather data/ feedback from the candidate blackhole;
- Technology is a great tool for finding candidates;
- Eliminate the gender pay gap while delivering a sustainable model your organization can embrace;
And more!
November 5, 2019 11:00 AM PST, 2:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM GMT
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